Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Very possible, she clearly landed way worse than it seemed at the time.

As for the comments above, they need to keep separate NXT and main shows as much as possible, otherwise people will probably realise how bad the weekly NXT TV show actually is. At only an hour it's watchable but it's certainly not a great show, and hasn't been for about a year at this point. Sure, the specials all knock it out of the park, but that's a different matter.
- Regarding Monday's Miz TV segment with Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Paige, the segment was botched as the whole idea was to show tension between the three Divas and do a subtle tease of breaking them up as they all want a title shot against WWEDivas Champion Nikki Bella.

Think it's a good move. The 'teams' are obviously no cutting it. Think they'll drag it till Niki gets the record and then breakup back to individual feuds. Give a chance of stars to rise up.
What-culture says it's banned by WWE. Maybe they got permission to do it.

feck me, the victory star drop and the poisoned frankensteiner are brutal. Both look very similar, no wonder they are banned.

Would never have knew the WWE barred the piledriver.

fitting music too.
Think it's a good move. The 'teams' are obviously no cutting it. Think they'll drag it till Niki gets the record and then breakup back to individual feuds. Give a chance of stars to rise up.
Apparently the feck up was the writers and not the women, or at least that's how Meltzer insinuated it.

Regardless, here's a good piece on the 'Divas Revolution' from the man himself:
Wrestling Observer Newsletter said:
On Raw, for the second week in a row, the crowd crapped on the women. Last week, it was because they were put on late and people wanted to see Lesnar. But this week, it was very clear it was an anti-Divas reaction, with chants of "C.M. Punk," "boring," "JBL," "We are awesome" and did the wave paying no attention to the match. Once, when Paige had a submission on Fox and it was broken up by Brie Bella, the crowd booed, not because it was a heel save, but because they wanted the match to end.

Paige and Brie Bella reacted immediately. Bella wrote, "So proud of Foxy (Alicia Fox, who worked the weekend while being ill), but the Brooklyn crowd can kiss my ass!" Paige wrote, "You helped us create change and then did your best to disrespect. Nice job!" She later deleted that tweet. Nikki Bella wrote, "Brooklyn, shame on you for disrespecting women that put their bodies on the line for your entertainment. As for the ones that supported us, thank you. You make it worth working so hard and having this revolution."

It was funny because everything they needed to do to change the feeling about women wrestling on the main roster is what they didn't do. They brought up new wrestlers, had Stephanie McMahon tell everyone that now you are supposed to like this while talking Ronda Rousey, Serena Williams and the U.S. soccer team, put them in contrived factions and put them in long matches that for the most part, weren't very good. Instead of looking at what worked in UFC and trying to emulate it, or what worked in NXT and trying to recreate it, they did a branded marketing campaign claiming things were different but the only differences were the brand marketing campaign and longer matches.

What worked in NXT, and still worked on Saturday night, were matches based on storylines where the women were pushed as athletes competing for championships primarily as opposed to sex objects shaking their asses and doing absolutely contrived verbiage fighting over toy belts that are decided by whose turn it is. In promoting the women more as athletes including not using the behind-the-times diva terminology, and having the women practice matches for weeks on end to get ready for big shows, the quality of matches and the audience caring about the matches is at a different level. It can't be fully replicated on the main roster. Most of the main-roster women already have the taint of the "Divas division" being something you don't take seriously. While the main roster women do practice out their matches, given the schedule and lack of a Performance Center near where everyone lives that they are already at daily, it's not as extensive. But there is no reason for the presentation difference. Plus, for change, it can't be mostly the old with just a little new.

