Someone cherry picked part of what I said, yes. Thats why I reiterated what made it special. It's a zombie game. It's an old white man taking a star child to special place where the star child can do some good. It's a story as old as time. Nothing at all special about it. What made it special was the performances of the actors playing the roles and the script they were working off. They took a basic premise and elevated it to a 10 out of 10 game. But that doesn't get me hate clicked does it? No, just have to take something, remove the context and then attack me with it. Then you can me a bigot. Then you say Im having a melt down. Then you chat shit about me when I can't be bothered with the disingenuous arguments any more. It's all very familiar culture war bullshit.
I mean, I said I liked the tv show. Said I liked Bella after not liking what was shown of her in the trailers. Pedro I don't like. His delivery of familiar lines is flat. But none of that matters. You have you victim and youre going continue you bully me out the door just because I don't think like you do. Just imagine if I was like you. Id say it was because I was gay, and then cherry pick a few posts from 5 months ago and then present them out of context and label you a bigot. Aren't you glad Im not you and you don't have to bother defending yourself against that kind of bullshit? Youre welcome.