The FINAL Top 100 Movies List

We'll have to sort out a panel. And make sure Ole draws up a list, this time.

I wish MichaelHammer would come back. The big gay.
Ole, Spammy, Wibble and Bury. They all chickened out last time.

To be fair, it's not easy to draw up a list. But it'll be easier for the ones that did it last time. I don't think mine will change drastically. We'll see, though, I guess.

Cinc's not posted for years. He promised me he'd do it. Another big gay.
Rocky & Die Hard need to be a lot higher up the new one! The IMDB top 250 sucks, its got one of those stupid Pirate films but Rocky is no where to be seen, disgrace.
We'll have to sort out a panel. And make sure Ole draws up a list, this time.

I wish MichaelHammer would come back. The big gay.

He was good people.

In what way is it anticipated that this new list will differ from the old one? Except for having another 6-7 months worth of films to include in it. Is it going to be a markedly different panel?
Why do this again? It was boring enough when you did it 3months ago.

He was good people.

In what way is it anticipated that this new list will differ from the old one? Except for having another 6-7 months worth of films to include in it. Is it going to be a markedly different panel?

I have forgotten who was on the panel. But I've clearly not seen enough films, so I can;t really say my Top 100 is anywhere near a legitimate Top 100. And the same can be said for most of us, bar a couple of mega movie buffs, like Cinc, Ole and Hammer. So the next list should be slightly different and it'll be interesting to see how it'll have changed(if at all)
Why don't you just do a top 10 or 25 list? Does anyone really care who comes #94?

I dont think Ive even seen 100 movies.
The Dark Knight's defeated the Godfather on IMDb's top 250.
1. 9.2 The Dark Knight (2008) 165,800
2. 9.1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 349,957
3. 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 299,579

Dark Knight was at 9.5 last week, so it looks like it will lose the top spot eventually, it will probably stick around in the top 10 though. They really should disable voting for films until a few weeks after they've come out to stop the fanboys sending these blockbusters to the top though.
Why don't you just do a top 10 or 25 list? Does anyone really care who comes #94?

I dont think Ive even seen 100 movies.

Course you have, you just can`t remember a lot of them. I`ve personally rated over 700 films on IMDB and i`m always thinking of ones i`ve missed off.
jesus lads the best thing about this list is that it keeps shawshank away from the top .... it is not a great film ... just look at the top 10 in comparison....(except 'the good the bad ....' 'once upon a time...' is better)
I'd like to think that I played some part in this thread being bumped :cool:
It's a bit boys own but not a bad list. Few thoughts:

I'd have Duel over Jaws, or keep them both and take out Shindler's List.
Metropolis or (especially) 'M' should be in there.
Wild at Heart would be some distance behind The Elephant Man and Eraserhead for me.
Nothing directly from Disney either, only Toy Story.
Nosferatu and Sunrise are better than most on the list.

Some titles to add to my 'to see' list.

Oh and Dumbo is a huge omission:nono:
Miller's Crossing and The Prestige should have been on there.

Personally would have also liked to see Wag the Dog, Jackie Brown and Groundhog Day on there but I can understand why they are not.
Miller's Crossing and The Prestige should have been on there.

Personally would have also liked to see Wag the Dog, Jackie Brown and Groundhog Day on there but I can understand why they are not.

The Prestige? No chance.

Dumbo and comlag, if you'd like to be part of the voting when we do the next list send me a PM at that time.

Get a panel sorted out.

It's a bit boys own but not a bad list. Few thoughts:

I'd have Duel over Jaws, or keep them both and take out Shindler's List.
Metropolis or (especially) 'M' should be in there.
Wild at Heart would be some distance behind The Elephant Man and Eraserhead for me.
Nothing directly from Disney either, only Toy Story.
Nosferatu and Sunrise are better than most on the list.

Some titles to add to my 'to see' list.

Oh and Dumbo is a huge omission:nono:

What's Sunrise about?

We should make a panel and set a dealine.
What's Sunrise about?

A married man who falls for another woman. She convinces him to kill his wife. Really beautiful silent film.

kps88 said:
The Prestige should have been on there.


I really enjoyed The Prestige but thought it was a bit of a ropey film. The needless plot explanation at the end would keep it out of my faves alone. Thought the Tesla stuff was good fun though
Good thing this went pear-shaped the last time round. During the said period, the last thing Redcafe wanted was another breakaway forum. Which reminds me, why are you flirting with this idea again, merro?