But the key is that the women have to be as good as, or better than the men. On most NXT shows, the women are in the best or second best match, and positioned that way. On WWE shows, the quality of the matches thus far aren't nearly at the same level. The commentary constantly acting like there's a revolution in women sports and anyone with any clue to the outside world knows that women's tennis stars were as big or bigger than today dating back to the 60s when Billie Jean King first became a celebrity star, and really you can trace women's tennis stars being sports celebrities back decades before that. There is nothing in tennis today that is close to as big with the general public as the Chris Evert vs. Martina Navratilova rivalry, and that was decades ago. The U.S. women's soccer team was as big or bigger in 1999 than 2015. Rousey is a very unique figure and in a similar business and it's very clear Stephanie McMahon is a big fan of hers, but thus far they've shown no understanding of what got her over.

UFC created a superstar (and that's a risk because in UFC you never know if a superstar will deliver) and built around her name value. They didn't brand a division that had been around for nearly two decades and told people it's new without anything appearing to be all that different except three new faces and longer matches.
I think everybody agrees to that.

A bad part was the reaction by the divas on social media, that just because they brand it revolution or because they are women, they dont deserve the backlash they got. At least Paige deleted hers (she didnt come off great on Tough Enough either imo).
It was a stupid reaction by the divas. Fans chant when they enjoy the match, this is awesome chants are quite common in NXT to prove this.

The Miz TV segment was cringe worthy and it influenced the matches too. The only people the Divas should rightfully be angry against is the creative writers.

When KO came up, he had a storyline on how Cena hogged the limelight when others toiled away in the dark. Then the segment about how his son loved Cena over his own dad in the same business. Stark, powerful themes that strike a chord and lay foundations for the feud from the get go. Instead the Divas get Stephenie allocating them group like school kids and a overdose on verbal 'revolution'. The contrast is so clear and obvious that the revolution is only a lip service.
It was a stupid reaction by the divas. Fans chant when they enjoy the match, this is awesome chants are quite common in NXT to prove this.

The Miz TV segment was cringe worthy and it influenced the matches too. The only people the Divas should rightfully be angry against is the creative writers

Well it's not like the women had time to compose themselves before they'd made such comments, and will no doubt have been very angry given that the crowd shit all over them. It's not like they'll have been able to sit down and take into consideration how the same crowd almost to a man lost their shit over Sasha vs Bayley.

At least most of them managed to maintain composure in the ring, 2 of them certainly didn't.
Are they turning PCB into the heels? Twice now they've been on the traditional 'heel' side of the ring during tag matches.

Also they did a bit better at the 'tease' on Smackdown. Charlotte crawling for the tag only for Becky to jump off the apron at the last second to attack Nikki.
Well it's not like the women had time to compose themselves before they'd made such comments, and will no doubt have been very angry given that the crowd shit all over them. It's not like they'll have been able to sit down and take into consideration how the same crowd almost to a man lost their shit over Sasha vs Bayley.

One of the downfalls of social media, regardless this is why its stupid. Going on there to vent is not the same as managers who are mandatory interviewed after football games. They actively chose to go on there, tweet something and hit send, they werent put on a spot.

Anyway, hope everybody trying to get tickets for NXT in UK got them. They went quickly today, thought id check and by 9:01 there wasnt even a single available. I have a feeling a lot of touts would have picked em too and will be selling them at high prices unfortunately.
One of the downfalls of social media, regardless this is why its stupid. Going on there to vent is not the same as managers who are mandatory interviewed after football games. They actively chose to go on there, tweet something and hit send, they werent put on a spot.

Anyway, hope everybody trying to get tickets for NXT in UK got them. They went quickly today, thought id check and by 9:01 there wasnt even a single available. I have a feeling a lot of touts would have picked em too and will be selling them at high prices unfortunately.

Seems like all the floor seats on general sale were put up on Ticketmaster Platinum with them going from £95+ Some are already on GetMeIn from £110 to £260.

I managed to get some, up in tiered seating in N9... which isn't even on the seating plan :/ Gutted though cause i had some in A3 yesterday when the website crashed out when i went to pay.

And thank feck for the ticketmaster APP. The website didn't refresh properly after the countdown ended and then it gave me some 3 word long ass captcha code. I was trying on same time as app one click and was on my way.
Cheers for that, just picked up two more tickets for friends who were slow on the ticketmaster draw.

