Television The Professional Grappling Thread

The Reigns booing is annoying now. Just booing for the sake of booing.

I hated it in the build to Mania I hate it now. Reigns is a great talent and the only reason they booed him was the 'he was being forced upon us' argument. Well he's spent last 4 months in the mid card with Ambrose. What the excuse now?

From the latest F4W:

I don't buy it, sounds like Meltzer usual pandering to the Cena hating "IWC" to me. Vince would never let a talent run his show.
I don't buy it, sounds like Meltzer usual pandering to the Cena hating "IWC" to me. Vince would never let a talent run his show.
Meltzer doesn't really pander to the internet anyway, but especially not to Cena 'haters'. He even goes out of his way to say how nice he is person and what a big role he's played in professional wrestling in general whenever the general subject comes up.

And Vince allows himself to be persuaded by talent all the time. Cena infamously pushed for a certain finish to the Nexus feud. Haitch politicked for last-minute changes to his feuds all the time when he was the champion. Active talent have even been on booking committee. Now, I'm sure these guys are probably giving business reasons to Vince for plans to be changed - just like Haitch got out of putting over Booker at WrestleMania (the planned outcome) by saying the title would make his upcoming feud with Goldberg worth more money - but it's still talent pushing for certain interests and it working to a degree.
I know you're joking but I highly doubt it. Who the feck will actually be the third man I haven't a clue however, was originally meant to be Sting but that clearly ain't happening.

On the womens revolution, I pretty much agree with everything everyone has said, they're smashing us over the head with how everything has changed, when in fact nothing has changed. There was always going to be a backlash when this was all turned into a Stephanie McMahon vanity project, despite her being completely clueless on how reality works. She thinks attaching a buzzword or brand to something and repeating it endlessly will get it over, because she's a fecking idiot. Did it happen in NXT overnight? No, Paige and Emma started having really great matches, then Sasha and co upped the bar even more, to the point where we've now got the argument that the women should have headlined on Saturday. It was a process that took nearly 2 years, but Stephanie McMahon coming in and assigning teams like a fecking PE teacher is going to do it overnight. Alright then.

They've essentially told us that these women are incapable of independent thought, so Steph has to do it for them. Complete joke.

Even from the time of Vince, WWE always had a confused outlook on Divas. They are looked at catty women who can fight a bit, coupled with cringeworthy concepts like frenemies and always needed a overhaul. With HHH in NXT at least they had a clear face/heel role and a bit of feud building.

Perfect example is the main roster now, 9 women all on equal footing fighting for the belt at the same time. No one know how the 'teams' were formed and why they are feuding. No character development, except for everyone claiming they are the best. Amateur stuff at best. cringeworthy stuff at worst.
Re: "the women's revolution "I'm sick of the name. I don't like the idea of just grouping them together but it could still work if they just stop telling us LOOK CHANGE LOOK IT'S A REVOLUTION LOOK. Just take a fecking chill pill I love the women's wrestling on nxt because it's straight forward and simple. Let the wrestling do the talking.
All this has is happening while they have "forgotten" about the Divas belt, which I don't think has been defended since the beginning of July. The "revolution" is bland and isn't working out because it's not organic. It's been over month and I still don't know what the storyline is and what the different teams are attempting to achieve. Let's say that the teams fighting The Bellas are doing so because they want to be at the top, then why are The Bellas considered to be at the top? Because Nikki has the belt? And that's where the problem lies, no one is going to invest their time supporting vague ideas. The crowd did the right thing last night. Yes it's disrespectful but the characters haven't even been established and that's what comes first. There's no progress being made. The Divas Revolution occurred on a regular basis in the first half of 2013 on NXT. All the women looked strong, to the point where any of them could be seen as main event stars. Now compare that to the booking of women on RAW. This is nobody's fault but WWE Creative's.
All this has is happening while they have "forgotten" about the Divas belt, which I don't think has been defended since the beginning of July. The "revolution" is bland and isn't working out because it's not organic. It's been over month and I still don't know what the storyline is and what the different teams are attempting to achieve. Let's say that the teams fighting The Bellas are doing so because they want to be at the top, then why are The Bellas considered to be at the top? Because Nikki has the belt? And that's where the problem lies, no one is going to invest their time supporting vague ideas. The crowd did the right thing last night. Yes it's disrespectful but the characters haven't even been established and that's what comes first. There's no progress being made. The Divas Revolution occurred on a regular basis in the first half of 2013 on NXT. All the women looked strong, to the point where any of them could be seen as main event stars. Now compare that to the booking of women on RAW. This is nobody's fault but WWE Creative's.

I agree, it's not a revolution throwing in three more girls and giving them an extra match a night or 5 minutes longer.

