Schumacher went off the road then drove back onto it to hit Hill. Vettel just steered into Webber.
The accidents are nothing alike.
The accidents are nothing alike.
Schumacher went off the road then drove back onto it to hit Hill. Vettel just steered into Webber.
The accidents are nothing alike.
Except that it's nothing like it at all.
Surely you have eyes...... surely
After Shuey hits the wall he comes outside of Hill and does exactly what Vettel did .........turning hard right into him
They both drive into a fellow racer, no question there. The difference is Schumacher does it deliberately in a stricken Benetton to take his tital rival off the track and win the World Championship; Vettel does it believing his team mate will / should move over and give him the room to ensure they both make it through the corner, and obviously Vettel passes
Both were 100% to blame for their crashes, and both needlessly put another driver at risk crashing at high speed. And ironically, both have plenty of clueless dickheads defending them and trying to blame the innocent party afterwards...
Schumacher was ahead of Hill leading up to the crash; Vettel was behind Webber leading up to the crash.
Schumacher is being overtaken; Vettel is doing the overtaking.
Schumacher takes Hill out on a corner as Hill throws the car up the inside; Vettel does it on a straight having already pulled ahead of Webber.
Literally the only things you can claim that make this crash "identical" is that in both cases the car in question hit the car to the right of it and that both drivers in question were German. The crashes themselves were different, the on-track situations were different, the repercussions were different and the motivations were different.
Are you honestly saying that Vettel deliberately took out Webber because he was worried about the championship? Or have you just seen one car turning into another one and thus decided both incidents were identical, despite all the other factors suggesting otherwise?
Vettel was at fault, no doubt, but it's no more like Schumacher's crashing into Hill than it is Alonso crashing into Petrov, or Kimi taking out Sutil.
My god you're a fecking hypocrite. By your logic Damon should have pulled out. And he should have, hence the reasons nearly every F1 commentator at the time said that Damon made the feck up that cost him the world title, not Schumacher. Any driver worth his weight in gold would have done exactly the same thing in that situation because it was at a point where Schumacher was already in the corner by the time Damon threw his car up the inside. Only bitter dickheads can't comprehend that Damon made the eventual feck up. The only reason this was ever made a big deal is because it involved a Britt. Funny that nobody has ever come out and publicly slandered the "greats" Senna and Prost for actually doing it at high speed points on a track and not in a 70kph corner..
As for Defending Vettel. Nobody ever said it wasn't his fault so pull your head out of your arse.
Literally the only things you can claim that make this crash "identical" is that in both cases the car in question hit the car to the right of it and that both drivers in question were German.
fk me I was only making a tongue in cheek quip earlier and now look at yous - you've started again
The only thing Hill ever did wrong there was to not wait behind for Shuey to come to a natural stop and then go past him but he probably did'nt know the extent of Shueys damage and probably thought this was a chance and took that inside line when Shumacher the cheating cvnt turned hard right across him and knocked himself up into the air although of course succeeding in damaging Hills car
Dont start this all again, you looked fking stupid enough the first time around
My god you're a fecking hypocrite. By your logic Damon should have pulled out. And he should have, hence the reasons nearly every F1 commentator at the time said that Damon made the feck up that cost him the world title, not Schumacher. Any driver worth his weight in gold would have done exactly the same thing in that situation because it was at a point where Schumacher was already in the corner by the time Damon threw his car up the inside. Only bitter dickheads can't comprehend that Damon made the eventual feck up. The only reason this was ever made a big deal is because it involved a Britt. Funny that nobody has ever come out and publicly slandered the "greats" Senna and Prost for actually doing it at high speed points on a track and not in a 70kph corner..
YouTube - Schumacher - Hill Battle Crash @ Adelaide 94
Have you ever actually noticed that Hill locks his tyres prior to contact, and you know why? Because on the trajectory he was at, he was never going to make it a smooth corner. He brakes on turn in and understeers. Schumacher was on the racing line and never aimed his car anywhere other then the apex 'shown on the video'. Which is exactly the reason the incident was judged a racing incident. There are far too many variables on the entire incident to look anything other then that. Neither make a smart decision if Brad's going to bullshit about why Webber should give him racing room, why should Michael? He's not the driver passing Hill.
