The new Pepsi ad

Nothing wrong with it, we have Pepsi flash mobs all the time round here.
First they cancel Crystal Pepsi and now this. Feck off already, you producers of coca free colored sugar water.
Where's the love for Dr P?
"Appropriation of a movement" - am I the only one who thinks that's silly? It's just a shit ad. Does it change anything, for anyone, anywhere?

Also, no idea who exactly that girl is. I've seen her name a lot but really can't make any connection, apart from that.
"Appropriation of a movement" - am I the only one who thinks that's silly? It's just a shit ad. Does it change anything, for anyone, anywhere?

Also, no idea who exactly that girl is. I've seen her name a lot but really can't make any connection, apart from that.
No it was a total over-reaction by a few who said stuff like that. They either 1) are so self-centered they automatically think everything is about them and their cause 2) are intentionally pretending to be offended to try and get more publicity for their cause.
People love being offended, and anyone that's offended is given a respect as if they're right to be so.

That said, it is slightly daft of them. I wonder if Pepsi knew this would cause a stir?
I think people feel that if a dispute between peaceful protesters and the police could be diffused by offering a soft drink, probably far fewer people would have been killed in dubious circumstances. And the Jenner woman, she's not a catalyst for social justice, she's a self-publicising socialite.
People love being offended, and anyone that's offended is given a respect as if they're right to be so.

That said, it is slightly daft of them. I wonder if Pepsi knew this would cause a stir?

If they knew it was this kind of stir, no way ever they would have released it.

I found this analysis to the ad very interesting:

This is what happens when you don’t have enough people in leadership that reflect the cultures that you represent. Somewhere in the upper levels where this commercial was approved, one of two things happened. Either there was not enough diversity — race, gender, lifestyle, age or otherwise — or worse, there was a culture that made people uncomfortable to express how offensive this video is. Unfortunately for Pepsi, millennials have hyper-advanced B.S. detectors and they went off very quickly. Twitter has been merciless.
One thing we can all agree on, surely is that it's an absolutely TERRIBLE ad. Pepsi always make shit ads. Only they could make an unwatchable ad that features all the best footballers in the world. And their drink tastes shit too. Coca Cola ftw.
One thing we can all agree on, surely is that it's an absolutely TERRIBLE ad. Pepsi always make shit ads. Only they could make an unwatchable ad that features all the best footballers in the world. And their drink tastes shit too. Coca Cola ftw.

This is my bread and butter.

This Pepsi ad is an excellent example of the perils of Ivory Tower arrogance. Pepsi is not a credible brand to help solve the cultural tension it is contextualised within. In fact, Pepsi has no relevance whatsoever with recent US cultural tensions and is therefore rightly seen as manipulative and profiteering.

A shame as when brands resolve cultural tensions in a truthful way one can create magic (like Amazon did last xmas which I was heavily involved with).

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Besides being long winded I couldn't see anything offensive. What's causing offence and where?
This is my bread and butter.

This Pepsi ad is an excellent example of the perils of Ivory Tower arrogance. Pepsi is not a credible brand to help solve the cultural tension it is contextualised within. In fact, Pepsi has no relevance whatsoever with recent US cultural tensions and is therefore rightly seen as manipulative and profiteering.

A shame as when brands resolve cultural tensions in a truthful way (like Amazon did last xmas which I was heavily involved with) one can create magic.


Fantastic advert. Kudos, Bro...
Is this Bruce Gender's daughter? How the feck is she considered a celebrity?
One thing we can all agree on, surely is that it's an absolutely TERRIBLE ad. Pepsi always make shit ads. Only they could make an unwatchable ad that features all the best footballers in the world. And their drink tastes shit too. Coca Cola ftw.

I remember the Welsh singer Duffy made a Pepsi ad that everyone hated. Her career fell off a cliff edge after that.
This is my bread and butter.

This Pepsi ad is an excellent example of the perils of Ivory Tower arrogance. Pepsi is not a credible brand to help solve the cultural tension it is contextualised within. In fact, Pepsi has no relevance whatsoever with recent US cultural tensions and is therefore rightly seen as manipulative and profiteering.

A shame as when brands resolve cultural tensions in a truthful way one can create magic (like Amazon did last xmas which I was heavily involved with).


You worked on that ad? One of the few that I didn't mind of late, nicely done.
She looks fine though.
The best looking out of all the Kardashian/Kendall family
I googled this girl and it turns out she's a daughter of that transgender that everybody was talking about two years ago and some Kardashian, oddly enough. Guess that's why she's famous.

Her father is named Catelyn and her mother Kris. Funny that this is probably the least weird thing about that family.