Film Suicide Squad (2016)

Was that her actual naked body in Wolf of Wall Street?
Not really. If Barney the dinosaur slit someone's throat in a horror film the audience would laugh. The actor has to actually come across as a serious threat and to me he doesn't. To you maybe he does and fair enough but I'm not discussing your opinion here.

I think I'd still shit myself after that initial moment of uncertainty lol

I'll wait till I see it before I form an opinion anyway, it can go either way but it could be something special...
Empire cover featuring Cara Delevigne as The Enchantress:


I'd agree with you guys that there's something annoying about the actress, but this still looks pretty good.



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I still think casting Will Smith was stupid. If you look at Marvel, they did the smart thing, getting actors who are not strictly A-Listers to play the roles, making them A-Listers. Apart from Scarlett Johanssen, the rest I believed were the characters they portray. Imagine Tom Cruise was Ironman... it would feel like Tom Cruise playing Ironman. They could have easily made Bradley Cooper Star Lord and Chris Pratt Rocket Racoon but they didnt and it worked. Whereas DC get the big names (apart from Superman) to play most of their characters and it loses me from their world a little bit.
I'm the opposite, I was hoping they'd go for big names (as long as they are good actors, which Will Smith is). I haven't even seen these DC films yet, but going off the trailers alone I'm sold that Ben Affleck is Batman, Jared Leto is Joker etc. Sure Marvel is doing great, with a strategy that clearly works for them, but I wouldn't want DC to take all their cues from them.
I understand the need to make Enchantress' costume more skimpy(compared to the comics), so the fanboys will have something to jizz over, but that costume looks absolutely dreadful. She looks like some dominatrix, zombie swimsuit model :wenger:

And yes Cara Delv-whatever is annoying.
Something to jizz over? We've got Margot Robbie to take care of that issue a million times over :drool: But yeah if they're gonna have Joker with an open shirt showing and stuff, that kinda sets the tone. As long as they go bonkers when murdering folks, I don't mind that they look bangable. And I haven't read a tonne of Suicide Squad, but from what I remember Enchantress always looks bangable anyway.
I'm the opposite, I was hoping they'd go for big names (as long as they are good actors, which Will Smith is). I haven't even seen these DC films yet, but going off the trailers alone I'm sold that Ben Affleck is Batman, Jared Leto is Joker etc. Sure Marvel is doing great, with a strategy that clearly works for them, but I wouldn't want DC to take all their cues from them.
Firstly, I think Jared Leto is a great choice. He really becomes the characters he plays. DC take many cues from Marvel, just the wrong ones. There's a reason why suddenly Wonderwoman and Aquaman will be in Batman vs. Superman. DC are always one step behind which saddens me because I prefer DC Comics.
Firstly, I think Jared Leto is a great choice. He really becomes the characters he plays. DC take many cues from Marvel, just the wrong ones. There's a reason why suddenly Wonderwoman and Aquaman will be in Batman vs. Superman. DC are always one step behind which saddens me because I prefer DC Comics.

They are several steps behind, but what can you do. DC will always have started their shared universe 6 or 7 years after Marvel. So to combat that, you do things to get parity. That's one of the reasons I was thinking they'd get big names, to get non-comic fans interested.

And to be honest, they could have done better in that regard. In terms of "A-List" heroes, there's Affleck and Smith, and that's it. Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Margot Robbie, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, and Ray Fisher as a group are less famous than the Avengers/Guardians cast were. And in the villains department, Jared Leto, Jesse Eisenberg, and Michael Shannon don't have that much more star power than Jeff Bridges, Hugo Weaving, Josh Brolin, Ben Kingsley, James Spader etc.

Besides, once the DC movies start flowing (at least 2 a year confirmed, probably more), the feeling of being behind will disappear. People only say that now because MCU movies are coming out consistently while DC fans are following CW shows and rewatching Nolan films. Soon every year will be a smorgasbord of all sorts of DC/Marvel goodness. Wonder Woman and Aquaman will get their own movies so I don't care if their cameos in other people's films come before or after. And the different approaches from WB, Disney, and Fox will result in a variety of comic book movies so it's not all samey, which to me is brilliant. Unless you don't care for comic book movies, in which case I guess they'll feel samey regardless.
Ezra Miller was great in "We need to talk about Kevin". Not sure how he will play The Flash though.
He was great in The Perks Of Being A Wallflower too, really good actor. Pretty excited to see him as Barry Allen. Although I'm a little sad that he probably won't be blonde either.
I dont mind DC doing the opposite to Marvel tbh as long as its good. The whole all in one then split it up (as opposed to single movies leading to a group one Marvel did) is not a bad idea.

I dont mind Will Smith as Deadshot. I enjoyed Deadshot in Arrow so as long as Will Smith is as good (if not better) ill be happy.
I enjoyed Deadshot in Arrow so as long as Will Smith is as good (if not better) ill be happy.

Yeah I like the Arrow version of Floyd Lawton. He started off pretty shite, but actually got better with every episode he was in. Will Smith will bring a different energy, but I'm pretty happy with that we've seen so far in the trailer and a couple of images.

Also, did Deadshot also get to name the Suicide Squad in Arrow, as Will Smith does in this?
Are the Suicide Squad the Thunderbolts of the DC world, @okLaptop1 ?

I'm not too familiar with them, are they a group of bad guys gone good? If so, then they are similar, but not really. The premise of the Suicide Squad is that they are prisoners (usually a bunch of b-list supervillains), forced to do off the books covert operations by Amanda Waller, who will shave time off their sentences if they succeed. And there are bombs implanted in their heads so they get blown up if they try to escape etc.

I think I remember Thunderbolts in one story, are they Baron Zemo's crew during the whole Civil War saga?
There's something about Cara Delevigne that I don't like.

She seems to me to be always on.(no period jokes please) Like always pulling a face or having to show off and entertain etc. I guess that's why she is an actress and a model lol.

I'm not too keen that she sips from the furry cup though. It's hindering my chances of getting her pregnant lately. Thoughtless bitch...

She seems to me to be always on.(no period jokes please) Like always pulling a face or having to show off and entertain etc. I guess that's why she is an actress and a model lol.

I'm not too keen that she sips from the furry cup though. It's hindering my chances of getting her pregnant lately. Thoughtless bitch...

Swings both ways mate. Just got some brownie points from me.
Weirdly I'm now looking forward to this more than Batman vs Superman.
Nothing weird about it. This has done a less thorough job of making itself look shit.