Film The Movies I want to see thread

My current favourite British Actor Tom Hardy who's performances I've been blown away by, welll rumour has it he's been cast in Nolans Batman 3.
He's also in some flick about cage-fighting. Dunno when that's out.

I think its called the Fighter.

Tom Hardy's definitely one to look out for in the coming years. Somehow don't think he's going to be the 'big' villain for Batman 3 but they did say that he was cast in a lead role. Hmmm.
He's the new Mad Max too...That'll be out sooner

He's also in some flick about cage-fighting. Dunno when that's out.

Here's the latest movie on my "to watch" list.

Looks intriguing.

I think its called the Fighter.

Tom Hardy's definitely one to look out for in the coming years. Somehow don't think he's going to be the 'big' villain for Batman 3 but they did say that he was cast in a lead role. Hmmm.

See post 176.

I can easily imagine him being a big villain. There are tons of characters in the books that can be turned into more realistic versions for the fim. He'd be best as someone who could take on the Batman on his terms.
Pretty much confirmed as Curt Connors now.

Makes sense, I suppose. Audience should be familiar with the character but without having covered the story yet. I'd love to see the Green Goblin done properly in the future, but it'd be daft to use him already in the reboot.
FOX wants Natalie "yeah I was pretty good in a movie once, when I was eleven" Portman to star as a battle-hardened general in a PG-13 Alien prequel penned by co-creator of LOST.

In related news, God stabs Himself in eye with oil tanker filled with hamsters - anything to keep His mind off The Big Red Button.

Oh, and word on Tom Hardy's role in Dark Knight 3 is that of:

a mysterious man hired to get Bruce Wayne to break up his father's empire.
FOX wants Natalie "yeah I was pretty good in a movie once, when I was eleven" Portman to star in a PG-13 Alien prequel penned by co-creator of LOST.

In related news, God stabs Himself in eye with oil tanker filled with hamsters - anything to keep His mind off The Big Red Button.

Oh, and word on Tom Hardy's role in Dark Knight 3 is that of:

a mysterious man hired to get Bruce Wayne to break up his father's empire.
THat would tie in with the Hugo Strange rumour.
That sounds an awful lot like Leonardo DiCaprio in

I guess they'll go about it in different ways, but still..

Well I imagine the one in Batman will do it by industrial espionage, sabotage, careful planning and violence. As opposed to Inceptions entering dream land by a bunch of people you don't like using a magical machine and the feeling of dissapointment that pervades when you walk out of the cinema.
Well I imagine the one in Batman will do it by industrial espionage, sabotage, careful planning and violence. As opposed to Inceptions entering dream land by a bunch of people you don't like using a magical machine and the feeling of dissapointment that pervades when you walk out of the cinema.
Yeah, but they had to create a four-layered dream ffs!
looks OK , but what puts me of is the same director has Watchmen , one of the worst films I have ever seem .IMHO

I'm not a massive fan of Watchmen (or Snyder's overused slow-mo style in general), but you can't have seen many films if you think that's one of the worst.
looks like the usual vacuous, orange and teal stained, over processed Hack snyder borefest.
James Cameron doing an egyptian epic next. The Hulk won't be returning to the big screen but will instead be a series on ABC.
:lol: watched many many films , I just did not like it , thought it was overly long and frankly boring in places.

Me too, but it's certainly nowhere near the being one of the worst films I've ever seen. I suggest you track down copies of Plan 9 From Outer Space, Superman IV and the 1994 Fantastic Four film. How Snyder managed to make a film about an impending nuclear holocaust devoid of any sense of tension whatsoever is beyond me though.

In new superhero-movie news Darren Aronofsky is to direct the next Wolverine film which is scripted by the guy who wrote The Usual Suspects. Got to be an improvement on the last one.

Also rumours that they will be casting a 35-40 year old in the role of Clark Kent/Superman. A step in the right direction in my opinion.
In case anyones intersted they've announced some of the cast for the hobbit. Mostly dwarfs. The Vampire lad off Being Human is in it as is the bloke who plays the sheriff of nottingham in bbcs robin hood. Rumour has it that Martin Freeman is playing Bilbo.
In case anyones intersted they've announced some of the cast for the hobbit. Mostly dwarfs. The Vampire lad off Being Human is in it as is the bloke who plays the sheriff of nottingham in bbcs robin hood. Rumour has it that Martin Freeman is playing Bilbo.

I bumped my own thread last week about Jackson directing it and nobody replied :(

Dont think anyone gives a shit
I bumped my own thread last week about Jackson directing it and nobody replied :(

Dont think anyone gives a shit

They never do then someone like biscuit will post it in some random thread and be lauded as the font of all movie news.

This has got me really really excited. My favourite directors, some mighty fine actors and what looks like a decent story as well. Oh and that Johnny Cash goes brilliantly with the trailer.

This has got me really really excited. My favourite directors, some mighty fine actors and what looks like a decent story as well. Oh and that Johnny Cash goes brilliantly with the trailer.
