Where are you playing it? Is it available for PC? If I like this and finish then I am thinking to play 6 and 8 (8 is available for PC). And you, Cina and IGN are saying that 6 is the best FF/RPG game of all time. If I can get into them it seems that I'll be in FinalFantasyLand for some months.
6 is immense, although I wouldn't say necessarily the greatest RPG of all time, it's certainly a contender and even now you play through it and see just how much everything that has come since takes from it.
I have original copies from the day I bought them of a lot of these games, so I'm playing them on my Snes, however they are all easily available via emulator and as big a fan of something like KOTOR for the story you are, some of the Snes RPG games are the kings of story.
Save points are shit. There is no fun defeating enemies that you have defeated already.
It depends on how well they are done, and of course the generation of gamer you are.
Biing linear for an RPG is not a good thing, and it seems to me strange considering how many people love this game. Anyway, I will not judge this game before I play much more of it.
Again it's the generation don't you think? You aren't going to play something like KOTOR (although that isn't exactly the most open game ever) and expect older games that paved the way for that game to be as open of free flowing.
FF7 was a masterpiece of it's time. Like KOTOR I've played it through to completion once and once only (it's a thing I do with great, gripping games so I can play them in the distant future), and like KOTOR I can remember specific moments from it like it was yesterday.
It is linear, it gets boring and tedious in places (all of which are reasons 6 was better), but FF7 is a moment in gaming that is often duplicated but never really matched. KOTOR isn't mentioned in the same breath, because as great as it is, it's not a pinnacle moment like the FF6/7 were.
But as I said above, I'm lucky enough to have had these greats from day one and I can point you in the direction of plenty more you'll enjoy mate