Hunting is one thing (and I don't like hunting because...reasons). Hunting is allowed in most of the countries if not all. But in any sane country, you can gift a hunting rifle to a person (age my vary country to country, but I assume most of the times 14-16 the earliest). But this person needs to have a permit, probably training and also harsh regulations on how to store it, transport it and use it
Not against at all on that and any form of control and sensible regulation. Everybody has its own hobbies and as long it doesn't affect and threaten other's people life coolio (yes, I am that old). But that example that make sense is only used to wash and justify all other feck up gifts to minors like special AR15 kid size. That this shit actually exist it baffles me, and CNN is being disingenuous using that example to justify all the other gifts