Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"

The whole match was a despicable display of cynical cuntery all around. The Uruguayans have always been masters of it. They were kicking the ball away, grappling the Italians, swarming the ref, feigning injury, and all sorts of other nonsense. the Italians have done this a lot in the past so I'm not sad for them but it just pissed me off to see such levels of cuntishness throughout the players and staff on both sides.

Italy had a flop or two but nothing compared to the black arts of Uruguay.
Shame this is going to dominate the headlines.

The tournament has been fantastic too... doesn't deserve it.

i'm sorry but the football has been sloppy for the most part. it is no where nearly as tightly drilled as the CL. it is obvious the players are tired.

it might be entertaining, but it isn't fantastic and oozing in quality.
could you imagine when his daughter is old enough to give her first blowjob - no bloke is going to stick his cock in her mouth.
There's clearly teeth marks on his shoulder.. Poor bastard, should have this picture sent for forensic test and match them with that rodent....
i'm sorry but the football has been sloppy for the most part. it is no where nearly as tightly drilled as the CL. it is obvious the players are tired.

it might be entertaining, but it isn't fantastic and oozing in quality.

What a boring way of looking at things.
People are being stupid. Everyone knows its Uruguayan custom to bite someone you have an affection for. I'm sure Luiz was biting Gerrard in the tunnel to comfort him after the Uruguay England match a few days back.
I think he is possessed with a demon :devil:
There is no other explanation
I think you're confusing biting with blowjobs.

If you're suggesting he gave blowjobs to Gerrard in the tunnel, then I'd say its about time he returned the favour, considering how much the whole of Liverpool has been fellating Suarez these past couple of years.
Liverpool fans defending him lol..

Unbelievable, couldn't make it up.

They attack a player like Ronaldo for going over easy, "He's such a terrible human being"

Ignore all the charity work he does, how he has turned around his diving so it's nowhere near as bad, never bites or anything abhorrent like that to anyone.

But no, Chiellini actually shoulders Suarez's face... yep..

Suarez is actually scum.

Biting, cheating, handballing, diving, racist scum.
I think like Wrighty said, he's not well, mentally he's not a full deck of cards and control of his body, he can't be sane..

He needs help.

You wonder what thoughts go through his head in that exact moment.

We can joke and laugh about it but at the end of the day, there is a human element to it.

He has so much talent, he is been talked about in Messi and Ronaldo terms. They always say as a genius you have to be a bit crazy, but that's too far.

Just keep criticising/banning him won't help, he needs a different approach.
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Did someone say horrible tackle and then feign injury?! Well..
I expect this charge will be found 'unproven' and he'll get off.

No footage of the teeth themselves sinking in and no footage of Chiellini's skin under his shirt before the 'coming together' to prove those marks weren't already there.
Joke of a human, hopefully he gets a length ban for both international and club football.
Just one mans opinion, but I believe he will be kicked out of the tournament, face a 12 month domestic ban and 24 month International ban.

For as corrupt as FIFA is, this is his third time and this incident is taking the lime light off their premiere event. They will not stand for that as it risks sponsors and potential fan bases.

If there is anything that can get FIFA to react it is when someone puts their $,£ or € at risk.
Just one mans opinion, but I believe he will be kicked out of the tournament, face a 12 month domestic ban and 24 month International ban.

For as corrupt as FIFA is, this is his third time and this incident is taking the lime light off their premiere event. They will not stand for that as it risks sponsors and potential fan bases.

If there is anything that can get FIFA to react it is when someone puts their $,£ or € at risk.

He has a value of c.£80m riding on his head. FIFA will have to fight it all the way through if they want to ban him from all competitions, and I'm not sure they'll want to do that. It will only be an international ban I think.
the f*uck needs to be in a mental asylum. simple.
I honestly think he is like a child. Somehow a grown man with the mental age of about 5 years old possesses that amount of skill with a football.
He really seems at the point of intelligence where he might need a carer to help him with day to day life but somehow he can work a ball.
The Rainman of football.
I think like Wrighty said, he's not well, mentally he's not a full deck of cards and control of his body, he can't be sane..

He needs help.

You wonder what thoughts go through his head in that exact moment.

We can joke and laugh about it but at the end of the day, there is a human element to it.

He has so much talent, he is been talked about in Messi and Ronaldo terms. They always say as a genius you have to be a bit crazy, but that's too far.

Just keep criticising/banning him won't help, he needs a different approach.
He doesn't accept there's a problem so he can't be helped. Those who do need help are opponents who might be bitten by him in the future. They can be helped by removing this animal from the game.
So if he gets a 2 years ban or even 12months. Can Liverpool terminate his contract if they wanted to. Doubt they'll get anything they would have gotten earlier in the year.
According to sources on twitter he has been found guilty of biting and faces between 2 matches ban to 24 months from all competitions, so probably just this tournament tbh.
The whole match was a despicable display of cynical cuntery all around. The Uruguayans have always been masters of it. They were kicking the ball away, grappling the Italians, swarming the ref, feigning injury, and all sorts of other nonsense. the Italians have done this a lot in the past so I'm not sad for them but it just pissed me off to see such levels of cuntishness throughout the players and staff on both sides.
They Uruguayans have always behaved despicably. I've seen them play this way in the U20 world cup as well, they put the cnut in country.
There's something about this that fills me with immense satisfaction. Mainly because Liverpool have backed him so vehemently and he's stated many times that he's 'changed'.

There's no defending this one (Yet again), if Liverpool try to back him they're going to look stupid (Again) and if they don't back him, he's going to leave. It's win, win.

If Liverpool do decide to sell they won't get anywhere near the £80 million that's being quoted, it's obvious he's damaged goods.

In regards to the ban, it will be substantial, he'll miss the rest of the tournament for sure and more than like 10 games or so in the Premiership or where ever he is come August. He definitely won't get a two year ban, I reckon 15 games.
I thought his teeth were broken after that incident :lol:

But jokes aside, yesterday ref was really2 horrible..too many decisions goes to Uruguay