Gaming The Legend of Zelda | Earthquake: "It's actually ridiculously good, and keeps getting better." ★★★★★

It's fecking epic. It looks way better on the new version too I think.
The 3d Ocarina. Definitely had a revamp from the original.

yeah, the graphics and inventory system are much better than the original, as is archery combat given that you can move the 3ds to aim. All in all it's the definitive version, even if the original 3ds analogue stick is a pain after a while, in my opinion. Maybe the 3ds xl's is better?
The xl stick is ok, not the best but not awful.

Just finished the new Zelda. Time for a Majoras Mask run I think now.
I've decided I'm not going to use any walkthroughs for the new Zelda even if I get properly stuck. It could be incredibly satisfying to complete it without looking anything up online even if it's going to take 100 hours to do so like it probably would have for me with any previous Zeldas.

It's a great game and just exploring the world is plenty of fun so I don't mind if i have to go back and forth to find something I need. Those hint glasses could prove helpful too.
Less than a month until I get my hands on WWHD!


Seeing anything related to that game brings so many good memories. Probably my favourite Zelda that one, even better then Ocarina to me, although it's close. Rolling around with Gorons was the best.
Bit behind because I got it for christmas and have been holding off playing it, but how good is Zelda: A link between worlds then?

Answer: Absolutely brilliant! I was a bit nervy about the whole paper Mario style addition, but they've kept it simple and it works brilliantly. depressingly easy is it to find things and why oh why are most of the weapons/items useless! I don't like this pretend give-everything-early-on-to-fake-a-sense-of-being-able-to-do-what-you-want-when-the-dungeons-are-still-really-only-geared-to-one-item thing. It's just nonsense :(

Still a proper sequel to one of the greatest games ever made and not only is it faithful, but it's better than most games this since A link to the past, so I'm happy. I just hope this new Wii-U Zelda bucks this trend of increasingly uninspired hiding places and one size fits all difficulty.
Mine is still in its plastic wrapping, waiting for me to finish super mario 3D world.
Went into HMV at the weekend and couldn't pick up the 3DS XL for £100 which was disappointing, but since I want to try and avoid spending much money right now it's probably for the best that I continue to try to ignore the temptation.

Anyway, my mate got himself Spirit Tracks just the other week and I borrowed it for a night. Played about 3 hours, it was awesome so I think I'm gonna get it for my own DS to help keep me busy.

Just wondering if I should get this or Phantom Hourglass? I know nothing about Phantom Hourglass, just know it was on the DS aswel.
Phantom Hourglass. You can swop with your mate once you're both done with them and you get to try both games.

That'd be a great shout but he's a student in his final year so he'll be going home soon which is nowhere near here.

You're a clever beautiful person though since you werent to know.
Ordered Spirit Tracks! :drool:

I should really try to finish Skyward Sword or Wind Waker first. Put huge hours into them both. But nevermind.
I am looking forward to trying Wind Waker HD. Never played it before.
It's a brilliant game. I've loved it so far.

In a weeks time you'll be playing 3 absolutely brilliant games on your Wii U Lance.
On the Ocean area of Spirit Tracks now, so a fair bit into it. Got to say it's a great game. Did a search of the thread and it hadn't been mentioned before apparently.

So, what are the other good 2D Zelda games? The lists on the internet are pointless to me, I don't want influence/importance/nostalgia to play a big part you see. I want to know the best 2D games to play for the first time today, how well do they stand up?

I know the original is still a classic, and a Link to the Past considered the best - would they be good for a first playthrough now?
On the Ocean area of Spirit Tracks now, so a fair bit into it. Got to say it's a great game. Did a search of the thread and it hadn't been mentioned before apparently.

So, what are the other good 2D Zelda games? The lists on the internet are pointless to me, I don't want influence/importance/nostalgia to play a big part you see. I want to know the best 2D games to play for the first time today, how well do they stand up?

I know the original is still a classic, and a Link to the Past considered the best - would they be good for a first playthrough now?

"I want to know the best 2D games to play for the first time today"

Link to the Past.

"Would they be good for a first playthrough now?"

EDIT: Just checked some videos, seems like there is no reason I wouldn't enjoy it today from what I've seen. Now to figure out where to play it. Pretty sure it's on Wii U VC, but I'd rather play it on handheld. Could emulate it on my phone I guess but if I can get it on the DS I'd prefer that?

How does Spirit Tracks hold up against the other 2D titles? I hadn't really heard about it before, never see it get mentioned as a great Zelda or anything but I think it's brilliant.
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Yeah but, you could play a Grandma today and not know how she was holding up.

You're too retroified to be completely trusted on this Olly! I trust your confidence that it's great though.

:lol: Good point.

How does Spirit Tracks hold up against the other 2D titles? I hadn't really heard about it before, never see it get mentioned as a great Zelda or anything but I think it's brilliant.

Yeah it's good, I've only played it through once and that was a while ago so it's not so that fresh in my mind though. It's not up there with the classics, but it's definitely a good game.

You turn into a bunny in LttP, so if that doesn't scream 'amazing game' I don't know what does.
Editted my post as you replied mate.

Really, I don't care for animals and shit Olly. That stuff is for children, bunny ffs.

If it was a Pokemon mind, that'd be a different story, and I could totally get behind that! Also, why is Link wearing a purple hat?
Editted my post as you replied mate.

Really, I don't care for animals and shit Olly. That stuff is for children, bunny ffs.

If it was a Pokemon mind, that'd be a different story, and I could totally get behind that! Also, why is Link wearing a purple hat?

:lol: Don't worry the bunny is pretty random, and you don't do anything rabbit-like. Plus you can (and should) avoid turning into it.

You can't get if for DS unfortunately. Well, if you have an original phat DS or DS Lite, then you could get the GBA version and play it on that.

Where's he wearing a purple hat?
It might have been purple hair? I didn't want to spoil too much so skimmed through a video. Maybe I imagined it.

Urghh, I'm not sure which DS I've got. Is it on the 3DS Virtual Console? I mean, it's nailed on I'll have one soon. Though once I get that I have a new Zelda to get through and Pokemon and shiz to distract me. I'll just tell myself I can play it anytime.

Nah I was just joking, the bunny bit doesn't actually bother me. Aslong as it's not some sort of cnut bunny, like Roger Rabbit.
Ah yeah there's different colored hats in the game. I wont spoil the other colour as I'm sure you want to find out when you play the game...hats being such serious business and all.

Nah it's not on the 3DS VC as there's no SNES or GBA games on there unfortunately (apart from the 10 GBA games that us ambassadors got). The only ways to play it are.. SNES, GBA, Wii Virtual Console and Wii U Virtual Console.

I guess itd be fine on the Wii U gamepad. That or rebuy that GBA which I was thinking of doing anyway.

So GBA games are on Wii Us virtual console but not 3DS? Where's the sense behind that? I guess Wii U is more desperate for games to play but still.. that sucks.

Cheers for the info as always. By the way I think you Zelda fans just have crazy high standards. Spirit Tracks seems to get a lot of stick and considered average it seems but its incredibly good for a fan whos fairly new to the series.
Yeah it's a bit odd really, I'm not sure why. Wii U is also getting DS games on the VC too while the 3DS isn't, so that's another mystery.

Go on, get a GBA, you know you want to :cool:

Agreed about the Zelda fans, they can be a bit mental :D
I'm playing the CDi game Link: The Faces of Evil right now and it's brilliant, just as I remembered.
Cut your face!

I'm not winning guys, I'm dying, a fair amount too and it's right at the start :(