The Mueller Report

Wonder what stunt Democrats have up their sleeves for the no show of Mcahn.

An early lunch?

I’d arrest him.
He’s a private citizen. They can’t overrule a subpoena, he could perhaps exert executive privilege over some conversations but he has to show up. They need to arrest one of these corrupt cnuts.

I've been as confused as anyone at the Dem leadership approach but this thread makes a reasonable case for it. I think @Pexbo said similar earlier in the thread about a deliberate approach but the steadfast refusal by Pelosi and Co to entertain the thought while Trump is more emboldened than ever has been infuriating

Odds are it's still simply spinelessness from the Dem leaders but I just don't think we can expect the GOP to give way and pressure Trump in any meaningful way.
He’s still expected to testify. It does seem to be taking forever and we are all wondering whether or not it will be worthwhile. I think it will be a stunning testimony. So might others if they read this article on him and watch the accompanying video. This is a man who speaks confidently, politely, clearly, carefully, honestly and directly and most important of all is that he comes across as someone who will be bluntly truthful if the need arises.

Enjoy the vids of him speaking to Congress and do not fear that Mueller will ever let you down.

PS: Some of the questions he was asked are eerily related to the current situation.

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Pelosi: Trump is engaged in a cover-up

On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held a press conference in which she accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a cover-up.”

Still, the speaker did not call for impeachment. However, she did say that there should be a “respectful sharing of ideas” regarding whether the president should be impeached.

More pointless tough talking.

Pelosi is poison. "Respectful sharing of ideas". Democrats are doomed under this woman.
That tweet from Comey shortly after Barr released his summary of the Mueller report about justice takes time comes to mind as this thing drags on.
Deutsche Bank has agreed to release their records. Barr will have to testify, Mueller too, ....
I agree with Mueller asking for a closed door testimony. No drama.
He has said he would like the testimony to be made public.

But there should be no limitation on what may be asked.

The problem is the testimony won't be made public will it?
Mueller should allow his testimony to be recorded (filmed) but not shown live, once his opening statement has been broadcast to the public. They should also allow journos to be present. That’s a fair compromise.

That’s a terrible idea. The GOP will scream fake news regardless and the level of trust in the reporting will be rock bottoms. Fox and co will frame it one way, MSNBC and co will frame it another.

The public has to hear from Mueller himself. What Mueller is clearly weary of IMO is that he will be forced to essentially testify against Barr. There’s no way in hell Mueller would perjure himself and no way in hell you would see him “struggling to recall” things.
That’s a terrible idea. The GOP will scream fake news regardless and the level of trust in the reporting will be rock bottoms. Fox and co will frame it one way, MSNBC and co will frame it another.

The public has to hear from Mueller himself. What Mueller is clearly weary of IMO is that he will be forced to essentially testify against Barr. There’s no way in hell Mueller would perjure himself and no way in hell you would see him “struggling to recall” things.
Have you read that post of mine?

As it stands Mueller doesn’t want to testify in public and I suspect he may well get his way. If that happens we’ll hear zilch for ourselves. They can then spin it which ever way they want. There would be no record and facts could be distorted. That option would be the end for justice.

I’ve said that his statement should be live but the rest is not live. That way it would still be recorded, press would still be present. The record would be there if it was needed. Yes, ideally the whole thing should be live but I’m beginning to doubt that will happen.
In light of the above & numerous other scandals, at what point do foreign governments actually make a stand and refuse to recognise Trump's administration? Instead, the Conservatives have left us so desperate for trade deals that they're wheeling out Charles and the Queen to welcome him. I bet they resent having to do that.
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In light of the above & numerous other scandals, at what do foreign governments actually make a stand and refuse to recognise Trump's administration? Instead, the Conservatives have left us so desperate for trade deals that they're wheeling out Charles and the Queen to welcome him. I bet they resent having to do that.
Plenty of foreign governments are as terrible as the Trump administration.
In light of the above & numerous other scandals, at what do foreign governments actually make a stand and refuse to recognise Trump's administration? Instead, the Conservatives have left us so desperate for trade deals that they're wheeling out Charles and the Queen to welcome him. I bet they resent having to do that.
It’s virtually standard to give the US President a state visit. Lots of heads of state get state visits. When we gave it to him 2 years ago we were sure he’d be gone by now. America has let us down because he should have been gone long ago. We need to get rid of him within the next week.