Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

If it’s where I think I am now then no. I’m breaking the rocks in the pipes but I am now stuck at the one that has a grate in front of it.

EDIT: solved it.
Yeah I started off breaking the rocks and then decided to just build a bridge to see what was in the middle... Didn't realize that was the target. Got the bubbul gem in there at least so I don't think I missed anything?
Yeah I started off breaking the rocks and then decided to just build a bridge to see what was in the middle... Didn't realize that was the target. Got the bubbul gem in there at least so I don't think I missed anything?

Nope I think that was the only thing in there. A chest floating in the water too.
I'm forever saving my better weapons for a more important fight that never comes. Terrible video game habits. Hoarding too just in case I need something for an upgrade.
Wind Temple smashed. Having
about is gonna be a great help throughout the rest of the game, especially traversing distances in the air after shooting up a sky tower.
Wind Temple smashed. Having
about is gonna be a great help throughout the rest of the game, especially traversing distances in the air after shooting up a sky tower.

Honestly I don't know how I got around without him before. One of the other sages is helpful at times but feck me does he get in your way a lot.
Honestly I don't know how I got around without him before. One of the other sages is helpful at times but feck me does he get in your way a lot.

Nice to know I've got the best one first. Yeah was frequently frustrating aiming for somewhere but knowing I wasn't gonna have enough juice to get there. I imagine he'll be handy with boats as well. No more titting about with fans for me.
I'm forever saving my better weapons for a more important fight that never comes. Terrible video game habits. Hoarding too just in case I need something for an upgrade.
I have a system where I generally use my second best weapon and then I'll use my best weapons for boss and mini-boss fights. Works out alright.
I can't say I really get attached to any weapon. There's so may and so many ways things to fuse them with. Obviously a usable master sword would be ideal but I haven't even explored that yet.
Arrows I do in abundance, keese eyeballs not so much but probably about 50 on me total so sounds doable. Up until now I had zero idea combining arrows with keese eyeballs had this effect though... man, this game.
So I stacked up fifty to try beat the King Gleeok but failed a few times. Just now I beat him with about twenty. If anyone needs tips let me know!

And yeah - the homing arrows are ridiculously good. You can actually do extra damage by trying an elemental eye ball that’s more effective against the type of enemy you’re up against, too. Most importantly, it interrupts his attack too.
Yeah wtf. I manage to get to the last stage of the fight but the lightning always one shots me despite having a good number of hearts.
I’ve found a couple of ways to deal with his last phase, as that was where I was struggling too. It’s kind of annoying though, because it feels like you need very specific tools/equipment if you want to beat him.
How do you break crates you find? I don’t like to hit them as it uses up weapon durability so I currently lift them up and drop them with Ultrahand, but that takes longer than I’d like.
I keep an axe. Hinox toenails are pretty common, handy for cutting down trees too
Being on 58 completed shrines now I have decided to move goalposts and get to 80 before I start progressing main quest. Just too much fun flying around looking for these little feckers, they are also much more pleasant than they were in BOTW as they are more based on creativity than linear.
Got all the great fairies unlocked now and I think there's one more area of the map that needs unlocking as well on the upper right section.

Being on 58 completed shrines now I have decided to move goalposts and get to 80 before I start progressing main quest. Just too much fun flying around looking for these little feckers, they are also much more pleasant than they were in BOTW as they are more based on creativity than linear.

Yeah they're great. Can't help get distracted and detour if I spot one on the way down from a sky view tower.
I've been planning on doing a second phenomena for a week now and I still haven't. I spent 2 hours yesterday building a rocket boat for a Korok to get them to their friend. TWO FECKING HOURS.
Got all the great fairies unlocked now and I think there's one more area of the map that needs unlocking as well on the upper right section.

Yeah they're great. Can't help get distracted and detour if I spot one on the way down from a sky view tower.

I used the hero view last night to see where I’ve been and feck me there’s massive chunks of the map just completely unexplored. I love it. Sometimes with a world this big it can feel like a chore but the exploration urge is still there.
I've been planning on doing a second phenomena for a week now and I still haven't. I spent 2 hours yesterday building a rocket boat for a Korok to get them to their friend. TWO FECKING HOURS.

Was this the one near the coliseum place? My gf watched me spend 30 minutes trying to make a ‘ferry’ type vehicle with a working propellor system and then went to bed because she couldn’t handle the stress. I sent her a video at like 1am of it finally working :lol:
Being on 58 completed shrines now I have decided to move goalposts and get to 80 before I start progressing main quest. Just too much fun flying around looking for these little feckers, they are also much more pleasant than they were in BOTW as they are more based on creativity than linear.
im up to 64 i think. Ive done 3 out of the 4 main areas / dungeons but not gone back to main questline for days. I think I want to do all shrines, although I only read yesterday there was 152 of them.
Was this the one near the coliseum place? My gf watched me spend 30 minutes trying to make a ‘ferry’ type vehicle with a working propellor system and then went to bed because she couldn’t handle the stress. I sent her a video at like 1am of it finally working :lol:
:lol: that sounds familiar.

