The Apprentice

Whilst they were shambolic the women do seem far more capable than the men, apart from one none of them have really shown anything yet.
Sandeesh CV

speaking to Lord Sugar "I will propel you into world domination"

It just keeps getting worse and worse.
Pretty unjust tonight I thought. Paloma ought to have gone, simply for being an arrogant bitch.

Considering how many people could have gone for doing things so very wrong on both teams Paloma should have been far from the firing line, plus do you not think Shibby was very arrogant in the board room as well?

Melissa showed herself to be a complete idiot, she bigged herself up as a food distribution manager and therefore should walk this task, she was awful managing the team, planning the items, the meeting and her pitching was absolutely horrific and then after that she had the tenacity to go in the boardroom and big herself up all over again - utter madness.
Considering how many people could have gone for doing things so very wrong on both teams Paloma should have been far from the firing line, plus do you not think Shibby was very arrogant in the board room as well?

Melissa showed herself to be a complete idiot, she bigged herself up as a food distribution manager and therefore should walk this task, she was awful managing the team, planning the items, the meeting and her pitching was absolutely horrific and then after that she had the tenacity to go in the boardroom and big herself up all over again - utter madness.

Shibby was a tad arrogant too, yeh, but I give him credit for being straight up and admitting he made a lot of errors. I'm not quite sure why he was ever project manager - he should have kept in the background as best he could. I thought Paloma got away with the fact that she advocated more sales when it would have been impossible to supply them.

Agreed on Melissa, if they'd lost, she'd definitely have gone, no question. She may be a food distribution manager, but she can't be a very good one. It was cringe-central when she did that absolutely hideous pitch where she didn't know the figures. She'll be out as soon as she gets into the boardroom, she's a weapon.
Lets also not forget that Melissa took half the day deciding what products to make :lol:

Honestly, half these people have been put in for comedic value. They're honestly bloody awful, how can you have a days worth of trade and only bring in 70 odd quid. Thats bloody awful.

He should probably have gone for his complete lack of experience in PM'n. But that other bird should have gone for supplying nothing at all for the entire process apart from giving attitude.
Just watched last weeks episode, Sandeesh should have gone - she's attractive though- as is Paloma.

The Dr. was unlucky.
Melissa is nothing short of annoying, she just doesnt know when to shut her mouth
Can't believe Melissa looks shocked that she is getting called back. She has to go this week.
Lord Sugar is a legend telling Melissa she is akin to a knockoff DVD.
I'm definately watching Dara's programme tonight.
How bitter is Melissa, saying the 'ganged' up on her and then refusing to shake hands, very Arsene Wenger that. Hope that Poloma goes next time, whatever her name is, thinks she's a cut above.
How bitter is Melissa, saying the 'ganged' up on her and then refusing to shake hands, very Arsene Wenger that. Hope that Poloma goes next time, whatever her name is, thinks she's a cut above.

Melissa showed a real lack of "professionality"

Paloma is annoying, but why the lack of Paloma faith?

I'll get my coat.
As long as Liz stays in it's worth watching which could be quite a while actually seeing as she's one of the best in the house
Yeah Laura is awesome. Those eyes! She actually looks a bit Polish.

Sandeesh is a bit of alright too, and Joanna and Stella would probably get it.
Thank you L'Alan for getting rid of that looney toon Melissa, her bulging eyes, obscenely spotty face and zero business sense was grating to say the least. As for that new brunette cut to give herself a new image, the audience in Dara's program saw straight through her.

Laura is pissing me off... lovely body but her personality is just a major turnoff. Liz and Stella definitely get my vote on the eye candy front, so far they've kept away from the bitchiness too. we'll see how long that lasts.
oooohhhhh scandal in the papers today

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: News :: THE APPRENTICE FAN FURY

FURIOUS TV fans have branded The Apprentice a sham after last week’s winning orders turned out to be fake.

Viewers saw what they thought was show history when Liz Locke, 24, sold a “record” £99,000-worth of baby grows to online giant Kiddicare.

But we can reveal the company that makes the heat-sensitive sleepsuits says it was only a “pretend order” and the real deal was done behind closed doors.


At least two other deals, B&Q’s £63,000 order and a local DIY store’s commission for 1,000 eco shower heads, were also fake.

Adrian Winnicott, manager of Rowlands Home Hardware seen on Wednesday night’s show, said: “No actual transaction took place. It’s all make believe.”

Angry fans said the revelations made a mockery of the BBC show.
Brummie Liz’s success, which won Wednesday’s task for team Apollo, saw her secure what appeared to be the sale of 10,000 units of Babyglow sleepsuits to Kiddicare.

But Howard Robinson, spokesman for Babyglow, said what was seen on TV was a “notional or pretend order”.

And he said Babyglow had no idea Kiddicare had “ordered” so many sleepsuits until the show went out.

He added that Babyglow did not have enough stock to fulfil the order even if it was real.

He said: “The first real awareness we had was when the show went out.

“Obviously, we picked up the phone to Kiddicare afterwards and they should have their first delivery by now.

“But it’s not the amount on The Apprentice.

“Babyglow only launched this week in the UK and do not yet have that level of stock available.”

B&Q, which was said to have ordered 6,000 spades and shower heads, has told the Daily Star Sunday it never placed a genuine order.

A spokeswoman said: “They were hypothetical orders.” Meanwhile, Rowlands boss Adrian did reveal how dippy team leader Jamie Lester, 28, and fellow wannabe Joanna Riley, 25, would have short-changed themselves by a whopping £9,000 had the deal gone through.

He said: “When the lad came to fill out the order book, part of the order was 1,000 showerheads at £10 each.

“He turned to the girl with him and asked what ten times 1,000 was. And her answer was £1,000!

“So actually, they sold them to us for £1 each, which Alan Sugar didn’t pick up on.”

Last night angry viewers said they were appalled.

Mum-of-two Laura Marshall, 31, from Brighton, East Sussex, said: “What a total joke. They might as well give the candidates Monopoly money to play with.”

And trainee accountant Graham O’Malley, 27, fumed: “You watch and think, ‘They’ve done well there. I might go and get one of those’.
“And then you find out the stores don’t stock them because the whole thing is one big charade.”
An Apprentice spokesman said: “As part of the task, the candidates had to pitch a product to a number of retailers who decided whether to place a provisional order.

“The producers then put the product owners in touch with the retailers to confirm the order.”
yep, i was enjoying this years one too until i read that, just all for the cameras then really aint it?
Isn't it obvious they're not real orders? Christ.
why bother at all then? kinda defies the point of the task
Not surprised, I never believed any of the orders/sales actually go through.
As long as they're placing orders based on the quality of product/pitching then what difference does it make? It would be different if they were telling how many orders to place.