The Apprentice

I can't watch this program, it's hugely munipulative, the first few minutes perfectly designed to make you hate every single candidate, I left the room after the bloke said 'My first words weren't mummy, they were money'
What a bunch of twats.

The guy who went out and the woman with the white hair and the glasses need to be shot.

Along with the "unemployed head of communications" does that work out? are you a spokesperson for the unemployed?
Really not doing your prospects of getting a job any good going on this show really.
None of the birds are even that fit, and that lesbo one's got a right attitude problem.
I hope the person who complained about the loud mouth's selling techiques turns out to be good - you actually want the people to be good, not idiots.

I liked the American version before it went celebrity much better as they had far more capable candidates.
The thing is with this show is that there are some fantastic lines from candidates.

My favourite line tonight - "I'm a great salesman, everything I touch turns to sold," just beating the also legendary "If you have any problems with the product, please feel free to keep them to yourself."

I love it.
That Stuart was a right little gobby shite. The thought of sharing the same first name with him sends shivers down my spine. I thought Lord Sugar should have got rid of him aswell as Dan.

Like the look of that pad where they are staying :drool:
The thing is with this show is that there are some fantastic lines from candidates.

My favourite line tonight - "I'm a great salesman, everything I touch turns to sold," just beating the also legendary "If you have any problems with the product, please feel free to keep them to yourself."

I love it.

That one did make me laugh, but it's massively disrespectful. He's a twat that Stuart, Sir Alan doesn't like him and the sooner he's fired the better.

Women eating and making sausages was a bit of a turn on aswell. I had many dirty thoughts.
That one did make me laugh, but it's massively disrespectful. He's a twat that Stuart, Sir Alan doesn't like him and the sooner he's fired the better.

And most likely illegal.
Here's a spoiler that isn't really a spoiler as it is plastered all over the BBC website:

A contestant in The Apprentice has revealed that he quit the show after his brother was wounded in an explosion in Afghanistan.

Wiltshire-born Raleigh Addington said there was "never any question" of remaining in the BBC One reality show.

His brother Captain Ed Addington was hurt just before the candidates were due to be briefed on the show's second task.

He suffered a collapsed lung, a brain haemorrhage and multiple fractures.

Viewers will not see 23-year-old Mr Addington leave in Wednesday night's episode.

BBC News - Apprentice contestant quit after brother injured
But who wants to be fecking about MFI styley constructing that on holiday. Books you read on holiday are generally not keepers anyway.

Laura has a cracking arse, they should have sold something that involved modelling that.
True you don't want to be fecking about with all that, but if they had a bit more time to devise it it could have been a lot better.

That girl who's meant to be leading is in way over her head.
The girls are completely retarded.

Joanna is a complete an utter job-end
Out of interest, how far in advance is the show filmed?

Clearly at least 1 show in advance because they have the following week's preview at the end of the show.

But when was that guy's brother injured in Afghanistan? Because that'll be when it was filmed then won't it?
They're usually filmed in about November, this was pushed back from it's original air date of May because of the election.

I'd say it's knocking on a year since this was filmed.
I'm still laughing my head off from the first week, when the ginger guy who left this week 'cos of his brother, went on that mini rant and eneded on "It's shameful!" :lol:
Someone needed to slap Joanna today. What a twat.
Also, Alex is right plank as well - his days are numbered.
Out of interest, how far in advance is the show filmed?

Clearly at least 1 show in advance because they have the following week's preview at the end of the show.

But when was that guy's brother injured in Afghanistan? Because that'll be when it was filmed then won't it?

A long while in advance. In this case, because of the delay, about a year.

Apprentice candidates spotted filming | The Apprentice 2010 by TellyMix

That book holder was such a shit idea. The second they took it out of the box I said, "They've lost." Weirdly, they could've won had they not pissed it away by refusing exclusivity. Anyone else reckon the PM had remembered this from last year's (ice cream task?) and shit themselves that they wouldn't be allowed to offer exclusivity to anyone?
I wouldn't mind Stella bossing me around.
I liked the cuuli but boy did they sell it poor. The book holder was not all that but why would you say no to Boots