I knew you were joking but, Brads going to be a wise arse dickhead about it, he's going to get it back.
And in the end I really don't care what a bunch of bitter brits have to say about the incident. Even Sir Frank thought Hill was a waste of space.
What I love about idiots like you is the way you bring in supporting 'heresay' that on the face of it all sound rather 'official' as it were.
Of course the truth of it is is that in the racing fraternity everybody actually thinks Schumacher was a cheating cvnt and the Hill incident was his most glorious example of that perpetual ingrained cheating mentallity
I've never heard anybody of note in the racing world call that a 'racing incident' or in anyway blame Damian other than maybe he may have just slowed down and let Schumacher come to a stop but then as I said he no doubt did'nt know the full extent of Schumachers damage - how could he? and thought he had an opportunity too good to miss
As clear as fking day Schumacher took Hill out and there are probably Schumacher, his wife and family, the Bennetton team and about 5 other people in history who think he did'nt
oh of course .......and you
Oh and btw of course he locks his fking tyres cos he can see what Schumacher's in the process of doing but can't brake quickly enough to avoid it .....unlike the greatest cheat in the history of all professional sports
That's all I've ever fking claimed and whatever else was going on surrounding the collision is irrelevant
The actual collisions were identical, thanks for confirming that
Ahem....... a move by Vettal not unlike a certain Schumacher did against Damien in Adelaide in 94!!
Srry marchi, could'nt resist - I just checked the Adelaide one and it is almost identical
Only difference being in Adelaide Schumacher had a title to try to hold onto in the last race of the season so what the fk Vettel was thinking here - God only knows!
Righto, let me just refresh your memory:
You're clearly bringing other factors into play here. If you were just talking about a car turning right into another car then you'd have hundreds of incidents to choose from. YOU made the comparison between the two, then faced with evidence that there was very little similar between them retreated further and further away from your original argument until eventually you stood in the corner screeching that if you disregarded everything else about the incident then the point at which the two cars hit was the same - and even then, only the gist of it is the same (a car turning right into another car): the actual collision was entirely different.
Or should that be whoopdeef'ckingdoo?
You truly believe that I'm the one making a fool out of myself, don't you Jopub? I mean, genuinly, actually believe that.
It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
The sport can't stay clear of controversies.Force India starts legal action
Force India on Wednesday confirmed it has started legal action against Lotus over allegations that its rival copied designs while building its latest car.
Force India began civil action in Britain's High Court against Lotus, former Force India designer Michael Gascoyne and Italian wind tunnel Aerolab, accusing them of copying its VJM03 wind tunnel model.
Force India says Lotus had unauthorized access to "intellectual property" as well as components and tires licensed exclusively to the team by Bridgestone.
"These are very serious claims and therefore it would not be taking such action if it could not provide supportive evidence," Force India said.
The sport can't stay clear of controversies.
It's not a huge controversy to be honest, both use a third party for some aspect of development (ie. Aerolab). I think its a case for Aerolab to answer for leaving sensitive documents/parts about that other people, not just teams, could get access too.
And its convenient for Team lotus to just utilize them for their benefit?It's not a huge controversy to be honest, both use a third party for some aspect of development (ie. Aerolab). I think its a case for Aerolab to answer for leaving sensitive documents/parts about that other people, not just teams, could get access too.
The F1 website race edit shares some light on Hamilton's demeanor after the race. His team radio whilst leading after the Red Bull's took each other out:
Pitwall - "Lewis we need you to save fuel. Both cars doing the same."
Hamilton - "Jensons closing in on me you guys."
Pitwall - "Understood Lewis"
Hamilton - "If I back off is Jenson going to pass me or not?"
Pitwall - "No Lewis, No"
Button then drives up alongside and has the battle. Either a misunderstanding on Button's part or Button tried to pull a fast one, I would go with the misunderstanding myself but you never know. I reckon "save fuel" was a way of saying hold position but Button never got the memo for that translation.