The Apprentice

was she the project manager this week? If so I'm thinking of the wrong one

yeah, she was the project manager yeah! She thought that 'How to blow your load' was a good concept.

BTW the pensioner mag was a better idea, and even though it was poorly put together they still should have cleaned up if it wasn't for Jim's ineptitude at negotiating! Even the Engineer knew that!

Tonight it's cringe material !!

Helen is the only one that seems natural at this. The rest seem to be playing a bad game. Melody is flying as she speaks French. The rest haven't a breeze
That Melody is an utter cnut. She's doing well in this task though. Pretty tasty aswell. Ah, I've digressed form my initial point. cnut!
She is hot but she loves the sound if her own voice and yes shes a cnut.

Helen will win this competition.
The Susan one was lucky they won. She's a knob.
Tom is a goner
They're all as bad as each other!

Don't like Melody.
Liz Locke > Melody

Without a doubt. In fact, I think Helen > Melody. I think she's very good looking and by far the best candidate on the show as well. The only one I would actually want to do business with, in terms of her ability and demeanour.

Melody is outrageously annoying. Has to enunciate every syllable, blow her own trumpet, trod over others etc etc.

I'm glad that these 14 people aren't actually the brightest business minds in the country.
Yeah Melodi you did your market research in a train station.
I thought Melody dodged a bullet this week and thought praising her for essentially stealing all of the pitches was a strange thing for Lord Sugar to do.

Yes she set them up but she was at an immediate advantage because she could speak French. The others could have asked if they spoke English and passed it on to Melody if they didn't but she'd already decided she was going to set them all up at that point.

And the La Redoute thing was ridiculous, Nick even pointed out that Tom had specifically asked her to research them and she didn't yet it didn't appear to have been brought up again when they were in the boardroom. Granted they could have edited it out as she was to stay in.

Leon was a useless wanker though.
Worst bit was when she got back into the house, and told everyone that Lord Alan had read out every one of her awards and said 'That's commendable'. Clearly, he did not say anything remotely like this. Stupid bitch.
Worst bit was when she got back into the house, and told everyone that Lord Alan had read out every one of her awards and said 'That's commendable'. Clearly, he did not say anything remotely like this. Stupid bitch.

Didn't he say something about not wanting a politician after reading them all out?

She was lying about the market research as well. They only asked 4 people in a train station for starters but she was lying about what they said anyway. I'm pretty sure one of the people she asked said the teapot was ok and she told Leon they said it was great, then they said the child's seat was a good idea because a lot of people use the metro and it could be used on there and she told Leon that a lot of people use the metro so it would be useless.
Three of them said the car-bag was very good, and a great idea, even on the metro as well. Several said the pot was stupid, and wouldn't work. She asked people using the metro, if people used the metro. Unbelievable stuff really.

Yeah, he criticized her for it, very clearly couldn't care less about a bunch of awards, and only said 'thats commendable' when she said she had done some work aimed at youth. I just cringe when she speaks to anyone, and her voice as well, I'd cut my tongue out and beat myself with it.
Three of them said the car-bag was very good, and a great idea, even on the metro as well. Several said the pot was stupid, and wouldn't work. She asked people using the metro, if people used the metro. Unbelievable stuff really.

Yeah, he criticized her for it, very clearly couldn't care less about a bunch of awards, and only said 'thats commendable' when she said she had done some work aimed at youth. I just cringe when she speaks to anyone, and her voice as well, I'd cut my tongue out and beat myself with it.

Her voice is stupidly nasal and she seems to force out every word so that every syllable is as clear as possible. Couple that with the fact that she never shuts the feck up and you end up wanting to kill her.
How is Melody still in this?

She didn't do the research about the retailer that she was asked to do, and her market research consisted of asking 5 people in a train station about the products, and then lying about what they said because she didn't like the rucksack, which won the other team the task.

I know the show's not actually about Sir Alan finding a business partner and they're going to keep the good looking girl in for ratings, but at least try and be consistent ffs. I thought the initial brief was that Sugar wanted a partner he can work with, and not a salesman who will tread over their co-workers to get a sale?
If Tom had gone against the 'market research' (ie lies, exaggerations and a sample of a few people in a tube station) and gone for a product all 3 of his team hated, he would have been ripped apart had they lost. Why was more not made of the la roudette research as well?

Seeing as so many of you consider her so fit, you'll be sad to know there was a picture of her in a bikini in the newbie forum.....
How is Melody still in this?

She didn't do the research about the retailer that she was asked to do, and her market research consisted of asking 5 people in a train station about the products, and then lying about what they said because she didn't like the rucksack, which won the other team the task.

I know the show's not actually about Sir Alan finding a business partner and they're going to keep the good looking girl in for ratings, but at least try and be consistent ffs. I thought the initial brief was that Sugar wanted a partner he can work with, and not a salesman who will tread over their co-workers to get a sale?

She'll be gone soon enough. They've already ear marked the potential partners for Sugar imo based on their past history. The rest are there to act as filler.

She doesn't fit the specification of a partner and therefore has no chance of winning. But she makes entertaining television and to be fair to her, she did eat the both of them alive.

Tom's a far more creditable choice as a partner, intelligent, good gut instinct and has done it before. He'll get to the last 4 imo and then we'll see if his claims matches up with his history.
Helen is easily the best and reminds of an air stewardess. She out-foxes Melody, imo, in the looks department. Melody sounds like that actress with the cleft palatte who was in Shameless and This Is England.
Helen is easily the best and reminds of an air stewardess. She out-foxes Melody, imo, in the looks department. Melody sounds like that actress with the cleft palatte who was in Shameless and This Is England.

Been thinking the same thing on both counts. Melody's fecking annoying and it's quite obvious she's had some form of elocution training. Stupid cow.
BixMix seems the better product / brand but Helen is better at pitching than Zoe and the roleplay was terrible. I think Zoe is becoming out of her depth a bit.
Well that pitch from melody and tom certainly made me cringe!
Although Susan small mouth and the posh Arab could also be fired without remorse