The whole thing is forced, keep telling us it's a revolution when all it is the same stuff as previous just now there is three teams instead of Three main divas. They need to book them like the men, split the teams up, give them proper feuds, stores and mic time. They keep talking about Nikki soon to be breaking AJ Lees record, why is nobody trying to get that title off her? I understand they want to wipe AJ Lee off the books, but least make Nikki work for it...

Bring in a Divas tag team title, so you can keep some of them group whilst feuding for that, and have others going after the title. Hell just have some singles feuds without title being a motivation.

They also need to drop some of them imho. Nikki, Charlotte, Sasha, Becky, Paige and Natalya are the only decent wrestlers.
I'll tell you what, NXT women will be very interesting for the next while. Aside from any new signings the roster consists of Bayley (not a leader in the ring), Emma (by far the most accomplished), Alexa Bliss (predominantly a manager at the moment, good spot wrestler, getting there with her movement), Carmella (who gets booed for no reason), Dana (who gets shit on for no reason), Eva Marie (who has trained to become a luchadora when there's no one to base for her. Eh?) and Nia Jax (a younger, even more related to the Rock Tamina. Her house show moves consist of bear hugs and no more).

There's always Peyton Royce and Billie McKay who can work, but seem to just be jobbers atm and a couple others who I'm told are decent coming through. That is one hell of a weak roster.
I think the only revolution that needs to happen now is the one where HHH ceases creative control of Raw from Vince and gets the main "flag ship" show on the same level as NXT. Trips has done an amazing job with the roster down there, it's surprising how much attention and praise they have received and still nothing has been changed on Raw to keep them ahead of the game. NXT has 2 hours less and manages to put on a better show with awesome matches. The takeover show this past weekend was on a different level to anything that any Raw show or ppv the main roster has mustered in a long time, I literally welled up with the sasha/Bailey match it was performed that we'll. This seems to be a running theme now though, I think Vince has ran his course and needs to pass the reins to Hunter so he can launch the WWE into a new era.
Problem with the main shows is that theres too much freaking time. 3 hours for Raw, 2 for Smackdown and when theres a PPV three (or on this occasion four). I actually think they have a good roster of wrestlers, but they are all floating midcard even if they hold titles.

The funny things from Raw included:
-PCB still do the little pinky thing even though it looks forced
-Charlotte saying Horseman was the greatest group in WWE history
-Nikki pretty much saying the Summerslam win meant nothing (and tbh it didnt, what changed with that win)
-Nikki saying wins and losses dont matter
-Nikki saying the only thing that matters is the divas title despite nobody actually challenging her for it (lolz)

And that was all in one bad segment which lead to another tag team match that also didnt mean anything. Oh and was there even a mention of Team BAD? Where were they? Why werent they on Raw?
All this has is happening while they have "forgotten" about the Divas belt, which I don't think has been defended since the beginning of July. The "revolution" is bland and isn't working out because it's not organic. It's been over month and I still don't know what the storyline is and what the different teams are attempting to achieve. Let's say that the teams fighting The Bellas are doing so because they want to be at the top, then why are The Bellas considered to be at the top? Because Nikki has the belt? And that's where the problem lies, no one is going to invest their time supporting vague ideas. The crowd did the right thing last night. Yes it's disrespectful but the characters haven't even been established and that's what comes first. There's no progress being made. The Divas Revolution occurred on a regular basis in the first half of 2013 on NXT. All the women looked strong, to the point where any of them could be seen as main event stars. Now compare that to the booking of women on RAW. This is nobody's fault but WWE Creative's.

Yup, theres a stark difference between how NXT creative is done and how WWE creative is done. One is organic, simple and sensible. The other is just a bunch of crap quite frankly. WWE creative is at its lowest and the product is suffering from that. The fact that they have a lot of talented WRESTLERS who can WRESTLE is the saving grace for the company right now.
And that was all in one bad segment which lead to another tag team match that also didnt mean anything. Oh and was there even a mention of Team BAD? Where were they? Why werent they on Raw?

BAD only did commentary on Smackdown, so I would guess Sasha got injured when Becky and Tamina didn't quite catch her on Sunday, coming off that match on Saturday that will have no doubt hurt her a lot too.
BAD only did commentary on Smackdown, so I would guess Sasha got injured when Becky and Tamina didn't quite catch her on Sunday, coming off that match on Saturday that will have no doubt hurt her a lot too.

Thats the thing, no promos, no appearance, not even a mention considering the two nights she had. It was madness.

Anyway, NXT in Wembley tickets booked :drool::cool:
Considering they wheeled out Flair to endorse Cena overtaking his record, i really doubt Flair has much influence as Cena is reported to have.

Everyone knows Cena is Vinces guy.
I don't know if Flair places as much value on that record as you think. The 'real' one is in the twenties anyway.

