Melbourne Red
Still hasn't given Rain Dog another chance

Like Strachan and Velocity.
I'd vote for Dunc MacLeod. You could lock a team of writers in a room with a bong, a dozen laptops and an ounce of pot and they wouldn't come up with anything better than that.
I wonder if we should have some sort of poll for the winner of this thread
Obviously Smashed would be a favourite, along with "All the better to rape you", late contender "Muck", my new favourite "Cereal" and of course Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod.
exactly, mentalist
surely he could have said ok and then not bothered afterwards
are you suggesting she was not as fit as he suggested
was on a first date with a girl from school who I had fancied for ages(was about 15), we went out with a couple of my mates and a couple of her mates with carry-outs hanging round eventually we get down to having a snog and then and feck knows why...I decided it would be really funny to take a mouthful of beer...go in for a snog and then spit the beer into her mouth....then when she shouted "what the feck are you doing" i replied "spitting beer in your mouth"...she then stormed off with her mates me and my mates decided to try and break some shop windows instead.
later in life sharing a flat with my mate, his girlfriend was round with her best mate, who I had taken quite a shine too, she then suddenly came on to me....we had a few drinks and smokes then i just took her by the hand and led her to my bedroom...couldnt believe she just followed..i was fecking ecstatic anyway we're lying on my bed snogging rummaging around in each others undies as you do, when all of a sudden she pulls my trousers down and starts sucking my cock...Im now in heaven...cant believe my luck...shes looking up at me and sucking my cock when I decide to say "you look like a witch doing that" she stops and says " do i look like a witch?" and i said "Dunno must be your nose or something".
she stood up called me a dick and walked out, told her mate to dump my mate which she duly did.
but the worst one ever was a girl who I practically loved, I was so besotted by night in laverys her mate told me I had to ask her out this I walks up to her and says "so joanne would you like to go out with me sometime then?" (yes i am that smooth) to which she replied "No" i later found out she was about to follow up what she had just said by saying "i dont want to go out with you sometime I want to go out with you now" or something but I didnt give give her the chance as I interrupted and said "well feck you then you ugly cnut" and walked off. later her mate said she had cried all night cause she had really fancied me, but I couldnt convince her mate to say i was only hurt and joking and that i really fancied her still.
was on a first date with a girl from school who I had fancied for ages(was about 15), we went out with a couple of my mates and a couple of her mates with carry-outs hanging round eventually we get down to having a snog and then and feck knows why...I decided it would be really funny to take a mouthful of beer...go in for a snog and then spit the beer into her mouth....then when she shouted "what the feck are you doing" i replied "spitting beer in your mouth"...she then stormed off with her mates me and my mates decided to try and break some shop windows instead.
later in life sharing a flat with my mate, his girlfriend was round with her best mate, who I had taken quite a shine too, she then suddenly came on to me....we had a few drinks and smokes then i just took her by the hand and led her to my bedroom...couldnt believe she just followed..i was fecking ecstatic anyway we're lying on my bed snogging rummaging around in each others undies as you do, when all of a sudden she pulls my trousers down and starts sucking my cock...Im now in heaven...cant believe my luck...shes looking up at me and sucking my cock when I decide to say "you look like a witch doing that" she stops and says " do i look like a witch?" and i said "Dunno must be your nose or something".
she stood up called me a dick and walked out, told her mate to dump my mate which she duly did.
but the worst one ever was a girl who I practically loved, I was so besotted by night in laverys her mate told me I had to ask her out this I walks up to her and says "so joanne would you like to go out with me sometime then?" (yes i am that smooth) to which she replied "No" i later found out she was about to follow up what she had just said by saying "i dont want to go out with you sometime I want to go out with you now" or something but I didnt give give her the chance as I interrupted and said "well feck you then you ugly cnut" and walked off. later her mate said she had cried all night cause she had really fancied me, but I couldnt convince her mate to say i was only hurt and joking and that i really fancied her still.
This isn't really what I said to a girl I fancied, but rather what she said to me so I'm not sure if it counts.
Anyway, ages ago (over ten years at this stage) I did fancy one of the girls I worked with. She was going out with some asshole so I obviously didn't do anything. She split up with him one day and the next night I met her by chance in the nightclub. Grand, a bit of kissing.
We went back to her place and somebody was up, so we went back to mind. Bear in mind I was a raw 17 year old kid with was completely naive when it came to women. For three hours we sat there in the sitting room talking, that was it. Not even any kissing.
I walked her home anyway. As we got to her house at about 7am in the morning it started to rain. I said "feck it's starting to rain". Her reply haunted me for years. She said "Well it's the only fecking way I'm going to get wet, isn't it?" and she walked into her house.
She got back with her fella a couple of weeks later.
That's a kick in the nuts rather than stupid
Brilliant thread, Classics destined for's also fascinating how many "absolutely stunning" girls have "really fancied" most members of the Caf at some point.
Most of mine involve me trying to do something incredibly smooth like throwing and catching something in an extravagant but relaxed way which then invariably leads to something being spilled all over her, or, hitting her in the face...I could just make one up though, that'd be better....I'll get back to you
This isn't really what I said to a girl I fancied, but rather what she said to me so I'm not sure if it counts.
Anyway, ages ago (over ten years at this stage) I did fancy one of the girls I worked with. She was going out with some asshole so I obviously didn't do anything. She split up with him one day and the next night I met her by chance in the nightclub. Grand, a bit of kissing.
We went back to her place and somebody was up, so we went back to mind. Bear in mind I was a raw 17 year old kid with was completely naive when it came to women. For three hours we sat there in the sitting room talking, that was it. Not even any kissing.
