Film The Movies I want to see thread

Zack Snyders Superman film is a complete reboot and will not follow any of the previous films universe. This will hopefully mean we'll get a Lex Luthor that is a real threat and not comedy relief. The early rumours are it will do the Man of Steel storyline.
Cheers decorativereed for the link to these news snipperts.
Preacher early news. Director wants Chris Pine for Jesse Custer. Brilliantly Shia Lebeouf is interested in playing arseface. Alex Pettyfer (so very wrong and therefore the film will feck it up) for the fecking saint of killers! Please, Please, Please, someone come in and take what is for me one of the seminal stories of the last century away from these knobs.

I'd be more worried about the director. Caruso is such a poor fit for Preacher, I don't know how on earth he got the gig. But then I think the same of Thor. Considering that no one wants to take risks in Hollywood, how these huge projects are being given to so clearly the wrong directors completely bemuses me.
News on the Akira front
The story takes place in the rebuilt New Manhattan where a leader of a biker gang saves his friend from a medical experiment. There are two major roles, and I'm told that for Tetsuo, Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield and James McAvoy have been given the new script. For the role of Kaneda, the script has been given to Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake and Joaquin Phoenix. The two leads are expected to come from that group of actors.
Alan Rickman is to star in a Coen bros film about me apparently. Danny Devito would have been more apt.
I had a dream about that film last night, I assume by virtue of seeing a massive poster for it in Angel tube last night...

I say a dream about that, everyone was a vampire and I was really cold and running around trying to find a suitably warm pair of trousers....but other than that it was about that. Sort of.

I feel like I should hate this, but I can't.
I had a dream about that film last night, I assume by virtue of seeing a massive poster for it in Angel tube last night...

I say a dream about that, everyone was a vampire and I was really cold and running around trying to find a suitably warm pair of trousers....but other than that it was about that. Sort of.

did you find the trousers?
Yes. My dads old jeans, which I found in a chest of draws at the back of a bar, they were far too big for me but I tightened them with a belt. Then everyone's eyes glowed red and I was sure they could tell I wasn't a vampire, but it seemed to be OK....I can't remember the rest
Yes. My dads old jeans, which I found in a chest of draws at the back of a bar, they were far too big for me but I tightened them with a belt. Then everyone's eyes glowed red and I was sure they could tell I wasn't a vampire, but it seemed to be OK....I can't remember the rest

So vamires, you being shirtless, you've been watching the Twilight saga again haven't you.
I didn't say I was shirtless...I had a wooly fleece on...... Just no trousers.

I'm struggling to remember why this was anything like the film Killing Bono now...But I'm sure it was.
I didn't say I was shirtless...I had a wooly fleece on...... Just no trousers.

I'm struggling to remember why this was anything like the film Killing Bono now...But I'm sure it was.

They have trousers on in the film?
Couldn't they know...not do an American live-action remake of Akira? Can't they just not do a CGI Smurfs film?

Why am I not the one making these decisions?

Hollywood is superhero mad at the moment.
Or just trying to re-make Kick-Ass ...Technically it was a british film you see, America needs it's own version....Of everything.
Amy Adams has been cast as Lois Lane in the Superman reboot.

Cool she actually showed her good acting chops in The Fighter. The curly haired girl from Atonement is in the Dark Knight. RHa's Daughter?
Dark Knight Rises has been confirmed as Nolans last foray into the Batman world. The franchises reboot is already being planned.

Gary Oldman
"If I mention anything they'll kill me," he joked when asked about the highly anticipated film.

"All I can tell you is that the story is sensational. He's really outdone the Dark Knight.

"Most of the scripts that are out there don't have an ending.

"I read the script and Chris told me the ending afterwards, so that people online don't spoil it," he added.
FFS, someone needs to put a stop to all of this.

Why? It's source material is constantly rebooted with different takes on old stories pubished all the time. I don't see how making another superhero series impacts in the slightest on the quality of the previous one. Nolan's trilogy will still be there to watch, as will the previous two, the two Tim Burton ones before that, the 60s film/TV show as well as the 40s serials.
Neil Gaiman has just announced he has sold the rights for a big screen version of his book American Gods.

Gaiman said that he did not want to make any announcements, as he would "hate to steal anyone's fire", as it were; but he did drop some juicy tidbits regarding the film. He said that the director and cinematographer are already on board, that the director has "many, many Oscars", and that he (Gaiman) regards the director as a "genius". That's a pretty big compliment coming from an author that many would consider to be a genius himself! Gaiman also indicated that the director fell in love with the book years ago and has been fighting for the project ever since.

Good Omens has also been confirmed to be made into a TV mini series by Terry Jones.
Why? It's source material is constantly rebooted with different takes on old stories pubished all the time. I don't see how making another superhero series impacts in the slightest on the quality of the previous one. Nolan's trilogy will still be there to watch, as will the previous two, the two Tim Burton ones before that, the 60s film/TV show as well as the 40s serials.

Do you really want a new adaption of the same franchise every few years? They should move on and do something creative instead of the next batman, spiderman, x-men, fantastic four, hulk and etc reboot.
Neil Gaiman has just announced he has sold the rights for a big screen version of his book American Gods.

Good Omens has also been confirmed to be made into a TV mini series by Terry Jones.

Excited about American Gods and Good Omens, both could be great if done right.
Do you really want a new adaption of the same franchise every few years? They should move on and do something creative instead of the next batman, spiderman, x-men, fantastic four, hulk and etc reboot.

Agree, the Batman canon has so many great stories to tell and Nolan has doen such a great job with the origin story that they should just take it from here and do something else with it rather than reboot it, well atleast dont do another origin story atleast. I doubt they would be that daft, but hey, its Hollywood.
Zack Snyders Superman film is a complete reboot and will not follow any of the previous films universe. This will hopefully mean we'll get a Lex Luthor that is a real threat and not comedy relief. The early rumours are it will do the Man of Steel storyline.

After the Sucker Punch reviews there are suggestions Snyder is going to be dropped.

I hope so too. I'm just glad some people are beginning to recognise him for the moronic hack he is.
Do you really want a new adaption of the same franchise every few years? They should move on and do something creative instead of the next batman, spiderman, x-men, fantastic four, hulk and etc reboot.

Or they could (as they have) do both. It's not really an either/or situation is it? They make these films because there is a market for them, it doen't impact other original films being made.
After the Sucker Punch reviews there are suggestions Snyder is going to be dropped.

I hope so too. I'm just glad some people are beginning to recognise him for the moronic hack he is.

His films always look good. He completely overdoes the slo-mo, but I think that might suit Superman. If he has a decent script to work from he could do a competant job. Sadly I think they still have that tit Jon Peters producing, so the two of them together could be a disaster.

Having sat through the utterly shite superhero films they made in the 70s and 80s, I think some of the reactions people have to thngs like Hulk and Superman Returns are completely over the top. There have only ever been a handful of truely great films in the genre, so expectations are usually ridiculously high. They are not complex, inteligent films, they are popcorn summer family films generally and most of them are far more watchable than the Spider-man 70s shows or the Hulk TV movies, Dr Strange or the rubber-ears low budget Captain America films I grew up with. With characters like Superman, Batman and Spider-man if someone buggers up, they just forget about it and give it another go a few years later. Out of the ashes of the appalling Batman & Robin came Nolan's films. If Snyder fecks up the Man of Steel, then someone else will get a chance at making a decent film. If they don't achieve it we'll always have Donner's film.
It was Nolan that appointed him.