The Apprentice

The problem with this show is Alan Sugar. I'm sure he's a good businessman and all that, but he's a ridiculous figure - he has no gravitas and is really stupid, he can't express himself at all.

Trump in the US version is also a slightly absurd figure but he does have a bit of charisma.
All I want to say is that I could just look at Liz' face day and night. What eyes. I'm sad she's gone, it's only dicks now left in the show.
Excited for the show tonight! Hope we see Stuart go! I really can't stand him at times. He is so arrogant and chauvinistic. Not really got a favourite though! Most of them seem to annoy me in some way! :)
The final two has been leaked onto the net. It's so widespread I don't doubt that the leak is right.

Anyway, the obvious main point of tonight's show and the only reason Stuart was kept in last week over Liz, was so he would get ripped apart tonight. He was obviously nowhere near her calibre as a contestant and the weakest of the five left.

As the tabloids make clear today he looks set to get a hammering.
Best year ever for totty: Liz is class, Laura is a little odd looking but hot, Stella would be doable if she wasnt so cold, Joanna is nice too, and the Indian girl was pretty tasty too, add Karren :drool: and Margaret into the equation its a relative wank fest! And Paloma too!
Sandeesh was the fittest by far.

"You are not even a fish" was the best line tonight. I'm surprised relatively few people watch it - it's cracking entertainment. I'd quite like the old series on DVD if it existed. There have been some great episodes - the best apprentice series was the one with Tre Azam on it though, absolute legend.
Sandeesh hot? lolwut. None of them touch Karren really, and she's like 10-15 years older than them.

After seeing the interviews and how much slack the others took, it was pretty clear Chris and Stella were the obvious choices, I can definitely feel Sugars pain with firing Liz over Baggs, but Baggs getting destroyed was worth it(kinda reminds me of Sopranos really how they'd have awesome douchebags, and keep them around until the penultimate episode before killing them), she probably would of been as good as those two in these interviews and it wouldn't have been AS obvious going into the boardroom.