The Official RedCafe PS3 FIFA 11 Tournament 2011

It was. You had one wicked player in the midfield, can't remember who it was.

I need to learn to defend set-pieces better, because both your goals came from a corner, which dropped to my players but they did feck all. Worrying if I don't sort that out - that said I can't score for shit either :lol:
Seems like Ole is a cracking player, been dishing out the beatings.

Anyone up for a few friendlies tonight so we can check out some teams?

I fancy trying to get my first win in against ya, plus checking out a few new sides, so ya... look for me tonight... I'll be home around 10 pm, GMT+1.
:lol: I was just getting into the game a bit more before the 1st penalty (shocking decision!). That set me right back.

2nd half you steam rollered me.

Well played buddy.

The two penalties were a joke tbh, without them it would of been a very tight game, if i didnt get the pen in the first half you would of gone on to win. Good game nevertheless
Tomorrow good for you?

My psn is mabedi so add me.

Zarlak you cnut you're in this too? Come on the poker boys :D

Aye, only played the one game which I won, no-one else could be arsed in our group. :lol: I tried playing Marchi but we couldn't connect to each other and then he didn't come back online ever again.

I'll see you in the later stages maybe. Need to find a team I like, Lazio were pretty decent.
I must admit I couldn't play at all well with Lazio, I used in Genoa in my last group game and although I stupidly went with their 3-4-3 default formation at half time, I feel with a more conservative formation they would be good.
Good games mate, Galatasary are interesting, Athletico are quite slow in defence and Mexico are midgets. All good stuff.

They were all really tight games, i'm crap at the close control business and you were giving me a lesson with the likes of Hazard, Sanchez and Di Natale. You probably deserved to win all of them but i had some keepers that were on fire it seemed, but i don't want to be wasting my luck now!
Good games mate, Galatasary are interesting, Athletico are quite slow in defence and Mexico are midgets. All good stuff.

They were all really tight games, i'm crap at the close control business and you were giving me a lesson with the likes of Hazard, Sanchez and Di Natale.

Yeah, enjoyed all 3 games. Lots of goals and drama! Liked cameroon the most to be honest, even though I lost 3-1. They were big and physical. Eto'o in front isnt too shabby as well.

You're fantastic at those pass and run plays. My defense were too shit at times to deal with the overhead balls and your runs. Yeah, I enjoy the close control stuff, harder to do with average teams but still works I guess.

Will be back in 2 hours or so if you want to play again.
If me and Vuc don't play tonight it'll probably have to be the start of next week. Too much coursework to do this weekend.
Hrm... my FIFA went a bit queer... I selected yes on the question of a rematch, then I saw it went to no... then the countdown had ended and nothing had happened... strange.

At any rate I need some grub in me... Tight game, and I'll give you your rematch later ;)
CSKA? I wasn't too disappointed with Lille either... But I'ma need some more quality opposition to test myself on, same goes for Hoffenheim which I've liked whenever I've played with them.

Also didn't hurt that I finally got a win over ya :D
Smash and grab mate, smash and grab :p

And nah it's not CSKA, it's Belgium.

Harr... had the central striker, Frau, been able to perform a driven shot in one of the few chances I had with him clean on goal, I would've scored earlier ;P
Checking the Caf from my phone, still faffing around in the kitchen. Gimme 25 mins :)

Go right ahead and add me if you like; esoervik
Bastard game... this happened to me and Heffo too... It just says "match no longer available"... And when I try to invite it says the network's down... BLARGH
Oi! T'ain't the Nogginess that doth foil the FIFAing. My band is broader than Chuck Norris' cock.
EA servers are down for me, been trying for around 15 mins with no avail.
I guess that means EA's responsible.

If/when it clears up, I'd be chuffed to have a go at either of you... Especially Ole having heard such big things about his play :o
Yeah I'm going out anyway Eriku. Maybe catch a game tomorrow before/after our proper game.
Zarlak, I can play now if your up for it? Otherwise I'd be happy to play a freindly with anyone? My PSN is Heffo001 so just add me and invite me to a game if you want.