The Apprentice

Haha go on jim

That's a first! Talked himself out of rhe boardroom.

Pm or Alex ? Who goes ?

this is comical!

"i dont think you should bring me into the board room"

"okay im not bringing you in, glenn im going to bring you instead"

"what? well i dont think that you should bring me in, jim what do you think?"

this is class! :lol:

"you fire him now, he has failed...":lol:
Edward came across as very funny in You're Fired last night.

I knew the boys were fecked when it showed them being super confident of winning.
He was basically David Brent the Accountant though wasn't he.
I dont think Melody is that fit. None of them are really. 7/10 territory at best. I'd pick the one with the shortest hair.
Susan reminds me of a girl I used to have a massive crush on. I like Susan.
Vincent major floppage on the speech and as for Leon getting manhandled in the boardroom by Jim'll Fix it, comic gold haha... still don't know how the girls managed to win that, though to be fair both Apps were shit.
Watching it now. The editing/cutting is so false and ridiculous. I don't mind doing it do add drama but it's getting a bit constant and annoying.
How does this show work without Donald Trump?

Lord Sugar is better than Donald Trump is, Nick Hewer is better as an observer than all of Trump's kids put together. Trump surrounds himself with too much drama, he puts himself across as the King of celebrities never failing to tell the candidates what famous person he is friends with, Sugar on the otherhand doesn't mess around, he justs comes down on morons from a great height.

I much prefer the Celebrity Apprentice in the US though, as opposed to the idiots who think they should be in offices in the Square Mile when in reality they shouldn't even be aspiring to working in Swindon.
How does this show work without Donald Trump?

I think this is one of the funniest things I have seen on television that wasn't scripted. The ridiculous thing is though, this person won his series.

I think this is one of the funniest things I have seen on television that wasn't scripted. The ridiculous thing is though, this person won his series.

That jacket sold like hotcakes too if I remember.

:lol: Remember those, cracking scenes.

Bit disappointed with this series so far, they're all cnuts and none are likeable at all.
Jim is definitely my favourite so far, he seems to have a logical answer for everything and top marks for basically refusing to stay in the boardroom with Leon lol
Got a feeling Gavin's team will win this one. Susan is too nicey-nicey, good to look at though.
'Do you know anywhere in London that I can buy a fillet steak?'

How about a restaurant, a supermarket or a butchers perhaps?
There are some idiots in this world, St James's is the single most expensive place on Earth, buying an apartment on St James's Square on the cheap means spending £50 Million.
There are some idiots in this world, St James's is the single most expensive place on Earth, buying an apartment on St James's Square on the cheap means spending £50 Million.

Can you even take a penny off ... A PENNY...DAMN YOU