Film The Movies I want to see thread

Robot + Boxing = Win!

Basically it's
News is that the Batman 3 script has been delivered.

Was just going to post that.

I absolutely can NOT wait for that. I love this series and this looks very very good :D

"How come we never meet without you pointing something at me" :lol::lol:

May 20th is earlier than I imagined it would release :drool:
Was just going to post that.

I absolutely can NOT wait for that. I love this series and this looks very very good :D

"How come we never meet without you pointing something at me" :lol::lol:

May 20th is earlier than I imagined it would release :drool:
I thought the first one was good. The second was a bit tedious. The third was bloated and too long. Don't have much hope for this one I'm afraid.
The best critique I ever read of the Pirates movies is that the writers took a Star Wars (serial) approach to an Indiana Jones (one strong character/episodic) franchise.
I have more hope for it. Instead of it just repeating the same jokes and characters from the first film, it lokks like it will have a new storyline that more importantly, doesn't involve having to have screen time for the wooden plank that is Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly's characters love story. They are not in the film. Yay!!!!
I have more hope for it. Instead of it just repeating the same jokes and characters from the first film, it lokks like it will have a new storyline that more importantly, doesn't involve having to have screen time for the wooden plank that is Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly's characters love story. They are not in the film. Yay!!!!

After the first one came out there was talk about the sequels exploring Jack's immortality. I can't find the interview - maybe it's just a line or two on the DVD commentary - but it had the beginnings of some interesting ideas regarding why the JS character keeps getting into impossible situations and managing not to just escape from them but to trump them with panache.

As soon as you bring up the immortality angle then you end up with the character arc being that of a minor god who doesn't know it and will end up caught between destiny (accept his godship) and his desire to rebel - like a pirate - and who, upon being offered unlimited power, chooses to side with mortals and the value of free will, the only illusion of power left to them. Pretty generic hero-path storytelling - Neo, Jesus, Superman etc - with the only divergence being in tone (comedy in JS's case, as opposed to drama or tragedy) I'll stop talking about it, since a thorough discussion would not only end up possibly spoiling a lot of plot points, but also since it's just speculation.

That being said, The Fountain of Youth stuff seems to indicate the writers are being allowed to go down this angle again now that A: the studio has realized that the Jack Sparrow character (and not the interplay between the three leads of the first film) was the main draw and B: they have had their "play it safe keep the 'chemistry' of three main characters intact" demons exorcised by parts 2 & 3 which were needlessly bogged down by having to continually touch base with the love story between the less-interesting characters in that trio. The love story that actually ENDED in the first film with those two characters hooking up.

Basically they've realized that OB & KK were like the Sallah and Marion of Raiders. Yeah, they're fantastic characters, but Jack/Indy is the main show.
I want to see this alleged Inbetweeners movie they're making; I loved the show, very funny but ended very flat and definitely open to further installments (series wise), so hopefully the film will do it justice...
I could think of an even shorter yet just as accurate critique.

Just as valid, sure. But just as "accurate"? Probably not. One is talking about the nuts-and-bolts, blue-collarish elements involved in storytelling and how - as in any process, from basket weaving to sex - the fundamental approach affects final product. The other is a blanket opinion. Yes the sequels were weak, but one of those statements plucks at the root cause. It doesn't take much to consider that had the root cause been addressed differently, the comment regarding the end product would likely be of a different nature.

It's kind of like, oh, I don't know, a person stubbornly grumbling "healthcare is just sh*t" while another person tries to patiently describe the ramifications birthed by a divergence between treating a patient for their specific illness vs. treating a patient in a fashion designed to minimize the possibility of litigation.