I tried to build a hoverboat first because there was some shallow terrain but that failed miserably, it kept toppling over or running out of juice too early. So then I tried a rocket boat that flew across the water but that went too far cause at that stage i'd too many batteries and the Korok ended up going down a chasm :lol: So then when it reset I just gave up and stuck it on a normal ass boat and steered it slowly around. I was not happy with myself
I had to glue a Korok to my green goblin flier and fly him over that mud that drowns you up north to get to his buddy that was a mess. I tried boats etc but they sank and there was no way to walk across I guess I could have made a bridge of some sort too but blah.
im up to 64 i think. Ive done 3 out of the 4 main areas / dungeons but not gone back to main questline for days. I think I want to do all shrines, although I only read yesterday there was 152 of them.

I only did 30 in BOTW as I sort of rushed through it in the end, having spent only 35 hours to complete it before TOTK. I am already on more than 35 in TOTK and will probably do three times that at least, and the goal is to get to 100 shrines (which is enough to feel good but not enough to feel overwhelmed and for the game to feel like too much of a grind).
Ok which of you brainboxes figured out Domizuin Shrine by yourself? Had to look that one up. Very clever.

There's a Jenga based one right near it as well which was pretty cool.
Ok which of you brainboxes figured out Domizuin Shrine by yourself? Had to look that one up. Very clever.

There's a Jenga based one right near it as well which was pretty cool.

I just kept rotating the cube until the the part where you ascend was on the bottom. It took me longer than most shrines to figure that part out.

The Jenga one is cool but easily done by catching the ball as it falls. Is there an actual solution?
I just kept rotating the cube until the the part where you ascend was on the bottom. It took me longer than most shrines to figure that part out.

The Jenga one is cool but easily done by catching the ball as it falls. Is there an actual solution?

you can pull 2 pieces out without it falling (the Jenga part) and then use them to connect the electricity to activate a platform which moves you out to grab the ball. I need to go back and get the chest as well actually.
you can pull 2 pieces out without it falling (the Jenga part) and then use them to connect the electricity to activate a platform which moves you out to grab the ball. I need to go back and get the chest as well actually.

I did wonder why the electricity was there :lol:
Honestly I don't know how I got around without him before. One of the other sages is helpful at times but feck me does he get in your way a lot.
My son just beat a Lynel to get some monster parts he was after only for Tulin to blow them off the edge of a cliff because it did the annoying thing where it activiates his power when you're just trying to pick something up and the controls are the same!

I've just done the last light root. Some of those were a proper pain in the arse.
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My son just beat a Lynel to get some mosnter parts he was after only for Tulin to blow them off the edge of a cliff because it did the annoying thing where it activiates his power when you're just trying to pick something up and the controls are the same!

I've just done the last light root. Some of those were a proper pain in the arse.

:lol: I threw away a good sword (into a void in a shrine) by accident earlier just by pressing the wrong shoulder button. Really dumb thing is I was holding down the right shoulder button for ages ready to hock it and my brain was telling me "press b, don't release" but I went and did it anyway.

Ok which of you brainboxes figured out Domizuin Shrine by yourself? Had to look that one up. Very clever.

There's a Jenga based one right near it as well which was pretty cool.

Took me a few tries. I focussed on getting to the chests first, and then noticed that the small platform would be a great place to stand while rotating. Also a must to have arrows to shoot the centre switch remotely.
Took me a few tries. I focussed on getting to the chests first, and then noticed that the small platform would be a great place to stand while rotating. Also a must to have arrows to shoot the centre switch remotely.

Ah that one. I just attached a rocket to my shield and launched up through the hole once it was directly above the final part of the shrine.
Ah that one. I just attached a rocket to my shield and launched up through the hole once it was directly above the final part of the shrine.

I love how there's so many ways to skin the proverbial cat, or in my case of using rockets with mixed results (flay the skin off a korok with rocket burners). For every time a rocket gives me the desired result I have many failed launches so it's seldom my first port of call :lol:
think im just going to accept I will be playing this game for at least another 2 months. Steet Fighter 6 can wait

Ive only lit up barely a 1/4 of the depths. Thats basically all I did last night

I cant believe I just noticed that each one is directly beneath a a shrine
Usual AAA games with DLC: nope
Zelda game where you can build dicks and balls: y.e.s.
I played this basically all evening yesterday and I got feck all done. I think I found a horse god, explored some depths and fell down some bone cave.