As for the original comment, Flair wouldn't have as much influence as Cena because he's not active any more and therefore isn't as valuable to Vince, has a 'Legends' contract with WWE and thus wouldn't want to rock the boat, and even when he was active, didn't have the 'pally' relationship with Vince Cena does (Cena occasionally shows up to pool parties at Vince's house in Connecticut, just like the Rock). Saying Charlotte against Nikki implies some battle of equal influence between Flair and Cena is probably wrong.
Thats the thing, no promos, no appearance, not even a mention considering the two nights she had. It was madness.

Anyway, NXT in Wembley tickets booked :drool::cool:

How did you managed that? i was on at 9, went for 2 at best available... Got the 'no tickets available' and that was literally 20 seconds after they went on sale. Been trying repeatedly since just in case.
How did you managed that? i was on at 9, went for 2 at best available... Got the 'no tickets available' and that was literally 20 seconds after they went on sale. Been trying repeatedly since just in case.

O2 pre-sale only today isn't it?
How did you managed that? i was on at 9, went for 2 at best available... Got the 'no tickets available' and that was literally 20 seconds after they went on sale. Been trying repeatedly since just in case.

Luck, I booked five tickets for family, I was on at 8:59, and was hitting refresh like every second until it popped up with priority. Then managed to quickly click it, type out the phrase and it gave me decent seats. I also then checked at 9:01 for 1 ticket (best available) and it was gone. Damn.
Between NXT, Fort Minor, United and NFL, my money is wiped out :/

They have more on pre-sale tomorrow (its the Livenation and WWE pre-sale). Go to Livenation and sign up to that, and you can try it tomorrow. (Livenation sign up is free). I did it just in case. Ive seen it before however where general sales sometimes puts better tickets than pre-sale.
Luck, I booked five tickets for family, I was on at 8:59, and was hitting refresh like every second until it popped up with priority. Then managed to quickly click it, type out the phrase and it gave me decent seats. I also then checked at 9:01 for 1 ticket (best available) and it was gone. Damn.
Between NXT, Fort Minor, United and NFL, my money is wiped out :/

They have more on pre-sale tomorrow (its the Livenation and WWE pre-sale). Go to Livenation and sign up to that, and you can try it tomorrow. (Livenation sign up is free). I did it just in case. Ive seen it before however where general sales sometimes puts better tickets than pre-sale.

Yeah that's what i was doing. Was on at about 8:55 just hitting refresh, cause iv'e seen there servers are sometimes out of sync. Got on bang on 9, done everything really quick and then got no tickets available. Was pretty much gone in 30 seconds.

Yeah i'm already on livenation so i'll try again tomorrow, if not i will try my luck with general.

I'm a bit of a seat snob tbh, so i will probably only go if i can get into the two highest brackets. Am considering going for VIP tbh.
Just signed up for LiveNation (cheers for the tip @Sylar )

What price range are we looking at? I've not seen any prices mentioned anywhere
Wembley ones seemed like normal Raw/SD taping prices.

£20.00* - £111.00*
£30.00* - £111.00*
£20.00* - £111.00*
£50.00* - £111.00*
£100.00* - £111.00*

Thats what it says - I got Tiered Floor seating so a little back but raised rather than flat floor seating and having people holding signs in front of you eww. My tix did cost 30 each so not bad.
Wembley ones seemed like normal Raw/SD taping prices.

£20.00* - £111.00*
£30.00* - £111.00*
£20.00* - £111.00*
£50.00* - £111.00*
£100.00* - £111.00*

Thats what it says - I got Tiered Floor seating so a little back but raised rather than flat floor seating and having people holding signs in front of you eww. My tix did cost 30 each so not bad.

That's not bad at all. Thanks.
Thats the thing, no promos, no appearance, not even a mention considering the two nights she had. It was madness.

Look at the flip side of that, imagine how bad the crowd backlash would have been if they'd been teased a Sasha match when she couldn't do it. Would have made what did happen look tame.

Anyway, at least it's now being proved that just throwing girls together and saying things have changed doesn't work, unlike the method actually use in NXT of treating women like serious competitors over the course of a few years. I think it's very important that people don't forget that it was the Paige and Emma series for the title that really kickstarted it.
BAD only did commentary on Smackdown, so I would guess Sasha got injured when Becky and Tamina didn't quite catch her on Sunday, coming off that match on Saturday that will have no doubt hurt her a lot too.

I think Sasha was injured during the Bayley match. She looked quite uncomfortable and was clutching her neck/back of her head during the curtain call after the match. Think that's the reason why she wasn't really involved in the summerslam match, team bad going out early and not showing up on Raw.
RAGE!! got on, two tickets floor seating. Continue purchase. Technical errors, press to return to previous page. Crash and takes me back to ticket selection and no tickets. FS!