Good post, and I completely agree with you. He seems to have more trouble mentally too when he gets to finals against Rafa and Novak, like he tries too hard and speeds up too much, or not sticking to a gameplan for the whole match, like he should have come in more against Rafa and Novak over the years and he might have two more majors than he has.
What is the point of Edberg when he doesn't stick to the coming in and tactics for the whole match. All these years of struggling against Nadal and Jok from the baseline and losing the longer points etc has been happening for too long.
Federer just can't change his game and mindset to beat these two guys, if I was Edberg I would demand he sticks to the tactics or I would leave as coach.
Roger won the French when Nadal was out, looks like he needs Jok to be injured or out too as he won't change enough to beat Jok over five sets.
Love Fed and I know it's easier said than done to just change and beat an incredible Nadal or Djok, guess I'm just pissed right now that he can't get that one more slam to put him out of sight as the greatest ever.