The Culture Wars

And your reply to what Pexbo said?

Are you people accepting that 1. the black people have higher (empirical crime rate) 2. the black people have (empirical) lower average IQs globally)?

the issue of (A) whether a group has lower IQ/higher crime rate is different from (B) the causes of these differences.

If people don't agree on A's existence there is no need to talk about B.

In any event, if economic factor is the "only" predictor for crimes, it can't explain why some countries (e.g cambodia/laos, etc) were consistently in poverty yet has decently low crime rates.
meaningless sarcasm. no real argument provided.
Argument to what exactly? You just named few statistics without even obvious observation that both the values and the changes have been shrinking for decades and variability within those sets is order of magnitude bigger than any alleged differences between them and cited chatgpt as some sort of proof of suppression of free thought. Claiming that there is empirical data support doesn't magically make it true and without even linking those bloody averages there is nothing to respond to.
Seriously, if you read something on a subject and notice that vast majority of research or overwievs make completely different points, do you just assume that you're the one in the right without any verification?
I am the only one insulted here. (of course you must think that member "rightly" use the profanity on me because 'I am a disgusting racist"?)
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.

Douglas Adams
I have asked you a direct question twice about a statement you made. You haven't answered, but you have decided to insult everyone who disagrees with you with a tedious cliché.

"you people just blindly follow groupthink" is hardly an insult, especially if there is a good probability that it is fact.

Nice to know that if I say that "the United board is an echo chamber tainted with groupthink" I am "insulting" United's board members.

Can you expand on this? Which groups in the west considered weak and poor are "overprivileged"? And in what way is this at the expense of rationality, science and fact?

IMO, all groups perceived to be "weak and poor" in the western world's norms - women, sexual minorities, blacks. I have made it clear now.
IMO, all groups perceived to be "weak and poor" in the western world's norms - women, sexual minorities, blacks. I have made it clear now.

You look at the west and identify these groups as the overprivileged sections of society. Really?
"you people just blindly follow groupthink" is hardly an insult, especially if there is a good probability that it is fact.

Nice to know that if I say that "the United board is an echo chamber tainted with groupthink" I am "insulting" United's board members.

IMO, all groups perceived to be "weak and poor" in the western world's norms - women, sexual minorities, blacks. I have made it clear now.
Hey Jeff, would you consider yourself a racist?
:lol: The arrogance is outrageous!

You conveniently skipped other parts of my reply. Am I "insulting" united board members and being "arrogant" if I think united board are tained by groupthink?

Groupthink happens a lot in every day's organization, neither you nor me are immune to it anyway.

I had too much hope on RedCafe being a place where people can share thinkings and ideas rationally as long as no insults are involved.
"IMO, all groups perceived to be "weak and poor" in the western world's norms - women, sexual minorities, blacks. I have made it clear now".

Racism, homophobia and misogyny packaged in one post. Incredible
You conveniently skipped other parts of my reply. Am I "insulting" united board members and being "arrogant" if I think united board are tained by groupthink?

Groupthink happens a lot in every day's organization, neither you nor me are immune to it anyway.

I had too much hope on RedCafe being a place where people can share thinkings and ideas rationally as long as no insults are involved.

feck off Jeff.
Is he banned yet? I’m still waiting for a reply.
Is he banned yet? I’m still waiting for a reply.
This will have to do you.

"IMO, all groups perceived to be "weak and poor" in the western world's norms - women, sexual minorities, blacks. I have made it clear now".
" the western (white) people love to play nice"

"Repeat after me!

Weak white woke"

Deleted my post after he got kicked. But good lord it blows me away that folks can walk into a space like this and think “This is something I simply must say to strangers”.
Deleted my post after he got kicked. But good lord it blows me away that folks can walk into a space like this and think “This is something I simply must say to strangers”.

They could be a Dublin taxi driver, they love a bold opening gambit.
I can't believe that the women, blacks, and gays got Jeff. :(
I love how these people always claim that they’ve been attacked and insulted and nobody engages with them, while they constantly ignore multiple posts giving them every chance to explain themselves further. As if everyone else is just too stupid to see the posts they ignore. The arrogance is stunning.
the unnecessary dwelling on pronouns, the forced DEI to integrate certain groups above their population ratio, affirmative action, misused concept of cultural appropriation, etc, to name a few.

also, the western (white) people love to play nice (IMO, the desire to avoid being called "bastards" or "bigots") and try to deny the fact that certain ethnic groups have (with empirical data's support) different crime rates and different average IQs, or trying to fully attribute both parameters on injustice of criminal system or economic disadvantages. Try ask it on ChatGPT and it just refuses to give an answer.
There is no unnecessary dwelling over anything. The issue is amplified by the right wing press, online/social voices and isn't actually an issue, but is used as a distraction topic to drown out the actual problems that we're facing. You've fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

And it turns out you believe that racism is scientifically alright too?