Film Suicide Squad (2016)

One of my young female students enjoyed this, but knowing her well, I would imagine it's really shite.
DC films for the most part are, and I still can't watch a film where a character's name is Harley Quinn.
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Is this thread about Suicide Squad?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Will Smith was superb - the idea is to root for the Villain right? Will Smith does a perfect job of making his character dis-likable but lovable. Margot Robbie does a good job as Harley Quinn but she rides her status as being fit and current in a big way.

Leto is exactly the opposite. He plays maybe the most desirable role in cinema passably - the director cut most of his screen time and added a lot o special effects to spare Leto's blushes. His portrayal hawks a dirty great grossy in the legacy of Ledger.
Broken movie. Felt like I had missed minutes of plot over the course of the movie. Could have been so much more if they didn't had to have follow timeline of their DC universe franchise and focus on a completely different plot, specially for the first movie.
Broken movie. Felt like I had missed minutes of plot over the course of the movie. Could have been so much more if they didn't had to have follow timeline of their DC universe franchise and focus on a completely different plot, specially for the first movie.

Kinda a problem for them, isnt it? They are behind the MCU, so are trying to play catchup. (about 8 years behind). So are trying to rush things to build up the DCCU, but also dont want to be seen as following same formula as MCU even if some things would make more sense in slowing it down.

Its a shame cos they have so many elements to make it great, and so many great characters (heroes and villains) to build around, but it seems there isnt an actual plan except throw everything out there.
I don't even think rushing is any excuse for the mess of this film, the characters are already there for you. Yet for some reason they turned Batman into a beat cop and Joker into a pimp.
Reminds me of the most recent fantastic four movie where elements of it are fantastic but ultimately through other influences looks rushed.
Kinda a problem for them, isnt it? They are behind the MCU, so are trying to play catchup. (about 8 years behind). So are trying to rush things to build up the DCCU, but also dont want to be seen as following same formula as MCU even if some things would make more sense in slowing it down.

Its a shame cos they have so many elements to make it great, and so many great characters (heroes and villains) to build around, but it seems there isnt an actual plan except throw everything out there.

Thing is, they don't have to catch up. They just need to do their own thing. If anything I felt like they were trying to make Guadians of the Galaxy with this one and failed. Even if Marvel movies are generic, they aren't as badly edited as this one and don't have lines like Killer Croc's 'I like her', which completely misfire. Why do you bring in David Ayer, if you are afraid of what it will look like? They completely misinterpreted the criticism of Batman v Superman and thought the tone was the problem. Reshoots aren't a bad thing, but I thought it was obvious that the studio was involved too much.
Broken movie. Felt like I had missed minutes of plot over the course of the movie. Could have been so much more if they didn't had to have follow timeline of their DC universe franchise and focus on a completely different plot, specially for the first movie.

The timeline wasn't even remotely the largest problem, the entire premise of the movie was if Superman goes bad/ isn't around, we need options.

Baring Enchantress, Superman could eye lazer the entire team in 15 seconds.
The timeline wasn't even remotely the largest problem, the entire premise of the movie was if Superman goes bad/ isn't around, we need options.

Baring Enchantress, Superman could eye lazer the entire team in 15 seconds.
Yeah in the comics the suicide squad never really fought superman often due to his immense power, only one in that squad who could give superman a half decent fight is enchantress, they fought groups like jihad and the minions of much bigger threats. The films has many holes, notably the last 1/3 film is a massive let down. Letos joker I need to see in a full film vs batman to have any real idea how good he will be as his appearance in ss is sjort and the only reason I believe he is in the film in the first place is for marketing purposes.
I'm going to risk the wrath of the café but I thought it was ok, I wouldn't watch again but glad I watched it, particularly enjoy the joker, story was a bit odd and would have preferred more joker but I didn't mind it.
I'm going to risk the wrath of the café but I thought it was ok, I wouldn't watch again but glad I watched it, particularly enjoy the joker, story was a bit odd and would have preferred more joker but I didn't mind it.

I didnt think it was bad, just thought it could have been so much better. It seemed like they changed it half way after the reaction to BvS
I didnt think it was bad, just thought it could have been so much better. It seemed like they changed it half way after the reaction to BvS

That's totally what happened, even the denying the director the final cut aside. The movie screams of story by committee and a general lack of care.

The movie failed because they couldn't even fulfil the basic premise of the subject matter.

Suicide Squad, movie about team of lower level bad guys formed because shady government organisation needs minions to go in places where it can't without political fall out and if they fail/ die no-one cares.

Most of the time with DCEU movies I feel like with a few small tweaks it could have been much better like, just not casting Facebook guy for BvS (or atleast tell him to turn it down 3 or 4 Gene Hackmans) or killing Papa Kent with the traditional heart-attack rather than a tornado in Man of Steel. SS needed total overhaul, too late now though.
What a disappointment that was. It became a Will Smith movie with the other characters tagging along. Was expecting a more darker grittier film but ended up being the formula super hero fare we've seen many times before except these are mean't to be dangerous villains. Less said about the cameo parts of the Joker the better. DC films need to get their act together and i'm not holding my breath with justice league.
Watched it finally, as mentioned joker was terrible but I liked Harley Quinn and will smith in the film

it's probably a 5/10 for me
Film wasn't as bad as many made it out to be, however, its got glaring holes in the script (or the editing was downright awful) and the character slant on The Joker was cringe worthy (that fecking laugh).

Yet again, its a huge fail in terms of the DC Universe. You cannot go straight to this type of movie without providing some background and layer to the characters.
The laugh Is the exact same one he used as a very old person in Mr Nobody, and was crap in that as well.
Enjoyed it actually, god knows why they decided to cut the whole city evacuation and rise of the gods scenes out.

It was like they decided to fast forward the whole movie to the battle scene.
Didn't even get to the 20 minute mark. Dogshit.
I'm currently at that point in the film and that's why I've searched for this thread. I'm bored at the moment and it's because nothing's happened except the movie force feeding me back story into a really haphazard way.
I'm currently at that point in the film and that's why I've searched for this thread. I'm bored at the moment and it's because nothing's happened except the movie force feeding me back story into a really haphazard way.

That's probably the best part of it too, somehow. It gets worse. Much, much worse.
It's always the problem with these kind of films... making a decent movie whilst having to give all the backstory rarely works... hoping now they've got it out of the way, the next one will be better!
Harley Quinn is a terrible character in every format she has been portrayed in. I don't get the appeal. It's like they set out to create the most grating character possible, and she somehow became overwhelmingly popular.

Will Smith playing Will Smith is probably the best part of the film, which is weird. Leto's Joker is garbage, HQ is insufferable. Killer Croc was pretty funny I guess. It's well marketed because, for whatever reason, HQ is pretty much the only female comic book character anyone cares about. It was a guaranteed success. But it's crap, and the Suicide Squad comics are crap, and they've pretty much copied the comic story panel for panel. I don't have a problem with carbon copying the comic story on to the big screen, so long as the comic was actually good to begin with. It was a chore to sit through to the end.
Finished it.... Well, that was unnecessarily convoluted. The whole thing just felt like one constant loud noise, with a few plot devices thrown in to make up for the lack of character development. So one of the guys likes pink unicorns, and then there's a witch who takes over the soldier's love interest and also has a brother who is really strong and until she gets her heart she has to share his power but she soon gets her heart back but not before her brother destroys everything and then she's asked by the soldier who has asked his love interest to turn into her witch likeness to stop the brother but she doesn't and then arghggfgfgfggfgggh end credits.