The new Pepsi ad

It's basic misjudgement by Pepsi: recruiting a woman from a vastly wealthy family - infamous for doing practically nothing to merit their celebrity and riches, and who would advertise anthrax if the fee was right - undermines protest by cheapening rightful discontent. To numerous observers, someone like Kendall Jenner has no problems (at least, none that might move her to public protest) and associating her, of all people, as a 'comrade' of theirs solely by virtue of being young (as if protest is exclusively the province of the youthful) is insulting. It's all trivial and ingenuous, yes, but the ad's implications rightly piss people off; what the hell were Pepsi thinking?

Parklife etc.

There were many smart, well meaning people involved in this project and they all thought this was some kind genius. I'm struggling to think how the idiocy of this ad gets through 4 decision gates: Briefing strategy, insight, scripting and casting were all clusterfcuks!

The only redeeming thing was it was a beautiful film production, but then Pepsi hire amazing movie directors and would have spent $500,000 making this film and $30,000,000 airing it around the world had it not been pulled. Some top VP's will be getting fired soon!
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you're obviously a cinematic sophisticate!
I'm not Nilsson! I'd clearly have done it in black and white and gotten her to speak Persian though.
Plus all the unwashed hippies who go out on a protest like that wouldn't be seen dead drinking Pepsi. Coconut water maybe, or herbal tea. Or cheap cider.
Tbf, I remember when my old company's offices overlooked Regent Street, back in around 2001. The May Day anti-globalisation march caused genuine fear. People even boarded up shops but I saw wasters eating MacDonalds and drinking Starbucks in the march.
Sorry jippy, I took your saying that it's as subtle as a sledgehammer to mean you don't like it:)
I don't not like it, more indiferrent tbh, and I'm also in an inter-racial marriage myself. The tagline for that film could've been RACISM IS BAD!!! though.
I don't not like it, more indiferrent tbh, and I'm also in an inter-racial marriage myself. The tagline for that film could've been RACISM IS BAD!!! though.
Racism = Bad
Amazon = Good
One click buying = Patented
People love being offended, and anyone that's offended is given a respect as if they're right to be so.

That said, it is slightly daft of them. I wonder if Pepsi knew this would cause a stir?

No such thing as bad publicity !

Saying that I personally don't see any issue with that ad.
:D:D Perfect take out

Amazon sales increased by 45% vs last xmas!
Meanwhile, Pepsi sales 'have plummeted in the wake of the ad withdrawal' (
It's basic misjudgement by Pepsi: recruiting a woman from a vastly wealthy family - infamous for doing practically nothing to merit their celebrity and riches, and who would advertise anthrax if the fee was right - undermines protest by cheapening rightful discontent. To numerous observers, someone like Kendall Jenner has no problems (at least, none that might move her to public protest) and associating her, of all people, as a 'comrade' of theirs solely by virtue of being young (as if protest is exclusively the province of the youthful) is insulting. It's all trivial and ingenuous, yes, but the ad's implications rightly piss people off; what the hell were Pepsi thinking?

Parklife etc.

Good post, @SteveJ
Surely not a coincidence that the thread involves your adopted family?
Why do Pepsi even bother advertising? Is anyone not aware of them?
berbatrick said:
Surely not a coincidence that the thread involves your adopted family?
I would.

Therefore all is forgiven. Had it been an ugly celeb though.... :mad: :nono::devil:
@Raoul can you merge this thread with the one I.made in the general?

Some good posts in that which would enrich this thread

Yeah some very damning posts in twitter that have gone very viral.

I know alot of people at PepsiCo as I worked for them but only for 18 months. This kind of crude 'tone death' advertising is typical of the company and why I left : the company is full of soulless Boston/New England MBA types devoid of normal contact. Not malicious in any way but very dull preppy guys who don't get the streets.
Some of the criticism is ridiculously over the top - especially from the usual SJW crowd.

The ad stinks though. 'Live for now moments', what the hell does that even mean? Reminds me of this stinking pile of crap from Marlboro:

See this is why people don't believe plastic celebs like Kendo are genuine