But hey, blanket opinion is a healthy attitude. After all, passing up opportunities to consider the intricacies of things that one is not an expert in is what gives us half-measures and short-sighted systems that lead to inefficiency in all attempts of civilization, which sure keeps things interesting.
Don't have hopes for this one but its supposedly based on a book thats won a few fantasy awards, so the story may not be as bad as parts 2 and 3.
Just as valid, sure. But just as "accurate"? Probably not. One is talking about the nuts-and-bolts, blue-collarish elements involved in storytelling and how - as in any process, from basket weaving to sex - the fundamental approach affects final product. The other is a blanket opinion. Yes the sequels were weak, but one of those statements plucks at the root cause. It doesn't take much to consider that had the root cause been addressed differently, the comment regarding the end product would likely be of a different nature.

It's kind of like, oh, I don't know, a person stubbornly grumbling "healthcare is just sh*t" while another person tries to patiently describe the ramifications birthed by a divergence between treating a patient for their specific illness vs. treating a patient in a fashion designed to minimize the possibility of litigation.

But hey, blanket opinion is a healthy attitude. After all, passing up opportunities to consider the intricacies of things that one is not an expert in is what gives us half-measures and short-sighted systems that lead to inefficiency in all attempts of civilization, which sure keeps things interesting.

The critique I'm alluding to above would apply to all three films in the trilogy.

I've only watched the first one but based on the reviews I've read I assumed it was downhill from there and the same one word critique would be just as applicable to all three.
Typical Pogue.

Can't wait for Pirates 4, they were running out of steam on the 3rd film for sure so i'm relieved they've got the Cruz in and damn does she make a good pirate :)

Not sure what your point is here. Are you saying the first one gave a mistaken impression as to the quality of the overall trilogy? Were numbers two and three a whole lot better? 'Cause that's not the impression anyone is giving in this thread.

I really can't be arsed getting into the whole debate about whether any film can have objective merit all over again but it's my opinion - based on watching the first film in the trilogy - that these Pirates films are utter shit, the like of which could surely only appeal to 12 year olds. Happy to agree to disagree though.
I watched the first Pirates film and thought it was ok, then me and the missus were in London for a long weekend and decided we wanted to see a film at Leicester Square. Pirates 2 was what we ended up seeing and it was utter utter dog shit. I also though the cinema was toss but that's besides the point, I've not watched the third and have no intention of watching the new one.
Happy to agree to disagree though.

I don't take people seriousally when they make assumptions. Its like people who give rating on United players and then say "Well I watched the highlights..."

It's a classic bang your head against the wall momment.

I actually prefer Pirates 2 over Pirates 1, but you're right on the assumption of the 3rd film. However at least the writer/directors have written out the weak links for the 4th and that should improve the film no end.

I'm wise enough to know by now that you should have no expectations about any film or game being good. It just leads to utter disappointment when they turn out to be awful (Matrix 2 & 3 :()
True Grit seems to be getting rave reviews. I am stoked to see this. Coens + Jeff Bridges = Win.
True Grit seems to be getting rave reviews. I am stoked to see this. Coens + Jeff Bridges = Win.

Already being touted for the Oscars as well. Heard a lot of reviews saying it's the best film so far this year.
Tom Hardy will not be playing HUgo Strange in the upcoming Batman film. Although the rumour is the new film is based on the Batman comic story 'Prey', so he may be Sgt Max Cort. My Money is on Bullock though.
Limitless looks very good indeed. Can't wait for it. Lots of good movies coming up!
Already being touted for the Oscars as well. Heard a lot of reviews saying it's the best film so far this year.

Hmmm. Getting too much of a similar rep as No Country for Old Men... which I actually didn't think was that good. Yes, I know I'll get slated for it, but there you go. I'm a big Coen Brothers fan too.
Cowboys and Aliens

The name of the film made me laugh , but I usually like Spielberg films and I like Ron Howard has a director.
But not sure about this the trailer looks a bit lame ,but I will give it a watch when it comes out.

IMDb Video: Cowboys and Aliens: Trailer #1

Speilberg and Howard are just the producers/exec producers on this though. Not sure how much input they've had, but I'd imagine not a great deal.