No probs. You now have a choice of whichever is better tickets lol

What about the tickets for Blackpool, all sold out?

Id assume so if you cant see it on ticketmaster. Not sure where Blackpool event is being held, might be worth checking their website and seeing if they sell tickets through something else or their own site. Eg Sheffield Arena was selling through their website despite ticketmaster being sold out.
Jesus christ... that reaction for Enzo and Cass.

Was brilliant wasnt it?

Also the video packages, the promos and the 4 way match on NXT this week (from Brooklyn) did so much more than anything we see on Raw with regards to a Divas revolution. Seems more natural there, and I love the video packages they do on NXT.
One of the downfalls of social media, regardless this is why its stupid. Going on there to vent is not the same as managers who are mandatory interviewed after football games. They actively chose to go on there, tweet something and hit send, they werent put on a spot.

Oh I know, I'm not saying they were in the right, although their being upset is entirely understandable. Pros and cons of this kind of thing.

Anyway, seems like I was right in my assesment of WWE and New Japan doing something with legends doing odd shows for WWE and them allowing New Japan young boys to work in the Performance Center, Liger is booked for more WWE dates and another New Japan guy will be joining him, it seems.

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My thoughts on Summerslam even though I'm still catching up on the rest of last weeks episodes:

- Amell was awesome.
- The New Day (and the match in general) was awesome. Love Big E.
- Did not see the Kevin Owens win coming.
- Family vs Family tag team was a bit dissapointing.
- Wtf was the weird host doing? The Cena/Rollins fight was awesome, some outstanding moves there. Bit surprised by the "easy" ending. No weird plot twists or Seamus.
- Undertaker VS Lesnar was pretty awesome, although the ending was not very satisfying. Except I guess it's awesome that Lesnar had his first Submission loss. Wonder how long the Undertaker can keep going. The "Tap Out" seemed out of character as well.
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So there's about a 98% chance of Seth's missus being released in the next few days. Wonder whether this'll have any effect on him at all.

He should dump her ass for being so stupid.

For anyone wondering, she posted Nazi related stuff on Instagram a few years back and got found out.
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Her excuse is/was that the swastika stands for luck and prosperity. That's news to me.

To be fair, it is. It has been seen as a sign of peace, good luck prosperity and a representation of eternity in Buddhism and Hinduism for centuries, however the Western world, on a whole, will never recognise that and it will always be seen as a sign of hatred, death and destruction and will always be related to the Nazis and everything they stood/stand for.

That is no excuse though and it is incredibly naïve to even try that line of defence.

BTW, who is Seth Rollins Mrs?
In related news, Zahra made her debut as a manager last night alongside Soloman Crowe, in what I can only assume was a giant rib.

For anyone wondering about backstory, recently (June I think) Crowe's girlfriend had a WWE tryout in which she was doing pretty well, however a load of racist tweets from her account went semi viral literally while she was in the ring and cost her the spot.

WWE are pretty good at ribs when they want to be.
So we think Seth Rollins going to drop the United States champ before Night of Champions? The match vs Sting is only for the WHC and i don't see a heel doing double duty on a PPV where they have every title defended.
So we think Seth Rollins going to drop the United States champ before Night of Champions? The match vs Sting is only for the WHC and i don't see a heel doing double duty on a PPV where they have every title defended.
I can see him pulling double duty to be honest, first match possibly against Cena for the US Title and last against Sting for the world title.
Got tickets for the Raw in Manchester, and then the NXT Takeover at Wembley. Can't wait.
So we think Seth Rollins going to drop the United States champ before Night of Champions? The match vs Sting is only for the WHC and i don't see a heel doing double duty on a PPV where they have every title defended.

I'm expecting him to defend both and succesfully, then go on to face both members of a tag team for a belt apiece at the PPV after, probably Dean Ambrose for the US title and Roman Reigns for the WWE.

Her surname sounds Jewish as well ffs.

Schreiber is about the most Germanic name I can think of...