The Biden Presidency

I am not disputing whatever good (or bad) the Biden administration had being doing, but this video and others alike can alienate a lot of people to vote for him. And rightly so. How a man that can have this discommection with reality can take decisions to lead the US

It's either American decision are made by a senile or someone else is making all those decision for him. Imagine if those people have their own agenda...
It's either American decision are made by a senile or someone else is making all those decision for him. Imagine if those people have their own agenda...
We've already been through that with Reagan & HW Bush (to a lesser extent).
No way he is making it to Election day, might have a little punt on Michelle Obama


This election is really the battle between the old man caring for his garden while telling the same story forty times, and the old man yelling at the kids and throwing his garbage over the fence because his neighbour forgot to give him back the garden scissors he borrowed 25 years ago, but has forgotten that the neighbour moved 20 years ago.

Well the second old man also wants to be made into king, but he would rather we ignore that detail.
This election is really the battle between the old man caring for his garden while telling the same story forty times, and the old man yelling at the kids and throwing his garbage over the fence because his neighbour forgot to give him back the garden scissors he borrowed 25 years ago, but has forgotten that the neighbour moved 20 years ago.

Well the second old man also wants to be made into king, but he would rather we ignore that detail.
Ignore? He's telling us constantly he wants to be and his base loves it... but otherwise yeah. Biden is looking really old and tired. I think the Israel situation may have accelerated his decline.
Seriously, feck off already.

Step aside and allow a better candidate to stave off Trump. I don’t know who that is but it feels like anyone at this point who isn’t entrenched (that means you Kamala) could beat Trump and avoid the worst case scenario.
Seriously, feck off already.

Step aside and allow a better candidate to stave off Trump. I don’t know who that is but it feels like anyone at this point who isn’t entrenched (that means you Kamala) could beat Trump and avoid the worst case scenario.

She's polling worse than Biden. On top of which she really doesn't even have a constituency within the Dem party.
Hence i specifically ruled her out.

Sorry, I missed that bit. Newsom should be the replacement if Biden drops out, which is probably why Gavin was pimping himself out in recent months with a trip to China and a debate with DeSantis.
Sorry, I missed that bit. Newsom should be the replacement if Biden drops out, which is probably why Gavin was pimping himself out in recent months with a trip to China and a debate with DeSantis.

He feels like the Dem equivalent of DeSantis but I don’t know enough about him to be sure.

I don’t know who the answer is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not Biden or any of his ilk.
He feels like the Dem equivalent of DeSantis but I don’t know enough about him to be sure.

I don’t know who the answer is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not Biden or any of his ilk.

He's the most viable Dem candidate imo. Completely humiliated DeSantis when they debated.

I’ve stayed out of forming an opinion on this and it’s easy to obsess about the danger on the other side in Trump but feck me he can’t be running. There needs to be some deal making at the convention to coalesce behind another candidate surely!?
Sorry, I missed that bit. Newsom should be the replacement if Biden drops out, which is probably why Gavin was pimping himself out in recent months with a trip to China and a debate with DeSantis.

Newsom would be the most viable candidate, but in most polls he doesn't turn out enough progressives and young people to win key states.

I’ve stayed out of forming an opinion on this and it’s easy to obsess about the danger on the other side in Trump but feck me he can’t be running. There needs to be some deal making at the convention to coalesce behind another candidate surely!?

If they saw any other candidate capable of winning, they probably would. This special counsel report is pretty bad for Biden when coupled with his recent gaffes.
Newsom would be the most viable candidate, but in most polls he doesn't turn out enough progressives and young people to win key states.

The polls are completely hypothetical though, as in, he's not running at the moment. Voter choices can swing quickly when they have two tangible candidates who are locked in to choose from.
a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory, yet someone who is expected to last another 4 years as President.
Democrats need to wrap things up now, and start making plans for the next Democrat candidate for the election
The polls are completely hypothetical though, as in, he's not running at the moment. Voter choices can swing quickly when they have two tangible candidates who are locked in to choose from.

Fair point. I don't think the Dems would want to risk it as long as Biden is a viable option - but that might change.
Newsom would be the most viable candidate, but in most polls he doesn't turn out enough progressives and young people to win key states.

