Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Oh, I thought they were making a series based on the book, it's taking place in the 2nd age.

There goes my excitement.

Wouldn't it then be based on Silmarillion, Tolkien's best book by far?
Ah shit, those photos don't install much confidence in me that this will be much good.

Of course it's not the full cast, but showing a bunch of 20/early 30 year olds (bar the dwarf) doesn't feel Lord of the Ringsy for me. I hope they dont try to modernise the storyline too much.
As they seem to be focusing on Galadriel, I wonder what exact part/story of the second age they are covering in the first season.
What do they mean before the King in the trailer...Numenor exists in this age, and if Elrond is there, possibly Amandil or even a grandfather of Elendil has to be the King?

As they seem to be focusing on Galadriel, I wonder what exact part/story of the second age they are covering in the first season.

Yes not quite clear on this. I thought it would be set quite sometime after Morgoth’s fall and read somewhere that it’s a bit like where Galadriel is sensing evil is stirring again.
What do they mean before the King in the trailer...Numenor exists in this age, and if Elrond is there, possibly Amandil or even a grandfather of Elendil has to be the King?

Yes not quite clear on this. I thought it would be set quite sometime after Morgoth’s fall and read somewhere that it’s a bit like where Galadriel is sensing evil is stirring again.
I suppose they are referring to the events of the LOTR trilogy, so “Before the King” might just the kings of Gondor or even Arnor.

And I was watching’s livestream and they mentioned the first two episodes will almost be like a prologue with flashbacks from the events of the first age.I’m not sure how correct that is or they even have the rights to show the first age of the Middle earth.

And on a side note, was just browsing youtube for the videos about this series, and there's a good bit of hate for this even going back more than a year. Amazing how one can hate something just based on non-tangible rumours. And you can guess what sorta hate I’m talking about, thinly veiled on saying how its “ not according to Tolkien”. And just out of curiosity, I browsed a few of their channels, and you can see the template of their videos and stuff they hate tend to match up. And yeah ofcourse “woke” this and “woke” that being the key word.
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What do they mean before the King in the trailer...Numenor exists in this age, and if Elrond is there, possibly Amandil or even a grandfather of Elendil has to be the King?

Yes not quite clear on this. I thought it would be set quite sometime after Morgoth’s fall and read somewhere that it’s a bit like where Galadriel is sensing evil is stirring again.

Think we can expect major diversions from the source material.
I thought “before the king” was a simple reference to “return of the king” same way they said “before the fellowship”.

I worry you purists are going to read so much into every detail, you can’t help but be disappointed.
I thought “before the king” was a simple reference to “return of the king” same way they said “before the fellowship”.

I worry you purists are going to read so much into every detail, you can’t help but be disappointed.
Exactly my thought
I suppose they are referring to the events of the LOTR trilogy, so “Before the King” might just the kings of Gondor or even Arnor.

And I was watching’s livestream and they mentioned the first two episodes will almost be like a prologue with flashbacks from the events of the first age.I’m not sure how correct that is or they even have the rights to show the first age of the Middle earth.

And on a side note, was just browsing youtube for the videos about this series, and there's a good bit of hate for this even going back more than a year. Amazing how one can hate something just based on non-tangible rumours. And you can guess what sorta hate I’m talking about, thinly veiled on saying how its “ not according to Tolkien”. And just out of curiosity, I browsed a few of their channels, and you can see the template of their videos and stuff they hate tend to match up. And yeah ofcourse “woke” this and “woke” that being the key word.

I thought “before the king” was a simple reference to “return of the king” same way they said “before the fellowship”.

I worry you purists are going to read so much into every detail, you can’t help but be disappointed.

No I get that but its misleading :lol: Not to mention, introducing someone like Elendil or Eros would be amazing, probably would not be a major book character as the King of Numenor now.

First age flashbacks hmm...Morgoth's defeat?

Think we can expect major diversions from the source material.

Yes pretty much. Just hope its not overly cringe like GoT's last couple of seasons. Really looking forward to this, hours of Middle Earth!
Kinda dumb, lord of the rings never was and never will be a comic book like story where you can stretch it as much as you like with new writers and such, the greatest story of its world has already been portrayed on the big screen and beautifully so.( silmarillion is arguably greater in scope but it's nearly impossible to make a decent movie out of as half of it is formless and abstract spirits talking to each other and it lacks the lotr human element)

I hope this crashes and burns so we don't get anymore cash grabs from this franchise but I'll doubt it.
Yeah, it all looks very Hobbit/Wheel of Time. :(

Obviously the writing and acting will be a lot more important than the look of the show, but I'm not holding out massive amounts of hope.
Doesn't help that they don't even have the rights to the LOTR soundtrack, so they can't even set the tone that way either...
On second thought it'll be hilarious if they gotify it with full blown sexual content and brutal gore. The meltdown will be a sight to witness.
Doesn’t look amazing I’m afraid to say. Seems some things that shouldn’t be forgotten have been. Too much CGI and not enough of what made the trilogy charming as well as fecking amazing.
Looks to be yet more heavy reliance on CGI and Michael Bay-style set pieces. Give me some practical visual effects any day... the original LOTR looks miles better than that shit.
Think you guys need to check out the original trailers for the films as a reminder. No Howard Shore music for example, all fairly fast edits with action. Trailers are difficult to make when your 6 months away from release with not a huge amount of polished material to use.

