Sturridge - Sky’s new entertainer :(

Shame they can’t have the clown show on the red button and serious pundits on the main channel
They're obviously targeting a younger demographic who like these antics. I worked with a young lad a while back who liked Micah Richards and shared all his clipped up meme moments, even as a huge Liverpool fan. He'll be lapping Sturridge up for sure.

All I can say is it certainly isn't for me; I switch on at kick-off, off at half time, on at the start of the second half and off again at the full time whistle these days (admittedly I may catch up with Keane wiping the floor with somebody/Neville or Carra making a tit of themselves if a clip does the rounds).

Well it's clearly not for me. Makes me wonder if there is a gap in the market for people who want serious in-depth football analysis, or have the YouTube channels out there got that covered?

I'd actually pay money to hear (or read) about what went on behind the scenes in top level football of say the 25 years past.

All these singing and dancing nonsense, baiting Roy Keane into reacting so they have their viral clip is just annoying.
Don't watch any of it, I have no need to be told what to think about a game I just watched myself, my feed will be on for 90 minutes plus stoppage then off.

I'd have in game commentary off too if I could, the agenda driven bellends.
I suppose its a win win for sky. They get their subs and viewing numbers for actual game itself and then get their Millennials content in with the terrible after game carry on.

Not sure if it's because I have turned 40 recently, but the clips from after the game highlight my hatred for the youth of today. That's it, I'm finally old and grumpy.

I'm not even sure if Millennialsis the right term tbh, must be showing my age with that as well.
Well it's clearly not for me. Makes me wonder if there is a gap in the market for people who want serious in-depth football analysis, or have the YouTube channels out there got that covered?

I'd actually pay money to hear (or read) about what went on behind the scenes in top level football of say the 25 years past.

All these singing and dancing nonsense, baiting Roy Keane into reacting so they have their viral clip is just annoying.

Yeah I find Richards and Sturridge horrendous to listen to. The likes of Keane, Neville and Carra have their moments for me but it's obvious they're all there to play the game and get clipped up and shared. Some proper football coverage where former pros discuss the game in an informative and engaging way would be nice actually :lol:
They're obviously targeting a younger demographic who like these antics. I worked with a young lad a while back who liked Micah Richards and shared all his clipped up meme moments, even as a huge Liverpool fan. He'll be lapping Sturridge up for sure.

All I can say is it certainly isn't for me; I switch on at kick-off, off at half time, on at the start of the second half and off again at the full time whistle these days (admittedly I may catch up with Keane wiping the floor with somebody/Neville or Carra making a tit of themselves if a clip does the rounds).

That's how I'm planning to watch live football on most channels.
Honestly think he’s just there so that sky sports can make more Roy Keane memes
Honestly think he’s just there so that sky sports can make more Roy Keane memes

Probably, and anyone who's watched them and shared them on here or anywhere else is the reason why this is the way it is.

Well done everyone.
I suppose its a win win for sky. They get their subs and viewing numbers for actual game itself and then get their Millennials content in with the terrible after game carry on.

Not sure if it's because I have turned 40 recently, but the clips from after the game highlight my hatred for the youth of today. That's it, I'm finally old and grumpy.

I'm not even sure if Millennialsis the right term tbh, must be showing my age with that as well.
It's not. Millennials are old news.

It's Gen Z they're chasing now, what with their TikTok lip-synching and penchant for analingus.
I’m making a point to only watch the games this season just to see if bad punditry does bring down my enjoyment
The few times I've heard Sturridge, he's been a fantastic pundit, so not sure what the issue is.

Maybe his face doesn't fit.....
Unfortunately, he rarely is. I've seen him on the BBC the odd time during international games, but it's pretty rare. I've seen the clips of him on Twitter during CL games. Him, Carragher, and Richards look pretty good together in the clips I've seen. I did see a clip of him giving advice to Haaland after the CL final. That was pretty good.
Yeah they did a breakdown of Haaland during the first Leipzig game last season. It was really interesting seeing Henry talk about it from a forward perspective and carragher as a centre back
It's not. Millennials are old news.

It's Gen Z they're chasing now, what with their TikTok lip-synching and penchant for analingus.
Don't diss something you haven't tried.
It's not. Millennials are old news.

It's Gen Z they're chasing now, what with their TikTok lip-synching and penchant for analingus.
Funnily enough from what I’ve read that’s not true. I literally read an article about this today. Advertisers etc are moving the key demos up from what was considered the most important age range to move alongside aging millennials since Gen Z has feck all money.
In short society has fecked those coming behind us
He is just stratospheric levels of cringe.

:lol: :lol:

I genuinely had no idea Sturridge was this much of a fecking lunatic…

Gonna be hilarious watching all the crypto-racist wankers getting up in arms about everything he says / does.

As someone who doesn’t watch Sky beyond actual matches I’m all for it.
It's not. Millennials are old news.

It's Gen Z they're chasing now, what with their TikTok lip-synching and penchant for analingus.

Ah. Apologies to the Millennials, Gen Z are the real enemies.

Hopefully it has gone full circle by the time my kids hit late teenage years and they can just get back to buying match and shoot magazine and read teletext.
Wait is he full time? Ffs. I assumed it was just because he had played for both clubs.

He was truly awful. Nothing against bringing younger pundits in but do they really need to have one with the maturity levels of a 12 year old child?
Please tell me he isn’t full time ….
We are talking about the player who produced this right ?


How would you actually expect he comes up with something non cringe? Unlike Owen who probably sees himself completely differently this guy fully embraces his cringeness , that's his thing in a way.
Oh Christ.

I guess this is the new direction sky sports are going in now, tik tok, memes, etc.
The few times I've heard Sturridge, he's been a fantastic pundit, so not sure what the issue is.

Maybe his face doesn't fit.....

Really?? What was fantastic about him today or does thinking he is a complete moron make you racist?
Is this where the hopeless codgers gather now? Didn't think it was that bad after the posts had me think I was going to see a madness.... Mildly entertaining
The few times I've heard Sturridge, he's been a fantastic pundit, so not sure what the issue is.

Maybe his face doesn't fit.....

Sounds and acts like a YouTuber. I half expect Logan Paul to turn up mid cast.

He’s an absolute bellend. The moment he called the net an onion bag I was done and so was everyone else in the studio from the looks of it.

Dont get me started on the pitch side antics it’s beyond cringe and shouldn’t be on prime time tv get that shit on a fan cam with all the other muppets
Never watch the pundrity and seeing these clips I think it will remain that way.

Also, why does Sturridge look like he is heading out for a night out?
Why does anyone watch the punditry? It always absolutely baffles me. Obviously watching Micah Richards and Sturridge will be annoying so - just turn off?
I’m paying god knows how much to watch football, think I’m within my rights to complain about the quality of it rather than just switching it off. Sorry your car you spend thousands on isn’t working mate, have you thought about just not driving it?

I quite like watching highlights and match reviews and they’ve just taken another step towards making that part of coverage unwatchable.