The Apprentice

Baggs.."I'm not a one trick pony or a 5 trick pony. I've got a field full of ponies".

Get in! "The Brand" lives to fight another day. It would have been nothing short of tragic if we had missed out on seeing him in the interview session.

Shhh you'll have people realising Sugar was thinking of ratings and not the best prospects for his employment opportunity!
You could tell as soon as he made the big long speech and wasn't interrupted that he wasn't going to go, Sir Alan loves that. Surprised Liz went out with such a whimper.
I don't normally watch this shite because I find myself becoming infuriated by these wankers. "There is Big Ben. The clockface is 12 diameters in width".

Cocks. I want them all to die.
lol Stuart is so awesome because he's so facepalm worthy, I don't know if Sugar is keeping him because he just wants more easy bait or he legit thinks he's the real deal.

"Everything I touch turns to sold" - Yet he gets beat in sales every week. Poor kid.
Was a good 'un last night. That weird bloke on the 8 person tour with Stella who seemed to be having a whale of a time :lol:

I'm thinking it'll be Jamie and Stella in the final.
You're not a big fish. You're not even a fish.
Next week is going to be a cracker.

'You're not a brand.'

' think I could be'
I think they should swap bosses for a couple of weeks, Lord Sugar should go to New York and send Donald Trump to London - let Baggs talk about his 'brand status' to him.

Or for that matter get someone like Gordon Ramsey to conduct an interview with them.
I'm thinking Jamie will have blagged his CV. Jo should have gotten to the final, but i'm thinking her treatment of Jamie yesterday will come back to haunt her. Nick will describe her as an annoyance and she'll be off.

As mad as this sounds, there is something about the Brand, he doesn't disappear into the background, he's always in there contributing. He does have raw talent and a drive to win.

Stella and the Brand will get to the final. I'm thinking that the Brand could win this outright, but he'll cock up the last episode when he becomes PM again. He's a ruddy useless PM :p
Stella and the Brand will get to the final. I'm thinking that the Brand could win this outright, but he'll cock up the last episode when he becomes PM again. He's ruddy useless :p

That's better. I don't know how he got out of it last night, he was shocking again. And the bit in Trafalgar square "go on then, hit me. You're always mouthing off now back it up" then following it up with "that was unproffesional of him, i think i should report him". Prat.
Don't think the Brand and his extremely small ears will win, there's having confidence in your ability, but then there's being a twat, and two cannot mix.

Stella i think fits in more to the kind of person that would work for Sugar, even if she is deemed "very corporate"
I'd say Jamie will win, he's an arrogant dick but he's the best candidate left. Knows how to sell, bargain and all that pizazz far better than the rest.
I'd say Jamie will win, he's an arrogant dick but he's the best candidate left. Knows how to sell, bargain and all that pizazz far better than the rest.

I guess it depends on what Sugar himself wants. If he wants a PM to lead a team then its got to be Stella. If he wants someone to negiotate deals then its Jamie, if he wants someone with raw talent then its Stuart.

Jo and the posh bloke are dead wood frankly.
Stuart? Raw talent? Am I missing something?

He's pathetic. In every way, shape and form.

I think he's absolutely hilarious. I hope he makes it to the end, he's the most entertaining thing in the show this year.

He shouldn't win though, and he most certainly shouldn't have been kept in ahead of Liz, but oh well.
I don't think i could work with Jo, just for that her voice would really bug the hell out of me.
She likes the sound of her own voice too much, and she doesn't like listening to people, like last night the fact she went back to the tourist information centre and tried to arrange the deal that had already been agreed!

Stupid thing to do.
Liz was fit.

Thanks for the view Liz.


Stuart? Raw talent? Am I missing something?

He's pathetic. In every way, shape and form.

To be fair if half the stuff he's spouted is true and he really does have his own business with a 3 million turnover at 21 among others then he's really not pathetic regardless of his tv persona/cringe factor/general arrogance.

If on the other hand he's told some little lies along the way then the interviews next week will be fecking great.
All the girls I know seem to absolutely detest 'The Brand'.. not one seems to find him remotely funny, yet most lads seem to be big fans or see the funny side of him.

Thanks Muller btw for those pics, she's up there for hottest chick to appear on the apprentice.