It'll be better than the Hobbit films that I'm sure of.
Think you guys need to check out the original trailers for the films as a reminder. No Howard Shore music for example, all fairly fast edits with action. Trailers are difficult to make when your 6 months away from release with not a huge amount of polished material to use.

It'll be better than the Hobbit films that I'm sure of.
The early lord of the rings trailers without Howard shore's music are better than the RotK ones that used it.


Personally, I'd rather a new score altogether rather than rehashing the old themes.
The early lord of the rings trailers without Howard shore's music are better than the RotK ones that used it.


Personally, I'd rather a new score altogether rather than rehashing the old themes.

I think they have Howard Shore onboard, at least thats the rumours. I agree though, one of mistakes the Hobbit had was reusing music way too often to a point where you would think "Why am I watching this film, when I could just watch LOTR". It just constantly took me out of the Hobbit films when it came up and seemed almost lazy that they'd reuse music, they reused the Nazgul music at one point despite no Nazguls in the film and it was so jarring to me.
Think you guys need to check out the original trailers for the films as a reminder. No Howard Shore music for example, all fairly fast edits with action. Trailers are difficult to make when your 6 months away from release with not a huge amount of polished material to use.

It'll be better than the Hobbit films that I'm sure of.
You'd've thought so. Biggest problem of The Hobbit films - much more so than how genuinely ugly they were - was trying to turn a short kids story in to three full length films for ages 8-80. Just making Middle Earth content loosely based on Tolkien's work gives you scope to write stories that fit whatever length and tone you're going for.
After how GOT went after they ran out of GRRM manuscript to work on, I am highly sceptical of something much more beloved and well known like Tolkien, and how that is going to be interpreted as fresh and original.

Peter Jackson and his team barely just made it through with the Hobbit, and they’re first class filmmakers.
I thought “before the king” was a simple reference to “return of the king” same way they said “before the fellowship”.

I worry you purists are going to read so much into every detail, you can’t help but be disappointed.
Thats how I understood it too
Kinda dumb, lord of the rings never was and never will be a comic book like story where you can stretch it as much as you like with new writers and such, the greatest story of its world has already been portrayed on the big screen and beautifully so.( silmarillion is arguably greater in scope but it's nearly impossible to make a decent movie out of as half of it is formless and abstract spirits talking to each other and it lacks the lotr human element)

I hope this crashes and burns so we don't get anymore cash grabs from this franchise but I'll doubt it.
You are a little ray of sunshine arent you.
As some have mentioned, looks a bit Hoobit'ish and childish in that clip. Hoped this would have a darker tone to it. But let's wait and see.

Actually the more I see it the worse it gets. Looks more like a GoT or Narnia sequel than anything to do with LotR. Hope we don't get another generic young adult fantasy action. Galadriel looks straight out awful.
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Kinda dumb, lord of the rings never was and never will be a comic book like story where you can stretch it as much as you like with new writers and such, the greatest story of its world has already been portrayed on the big screen and beautifully so.( silmarillion is arguably greater in scope but it's nearly impossible to make a decent movie out of as half of it is formless and abstract spirits talking to each other and it lacks the lotr human element)

I hope this crashes and burns so we don't get anymore cash grabs from this franchise but I'll doubt it.
I honestly can’t understand this mindset. I love LOTR, I love LOTR video games, I love the world and the fantastical elements. I want more and more LOTR content not less of it. I want this series to be brilliant, why wouldn’t you want that?
After how GOT went after they ran out of GRRM manuscript to work on, I am highly sceptical of something much more beloved and well known like Tolkien, and how that is going to be interpreted as fresh and original.

Peter Jackson and his team barely just made it through with the Hobbit, and they’re first class filmmakers.
Think that's a case of having great success with LOTR through being 'sensible' with changes and then just losing the plot after getting free reign with the Hobbit. Its a short children's book of ~250pages, they had all the source material they needed to work off but it was their choice to go rogue and chase the money train with 3 long films and drawn out writing which basically relied on CGI.
Before the King - Aragorn was crowned King at the end of ROTK
Before the Fellowship - Created during the first LOTR film
Before the Ring - Now this is the interesting part as it gives us a big hint that at least part of the first season will be before the One Ring is forged. For those that don't know, that means it dates back around 4,500 - 5,000 years before the events of Lord of the Rings.

Hope that clears any confusion up.