The Mueller Report

Mueller is practically saying to congress Impeach him. But wishy washy Pelosi and Schumer are more worried about not upsetting their Republican colleagues and donors.
As alleged by the grand jury in an indictment, Russian intelligence officers who were part of the Russian military launched a concerted attack on our political system.The indictment alleges that they used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information, and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.

And at the same time, as the grand jury alleged in a separate indictment, a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to interfere in the election.
Trump won’t have liked that. It does say that the Russians (allegedly) deliberately damaged a Presidential candidate to enable Trump’s win. In other words Trump won because of Russian interference. Or to put it another way you could say that he wouldn’t have won without Russian interference.

And the Russian military is government run so it was interference directly by the Russian government.
Trump won’t have liked that. It does say that the Russians (allegedly) deliberately damaged a Presidential candidate to enable Trump’s win. In other words Trump won because of Russian interference. Or to put it another way you could say that he wouldn’t have won without Russian interference.

And the Russian military is government run so it was interference directly by the Russian government.

That he is an illegitimate president.
Pity that this wont be brought before the SC.
I don't understand the posed as Americans online point? The entire world had a voice during those dark days, pretending to be American on Twitter seems to be a non issue in my eyes.
Hell I think we have rival fans posing as United fans on here!
I don't understand the posed as Americans online point? The entire world had a voice during those dark days, pretending to be American on Twitter seems to be a non issue in my eyes.
Hell I think we have rival fans posing as United fans on here!
Look at the Pep/Klopp love in, they've stopped the posing!
I don't understand the posed as Americans online point? The entire world had a voice during those dark days, pretending to be American on Twitter seems to be a non issue in my eyes.
Hell I think we have rival fans posing as United fans on here!

He specifically mentions 'at the direction of a private Russian entity' (paraphrased). Could be as 'innocuous' as you described, or he could be intimating at a specific link.
This fecking policy from the OLC, taken as gospel & law. I can’t think of another policy that has been given such import & such impact like that afforded to laws.

Well that’s from lyin’ Sarah Sanders so carries no weight at all and lyin’ Trump’s not tweeted for 4 hours, since his “not enough evidence, thank you.” post just after Mueller had finished. In fact he’s only tweeted 3 times today. A subdued Trump and WH and rightly so.
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With Pelosi and Schumer at the helm, I wouldn't hold my breath on impeachment. They're far too worried about how it would potentially hurt the Dems in 2020 to give a toss about the future of the Republic.
This fecking policy from the OLC, taken as gospel & law. I can’t think of another policy that has been given such import & such impact like that afforded to laws.
It's only bound to justice department employees. Its basically a company policy that they are bound to. State attorney's and their offices however aren't bound to the opinion.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't have a spine. Mueller basically saying the president is untouchable unless Congress acts.
It's only bound to justice department employees. Its basically a company policy that they are bound to. State attorney's and their offices however aren't bound to the opinion.

Is Trump the policy's first test / real test?
With Pelosi and Schumer at the helm, I wouldn't hold my breath on impeachment. They're far too worried about how it would potentially hurt the Dems in 2020 to give a toss about the future of the Republic.
It's such a ridiculous way of thinking about the fallout from impeachment hearings. There is virtually no downside for Dems. Trump has been playing the victim card for 2+ years already, no way would a daily televised public airing of his dirty laundry be in any way beneficial. And if GOP Congressmen go on record after that in support, great, use that as a stick to beat them with in the 2020 elections.
not sure, but this opinion always gets re affirmed after impeachment . Ken star didnt have to graple with it as he wasnt a justice dept employee unlike Mueller
What a small world.....just looked up Ken Starr and found some interesting facts. His deputy at one time was Brett Kavanaugh. He worked for K&E, same law firm as William Barr. Was part of legal team for Jeffrey Epstein and represents Blackwater...Erik Prince’s company.
What a small world.....just looked up Ken Starr and found some interesting facts. His deputy at one time was Brett Kavanaugh. He worked for K&E, same law firm as William Barr. Was part of legal team for Jeffrey Epstein and represents Blackwater...Erik Prince’s company.

He is just too powerful now and I cannot see anything happening to him as his base loves him. I used to like to read a conspiracy site a couple of years ago but it just became a Trump forum of right wing nuts and no one here could win an argument with them on Trump as they seem absolutely brainwashed.

Would be amazing though for Trump and his clan go down for life and he had to watch his empire crumble from behind bars.

Please allow him his mobile phone and 5G though as he would be absolute comedy gold.
Nixon had the integrity to resign before he was impeached.
More like he didnt have the backing of the republican party. And was told "its Over" Trump at this moment has the entire republican party minus Amash circle jerking him. Nixon didnt resign cause he felt some deep duty to office to do so. He resigned so he could be pardoned and feck off into the sunset free as a bird
More like he didnt have the backing of the republican party. And was told "its Over" Trump at this moment has the entire republican party minus Amash circle jerking him. Nixon didnt resign cause he felt some deep duty to office to do so. He resigned so he could be pardoned and feck off into the sunset free as a bird

Tricky Dicky was not anywhere near as corrupt as this guy is.

But Yes. The Republicans did tell Nixon to step down.
i get so confused when Red Dreams and Red Defence quote each other in here :lol:

There's an easy way of telling them apart: if there's more than one sentence per line, it's not Red Dreams. Very occasionally he'll stretch it to two, but then he's really trying to make a paragraph.

There's another way, but it's not as scientific. If the post feels like a poem, it's also Red Dreams.