The bad (typically gun related) things happening in America thread

Ahhh freedom of speech, just not what is written in books that we don't like. Or said by others we don't like, or said about something we like or don't like but it applies to you! And don't elect those Commies on the left as they will take away your rights yet want you to be taught stuff we don't agree with so we will ban that shit too and replace it with shit we want everyone to be taught.

It's fecking batshit. Nothing but projection & hypocrisy.
Yes, that is a solid description of the GOP.
I wouldn't get too caught up in the terminology. Magazine capacity is a bigger factor than how a gun looks or what operating system it uses.

Careful now. Some people need a couple of shots and it's better if they can get those shots of as fast as possible. Do they need more than five? No, and limiting magazine capacity is another easy win.
Damn you with your fecking rational defence and reasoning. Although I'd still prefer people not to have them at all, I'd accept that restriction if it was that or no change at all. Sadly though, you're rational, many would fight against that as hard as a complete ban.
Damn you with your fecking rational defence and reasoning. Although I'd still prefer people not to have them at all, I'd accept that restriction if it was that or no change at all. Sadly though, you're rational, many would fight against that as hard as a complete ban.
There's no would about it, they actively fought against the bump stock ban which Trump brought in oddly enough, and won in the SC
Heh. I can confirm that is not the case.
Why because people would need more attempts to hit their target?
Damn you with your fecking rational defence and reasoning. Although I'd still prefer people not to have them at all, I'd accept that restriction if it was that or no change at all. Sadly though, you're rational, many would fight against that as hard as a complete ban.
I'm not sure if Canada has the same gun laws as the US but this type of incident don't happen there as often... or at all.
I wouldn't get too caught up in the terminology. Magazine capacity is a bigger factor than how a gun looks or what operating system it uses.

Careful now. Some people need a couple of shots and it's better if they can get those shots of as fast as possible. Do they need more than five? No, and limiting magazine capacity is another easy win.
What about limiting bullet velocity, ie the amount of powder in a bullet? Is that feasible?
Why because people would need more attempts to hit their target?

I'm not sure if Canada has the same gun laws as the US but this type of incident don't happen there as often... or at all.
I'd assume, from my own experience, the people who buy the most bullets are target shooters. Here in Canada our gun laws are such that semi-automatic rifles can only have a 5 round magazine. Some people complain about that but it doesn't bother me. I still shoot the same amount, I just have to load more magazines.

We have a pretty solid set of gun laws. The way the law is written, possession of any firearm is illegal but the government grants an amnesty from prosecution if you have the appropriate licence, which requires safety courses and background checks. We have storage requirements, magazine restrictions, as mentioned (5 rounds for rifles, 10 for handguns), some registration, and a bunch of banned semi-automatics, including the AR-15. Currently we can't buy, sell or trade handguns, either.

All of that goes some way to reducing access to guns and gun violence as a result. There may be cultural difference as well but from my experience many of our gun fanatics are right up there with their American counterparts.

What about limiting bullet velocity, ie the amount of powder in a bullet? Is that feasible?

I think if there's enough charge to get it out of the barrel it's going to be pretty deadly.
So this idiotic snapchat or tik tok challenge is happening in multiple states in the US where kids would put up a post saying they will shoot up xyz schools and in some cases, come up with a target list of the kids in school.
News came in the last week from all over Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Florida and saw one from California as well.

Multiple juveniles, even as small as 11 yr olds have been taken into custody for these threats.