If they saw any other candidate capable of winning, they probably would. This special counsel report is pretty bad for Biden when coupled with his recent gaffes.
The alternative is Trump though. Surely a large proportion will come out just to stop him? And I thought the vote was collapsing for Biden according to the polls with progressives and young people due to Gaza anyway? It just seems like they (and by association the rest of us watching in horror from the outside) are sleepwalking their way to disaster here. They need whoever the Josh Lyman and Leo Mcgarry equivalents are to get into a fecking room and choose!
i think if they could tempt Michelle Obama to run, Biden would probably voluntarily stand down.
Someone needs to Meet Joe Black Biden’s crusty old ass. Just walk him over a bridge into a forest, kill the bastard and then walk back alone and have sex with Claire Forlani. I’d be happy to volunteer for this job.
He can’t be allowed to run, surely? It’s clear to everyone that he’s declined massively. Mind you this is the same country that let Feinstein carry on so perhaps not.
In terms of what we have seen previously , what is the latest a new realistic nominee can come forward?

They’ve gotten themselves in a mess here. Also what is the process. Would Biden announce he is not running and put forward Newsom or Are there still to be primaries?
The sad thing is we all know he is going to end up collapsing/fainting or have some form of Clinton style medical episode. Guy struggles to get through a 10 minute stump speech yet will have to do HUNDREDS of these public events in the months leading up to election day.
In terms of what we have seen previously , what is the latest a new realistic nominee can come forward?

They’ve gotten themselves in a mess here. Also what is the process. Would Biden announce he is not running and put forward Newsom or Are there still to be primaries?

Lyndon B. Johnson stepped out of the race for re-election on March 31, 1968. Primaries would still go on, but I think the DNC/Biden administration would allow Newsom to sweep it all in order to keep as much time as possible for a grueling campaign ahead against the GOP.
The alternative is Trump though. Surely a large proportion will come out just to stop him? And I thought the vote was collapsing for Biden according to the polls with progressives and young people due to Gaza anyway? It just seems like they (and by association the rest of us watching in horror from the outside) are sleepwalking their way to disaster here. They need whoever the Josh Lyman and Leo Mcgarry equivalents are to get into a fecking room and choose!

You would think so, but polls seem to suggest otherwise. But yes, it does seem like a good time to launch a new candidate and potentially run with an incumbent in 2028 and not a fresh face.
How long until the elections did Lyndon B. Johnson announce his refusal to run for the Democratic nomination?

Feels like if Biden is going to step down, yesterday is the best day to do it. Second option is right now, give the Dems a chance to coalesce around someone else
Yeah he's toast.
And if he had any brain left (not much) & the DNC had balls then they'd work their asses off the next few days/weeks to get Newsom into position.
He can’t be allowed to run, surely? It’s clear to everyone that he’s declined massively. Mind you this is the same country that let Feinstein carry on so perhaps not.
I mean who can do allowing or not allowing at this point? His wife?
Yeah he's toast.
And if he had any brain left (not much) & the DNC had balls then they'd work their asses off the next few days/weeks to get Newsom into position.

Why? Cause of bad polling? The election will be close.

Anyway, Biden is not stepping down, and besides, "coronation" of someone who hasn't even gotten a vote in the primaries brings its own set of problems.
You would think so, but polls seem to suggest otherwise. But yes, it does seem like a good time to launch a new candidate and potentially run with an incumbent in 2028 and not a fresh face.

Polls say many things right now, two polls where they are tied in Wisconsin, but somehow Morning Consult wants us to believe Biden is getting crushed 5 points nationally.
Why? Cause of bad polling? The election will be close.

Anyway, Biden is not stepping down, and besides, "coronation" of someone who hasn't even gotten a vote in the primaries brings its own set of problems.

Sure, we can look at how things went in 1968. The DNC had no solidly viable candidate to face and defeat Nixon.


This guy shouldn’t immediately stop the job of president. It’s insane.

Biden can't recover from this. Trump and the Republicans and social media will crucify him over this report. It just backs up what most have been saying already. The best hope is he stands down immediately and someone replaces him and in the coming months Trump shows he's going exactly the same way. Let Trump dig his own grave and take the focus off Biden. Any mistake Joe makes from here on in will be amplified tenfold compared to anything Trump says or does.

This report would exclude anyone from any job, let alone the United States Presidency.
Another gaffe."The president of Mexico, Sisi". Everything else he said was fine, but come on, stay away from silly gaffes.