Film Suicide Squad (2016)

Weirdly I'm now looking forward to this more than Batman vs Superman.

Most people are now. I'm still looking forward to BvS and Doctor Strange more, but this isn't far behind at all. Which is funny, because I remember how everyone was up in arms about Joker's look (which I still maintain could have been great without the damn forehead tattoo and grills).

But man, I'm so pumped for his. End Of Watch and Fury are both quite good, and I'm hoping this is the 3rd Ayer movie that I love (he's had a few stinkers though). And for the first time ever, I'm looking forward to seeing Jai Courtney in something.
Most people are now. I'm still looking forward to BvS and Doctor Strange more, but this should isn't far behind at all. Which is funny, because I remember how everyone was up in arms about Joker's look (which I still maintain could have been great without the damn forehead tattoo and grills).

But man, I'm so pumped for his. End Of Watch and Fury are both quite good, and I'm hoping this is the 3rd Ayer movie that I love (he's had a few stinkers though). And for the first time ever, I'm looking forward to seeing Jai Courtney in something.
I think with Joker there's always the chance it could be amazing, and Leto is good enough to pull it off. Batman Vs Superman just looks more bloated with every trailer they put out, which has dampened my previous excitement quite a bit. And Harley Quinn helps.
I think with Joker there's always the chance it could be amazing, and Leto is good enough to pull it off. Batman Vs Superman just looks more bloated with every trailer they put out, which has dampened my previous excitement quite a bit. And Harley Quinn helps.

Batman v Superman doesn't feel bloated to me when I actually think about it right (although this might be a discussion better had in the BvS thread lol).

And in terms of performance, crazy as it seems, I'm a little more excited to see Gadot and Eisenberg than I am to see Leto and Robbie. Not that I think they'll be better, but I just feel like I don't know what to expect from them. With Leto and Robbie, as great as I think they're gonna be, I already have a pretty good idea what their performances will be like.

But hey, you're not wrong about Harley Quinn:

Margot Robbie will steal this film.
This is going to be awesome.
Good trailer... not as good as the one that was last year, but yeah... pretty excited for this I have to say.

Its David Ayer though, so it'll either be good (Fury / End of Watch) or really shit (Sabotage, Harsh Times, Street Kings)
Good trailer although I'm still not sold on it actually being a good film. Much better trailer than the last BvS one though.
They aren't giving away anything plot related either.
Good trailer... not as good as the one that was last year, but yeah... pretty excited for this I have to say.

Its David Ayer though, so it'll either be good (Fury / End of Watch) or really shit (Sabotage, Harsh Times, Street Kings)
I enjoyed both of those :nervous:
I enjoyed both of those :nervous:

Been a while since I saw them, but I seem remember them being terrible Training Day wannabe's... which I guess makes sense since Ayer wrote Training Day.

Still, he finally got the formula right with End of Watch, so I guess it was worth it.
Love the comics. Not quite buying the trailers yet. All feels slightly half-hearted, like they don't want to go full Nolan (thankfully), but don't want to go full Batshit crazy, so it ends up somewhere in the middle and all a little bland. Hope I'm wrong.
Cant wait for this, Im interested to see where Joker is used in all of this.
While I'm still not sold on his look, I love Leto's performance based on what we've seen so far. Him laughing while lying on the floor surrounded with knives is so over top and comicbooky, brilliant stuff. This movie's gonna be great.
Method actor alert...

Just how Leto's tattooed, green-haired, flamboyantly dressed weirdo plays into everything is still under wraps, though his castmates got a full dose of the Joker from the beginning: The Oscar-winning actor went completely method, gifting "presents" to actors before production started — Robbie received a rat, which became the cast's unofficial mascot — and never breaking character during filming.....

.....Ayer adds that "people kept their distance" from Leto when he was in 24/7 Joker mode. "I love helping actors find what methodology works best for them. It’s like tailoring a suit — it’s not one size fits all. But it really made an event when he would show up on set. There was almost a pageantry to him, which did translate into the character and the power on screen he has."
Yeah it sounds like he does that with every role. Wasn't he always in character during the filming of Dallas Buyers Club?
Leto is one of the only guys in the business who has the intensity to do The Joker justice. I'm excited by what he pulls out. Apparently he sent Will Smith a bullet.
Will Smith doesn't seem to want to be there and Jared Leto endlessly phoning it in, although he's probably doing the easiest role to win over people. Doing crazy insane is pretty easy as long as you can hold back on the hammyness, but even in a comic film, that's not overly a requirement either and Jack proved with the same role.

I think I'm just worn completely out of comic films, so I'm not even getting the enjoyment anymore. Unless it's Winter Solder, which is actually just a pretty solid film.
That song was the only thing I liked about the trailer.

More I watch, the more I agree.

Looks like they've gotten Harley completely wrong. Will Smith as Deadshot? Nah, not for me! This Joker looks like a Sex Pistols fan ffs.

I fear DC are going to leave a lot of fans disappointed this year
Watched it twice, loved it. Except for Joel Kinnamen, I don't like that guy for some reason. Deadshot scene where he's on the cars shooting shit was pretty dope too. Also Margot Robbie is wife material.
Only thing wrong with Harley is she doesn't have the accent, but that doesn't matter if she gets the psycho-ness right.

Looks fun.

Does this film take part in the same "universe" as the new Batman v Superman ft Wonder Woman film?
Yeah, Batfleck is in it.
People who say "they got this character wrong" but never explain why.
People who say "they got this character wrong" but never explain why.
Makes no sense either, seeing as each character has had multiple versions all different in their own ways.
It looks like they tried to make it feel like Guardians in the fear of it getting lost amongst the amount of super hero films. Looks interesting regardless. Still not sold on Big Willie. He's too established for the role in my opinion. When I see him I don't see Deadshot... I see fresh prince
Seems like I'm in the minority when I think that this was a shit trailer. Unfitting music aside, the few lines just came across really low. "Let's go save the world", "Let's do something fun", "We're baaaaad guys, that's what we do". Not sold at all.