The Culture Wars

I thought I read something about the culture wars being over under Labour rule, yet here we have a Labour MP being a pure dog.

I thought I read something about the culture wars being over under Labour rule, yet here we have a Labour MP being a pure dog.

"they should be left alone to discover these things for themselves"

*discovers being trans*

"what? No! You can't do that!"
Teamsters boss spoke at the RNC. That didn't go well with their social media account it seems...


It's just a constant reminder that billions of dollars has nothing to do with the frailties of being human. He is sitting online all day, reading content that is served to him based on algorithms to keep him on the site. He is also posting content which is gaining the attention of one particular group, which then sends him continual reinforcement that "he's right".

Billions and Billions of dollars doesn't shield you from the frailties of being human.
I see a couple of Confederate flags, a shitload of Betsy Ross flags, some weird flags I can’t identify and finally a few US flags hung upside down. Maybe those count?

I think they count. The idea is that you fly the stars and stripes upside down if you are in dire distress. I guess it's a political statement
most intelligent intra-conservative conversation

I'm reading the book Coming of the Third Reich by Richard Evans and it's quite remarkable how similar the culture wars of today are compared to 1920s Germany. Right-wing conservatives fearing things like:
  • Cultural 'degeneracy' from the left (mostly urban masses).
  • Decline of the family.
  • Economic independence of women.
  • Birth rate decline.
  • Crisis of 'masculinity'.
I'm reading the book Coming of the Third Reich by Richard Evans and it's quite remarkable how similar the culture wars of today are compared to 1920s Germany. Right-wing conservatives fearing things like:
  • Cultural 'degeneracy' from the left (mostly urban masses).
  • Decline of the family.
  • Economic independence of women.
  • Birth rate decline.
  • Crisis of 'masculinity'.
One of the reasons why I always smile when I read neo-something. There's nothing new about this, it's an old playbook and they use because it works.
This is why you shouldn't engage with people on the transgender issue in sports, 90 per cent of these people are not arguing in good faith. We even have a few on the caf.
Some are ignorant on the issue too.
This is why you shouldn't engage with people on the transgender issue in sports, 90 per cent of these people are not arguing in good faith. We even have a few on the caf.
Yep. They pretend that TERFs are feminists too. It's a sad act.