Gaming The Final Fantasy Thread

What's your favourite single-player FF?

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Signed, though I doubt that they'll do anything about it. Square just hates PC.

Nice one, Revan.

True, but with the new Deus Ex, Sleeping Dogs, Hitman, Tomb Raider etc in recent times there is hope. Nomura's quotes were quite encouraging and could be interpreted as "if there's demand, we'll do it". I keep reading also that these next gen consoles are basically PCs underneath so maybe that'll have some impact on PC gaming.
I started 13 again yesterday. It really isn't a bad game at all, the battle system is incredibly fun and I'm still at the early stage with regards to Paradigms and the Crystarium so it will only get better. Lightning is better than I remember her to be aswell.

It's biggest killer though is it's linearity, which I know I'm going to have to stomach for a while longer yet. It's a royal pain in the ass but I'm going to try and stick with it as I think once I'm past it I will really enjoy the game. I really hope they don't make that same mistake with XV.

The characters destroy this game.
With a good set of characters it would have been a good game but they just aren't likeable to me at all.

Usually in FF games there will be characters I like straight away and characters I'm unsure of at the beginning but then they grow on you and become strong characters.

In this game almost everyone pissed me off.
Ye I've found everyone bar Lightning and Snow to be quite annoying. Hope especially. I've not played this since about a month after it was released so I remember very little. The story is quite interesting so far anyway, but as you say the characters are fairly annoying at this stage (I'm only about 4 hours in).
Just finished that part when you realize that all party members (except Rinoa) have been grown up together, and they all are related to Edea. Don't understand why Edea helped them and created Seed and then started asking Squall questions about them (when Seifer interrogated and tortured him).
That becomes clearer afterwards. The pacing and structure can seem a bit of a disaster at that point but it makes a lot more sense in the coming sections. They should've hinted more at that, though (with them all growing up together); it basically came out of nowhere in my opinion.

:lol: I still haven't gone back to finish disk 4 of FF8, onto another game now... :angel:

Always happens with FF8. :lol: For some reason a real push is needed to do that final disc.
Julia's theme is beautiful. People probably just realise it's the same melody from Eyes on Me and don't like it on that count.

Balamb Garden is one of my favourites. I remember when I was younger my mum and step dad used to stand outside my bedroom door craftily listening to it. :D

I was in work locking up the other day and this came on my Ipod. Felt like i had broken in and was shiftily looking around!
Finished part II of the game, defeating Edea.

Just understood that Edea was being possessed by Sorceress Ultimecia, another twist in this series of games. Anyway, it's a very similar twist to that of Final Fantasy IV
when you think that Golbez is the antagonist, but he is just possessed by the real antagonist Zemus
but still a good one.

Enjoying it so far, though it has it's defects and definitely it's not in par with VI and VII. Still a better game than most games though.

Am I near the ending? And is it worthy to play the Chocobo World mini game?
There are a lot of side quests which you are able to complete/start and finish on the third disc which is where you are now. There are a few optional GFS to get.
Doomtrain was a bastard to get. I always found Marlboro's to be a very rare encounter. Last time I played through FF8 I made the mistake of entering Lunatic Pandora before doing everything I wanted to do. Make sure you make a seperate save Revan before you enter as once you do you can't go back.
Ye I've found everyone bar Lightning and Snow to be quite annoying. Hope especially. I've not played this since about a month after it was released so I remember very little. The story is quite interesting so far anyway, but as you say the characters are fairly annoying at this stage (I'm only about 4 hours in).

How's it treating you now, Elvis? Vanille and Hope made you want to throw the PS3 at the wall yet? :D
I forgot how fantastic the sphere grid was and how frustrating but enjoyable Blitzball can be. Jecht Shot. :drool:
Surely it would have been easier to get the Marlboro tentacles from carding?

Probably, I can't remember why I didn't. I was only 9 on my first play through mind.

I forgot how fantastic the sphere grid was and how frustrating but enjoyable Blitzball can be. Jecht Shot. :drool:

That game got boring very quickly for me. Which was frustrating as you need to play quite a few games to get certain items
How's it treating you now, Elvis? Vanille and Hope made you want to throw the PS3 at the wall yet? :D

I've not played anymore yet, going to spend a couple of hours on it later tonight.
Probably, I can't remember why I didn't. I was only 9 on my first play through mind.

That game got boring very quickly for me. Which was frustrating as you need to play quite a few games to get certain items

I've not played anymore yet, going to spend a couple of hours on it later tonight.

Good luck with it. Open-minded stuff taking on that game again! I will try FF12 again at some point and judge it with a clearer mind but I just can't see myself ever going back to 13.
Will have to be done, it's only fair. :) I know the storyline wasn't close to being as good as those of the games that preceded it, but looking back there's no chance it deserved the stick I gave it after playing.
I didn't mind the storyline so much, the little bit I experienced, as much as the odd combat system, IIRC it felt like an attempt at an MMORPG like attempt, and the setup for controlling everyone was awkward and led to bosses hammering you. I'd prefer to go all ARPG in battle if that's the vibe they're after.
I personally thought the story on 12 was really good, but can understand why it wasn't to some people's cup of tea. Then again, number 8 is my favourite ever and that's an unpopular choice too so maybe I'm just odd.
I'm in the camp that thinks 12 is vastly unappreciated. My first playthrough I thought it was a bit meh, especially coming after FFX so thought a few of the locales seemed a bit drab in comparison. However I went through it again a few years back now to start a playthrough to complete everything, or at least close to everything(fecking Yiazmat) and appreciated it more the second time round. It does have the major problems of not having a proper antagonist and non of the main characters are that interesting bar maybe Balthier but it definitely doesn't deserve some of the hate I've read about it.
Balthier was probably the most interesting character like you say, i found Fran interesting too, aswell as her being undoubtedly one of the hottest FF characters...

I actually didn't find any of the characters annoying as such either. Okay, Vaan could get on your nerves a little at times but nothing overly annoying to make you put the game down. They purposely made him a naive character and i think they tried to make him a character you could relate to as you were both learning about the story and the world at the same time.
Just got back to Earth with the awesome Ragnarok (interesting shape it has). The feckers got my Rinoa though. Damn them!

I think that the end is near.
It is, make sure you don't do go any further than Lunatic Pandora until you're sure there's nothing else to do. There's a GF or two and a couple of ridiculous islands that should definitely be visited.
Do the Esthar shop trick too. :drool:

Getting Tents and Cotton and then selling Mega Potions? I did it for some time, bought some stuff and now I have more than 1.5m money, which is very useless in this game (compared to most other games).