I walked her home anyway. As we got to her house at about 7am in the morning it started to rain. I said "feck it's starting to rain". Her reply haunted me for years. She said "Well it's the only fecking way I'm going to get wet, isn't it?" and she walked into her house.
She got back with her fella a couple of weeks later.
Her finger started swelling straight away, and a week later it fell off. Thankfully it grew back afterwards. She went cold on me from then on.
That's lucky....most peoples fingers don't grow back
i've got two on one girl,
first time, i went to her house for a day and we hung out, then we decided to go for a walk in a forest near her home as it was september and the weather was still nice. Obviously this is so we can spend some time alone, and im not a total idiot so i did all the correct things, put my arm round her shoulder, held her hand when walking over tricky ground etc.
we get to this copse and theres a very inviting looking tree (we're 15) so we both end up sitting in it. The tree is fashioned so that the only way to sit in it is for one person to sit on the apex of the branch, and the others to pretty much straddle the first person. (like i said, a very inviting tree)
So we're sitting in the tree and the close contact is getting us both hot, and i make a move to kiss her, as i lean in i hear this chittering sound and instead of kissing her, for some reason i look up. Above me is a squirrel and as i look up, this squirrel leaps out of the tree onto my face, scratching it! The sheer shock of the event has caused me to kick out and subsequently eject this girl from the tree flat onto her face on the ground below (about 4ft away)
obviously i've totally fecked it, but it gets worse.
The squirrel has cut my face, and shes got scratches from the fall, so we go back to her house, and her mother sees us, and she gets out the iodine and starts wiping it all over my face.
So im sitting in the kitchen, skin cut and stained by the iodine while this girl is laughing at me, with an icepack on her head. I farted in the car on the way back to the station as well.
my most embarrasing moment.
Since that isnt things ive said, ive got another shorter one. A few years later after we've both grown up a little - correction, shes grown up a little, i bump into her again and we go for a drink laugh about the old story and old times. We still get on great and as we up and leave i decide im just going to come out with it. (these moments never end well!) So i say to her "Hey, I really like......" and theres a pause as my bottle goes, she says "yes?" and i sigh and say "..... cereal"
at which point she frowns at me, and says her goodbye.
havent seen her since. Should probably do something about that, she had the best backside youve ever seen.
ah well
Damn. I just got a horrible flashback to one afternoon in the Uni canteen...
I was trying to impress this girl, and had been making shit jokes around her for ages. I was going to get a drink, and she asked for a bottle of water. I walked back, and for some reason decided to throw it nonchalantly to her. Problem was, she didn't expect it, so it hit her hand, which was resting on the table. Her finger started swelling straight away, and a week later her fingernail fell off. Thankfully it grew back afterwards. She went cold on me from then on.
It just fell off? Love how you say it so nonchalantly as if it's a normal thing to happen.![]()
As Mockers helpfully pointed out, they don't generally grow back.
Fingernails, on the other hand......
Well it was me being stupid not realising that she actually wanted sex. I hadn't a fecking clue! When she said that to me, it dawned on me what an idiot I was.
Kraftwerkers story reminds me of one in particular.
Many moons ago me and my best mate had pulled a couple of lasses in a club and took them back to his. I was absolutely steaming but pleased because I'd ended up with the fitter one of the two.
I was in the spare room getting busy with this girl and trying to string out the foreplay long enough to offset any potential whiskey dick problems. Anyway, I turn on the bedside lamp and it was clear that she had layered her make-up on with a trowel, covering up some Cameron Diaz'esuqe facial acne. Well that was it. I knew nothing would be happening so I needed an excuse...
"I'm sorry. I can't do this."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"I can't say" (I couldn't think of anything)
"It's ok, you can tell me"
"No. I just can't." (I'm really struggling to think of a good excuse here)
"It's fine. You can tell me anything. I won't mind" (Quite sweet of her actually)
Then I just blurted it out
"I really fancy your friend"
She went mental, grabbed all her clothes and started banging on my mates bedroom telling her mate to get her stuff as they were leaving now.
And then I hear my mate from the next room -
"He said what?! He must be off his feckin tits!"
Needless to say that the other girl wasn't best pleased either and they both fecked off never to be seen again.![]()
I really have to hand it to the guys on here, smashed, sammy, kinks, and many others. Classic thread.
When I was about 14 there was this girl I used to fancy a bit but we were only friends and not really that close. Anyway, one day a few others girls told me to ask her out as a joke. I said ok as I thought I would just fall back on the "i was just put up to it" if it didn't go well.
On a high school open day we were both tour guides. I asked her out quite abruptly and she said no, but I was fearless and persistent to the point of harassing. Anyway, we were going to the second floor of a building and she was walking in front of me on the stairs. I looked at her ass and thought "I'll have a go, got nothing to lose" and felt her up. She swore at me and punched me. When we were both outside later and no one was watching she started punching me more.
I learned something that day.
You're a mentalist C_M, although having said that she sounds a bit too persistent. Are you very good-looking? The only possible explanation (other than her being a potential stalker) is that you're a very handsome chap.
This isn't really what I said to a girl I fancied, but rather what she said to me so I'm not sure if it counts.
Anyway, ages ago (over ten years at this stage) I did fancy one of the girls I worked with. She was going out with some asshole so I obviously didn't do anything. She split up with him one day and the next night I met her by chance in the nightclub. Grand, a bit of kissing.
We went back to her place and somebody was up, so we went back to mind. Bear in mind I was a raw 17 year old kid with was completely naive when it came to women. For three hours we sat there in the sitting room talking, that was it. Not even any kissing.
I walked her home anyway. As we got to her house at about 7am in the morning it started to rain. I said "feck it's starting to rain". Her reply haunted me for years. She said "Well it's the only fecking way I'm going to get wet, isn't it?" and she walked into her house.
She got back with her fella a couple of weeks later.