Wonder Pigeon
'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
If a girl in my company said that she couldn't wait to get home I would make the exact opposite assumption.
Well, I was at a party, there was this girl I liked then, we talked, etc and at some point she went out onto the balcony for a smoke. I wanted to join her so we could be alone for a while away from the crowd and the music.
As I was going towards the balcony I spotted a broom handle and decided to be spontaneous and cute.
I took it. Then I barged outside onto the balcony, waving the fecking stick like a sword shouting: "I am Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod. There can be only one!"
The look she gave me will haunt me for the rest of my life.
A really fit bird walked up to a mate of mine at the weekend in a nightclub and said Hi, and he turned around and told her to feck Off, I was gobsmacked and she laughed... then he told her she smelled like tuna... she just said Whatever and turned on her heels.
True story!
Turns out the stupid fecker is reading that 'The Game' book and according to it you're meant to be negative to really fit women to take them off their high horse. Reckon he went a bit far with it though, stupid bastard!
It was you wan't it popper?
"A friend", right?
Not something I did on purpose but ruined any chance I had whats-so-ever.
Was at a party and got chatting to a girl I'd like for a coupe of months but hadn't plucked up the courage to ask her out. Anyway, I got her a drink and was chatting like you do and we kinda hit it off. We shared a dance and a kiss and went our separate ways at the end of the night as I was with a group of other friends.
The next day I thought I'd take a walk up to her house and ask her out. This is where the problem lies. I was nervous, oh so nervous. I'd got out side her house but couldn't knock on the door to ask her out. I was convinced you was going to say no so I was out side her house for about 30 minutes or so trying to get the courage to and ask her out
I didn't and thought I'd wait to see her at school on the Monday.
Without wanting to drag on more than I have already she totally ignored me. When I tried to talk to her she'd just blank me. Not to mention she seem to be avoiding me. I later found out from one of her friends she'd seen me outside on that day and thought I was stalking her!
Never really spoke to her after that until recently at a school reunion.
Not as funny as some but I'd thought I'd share.
I can assure you if a fit & horny 19 year old bird approached me in a night club I'd seize the opportunity with both hands and not let go til the cops tazered me!
Did you explain what happened to her at the reunion and proceed to bone her? If you say yes this is as close the Caf will get to having it's very own Mills & Boon romance.
I didn't bone her, I did explain myself though.
The worst thing is, I actually quite liked her, and knew she wasn't that sort. Prior to that, I would have been happy with a kiss on the doorstep, so feck knows why I suddenly raised my expectations to sex in a cold, dark, public park.
Right, I might as well tell mine now, since I've been entertained by all of these.
I was in first year in Uni, and I was set up with a girl who, in hindsight, was far too good for me back then (and now, probably). We got to chatting, and were having a whale of a time. After the nightclub, she asked if I would walk her home, and about half way home we started having a bit of a smooch on a bench. As we got up to leave she said suggestively (or so I thought) "Oh, I can't wait to get home". I, being the gentleman I am, pointed vaguely towards a park across the road, and said in my smoothest voice "Well, if you can't wait that long, we could always go......I mean, erm, I've got, erm, some protection............"
It was at that point that I realised that she was looking at me in horror. She started crying and ran off towards home. I ran after her, and after some wailing she explained that not only did she not mean she was in a rush to get home and rut, she hadn't taken to kindly to my ever-so-romantic 'protection in the park' comment. She kept asking why I thought she was like that. We walked home in silence, and she slammed the door shut in my face. Her friends hated me for the duration of Uni.
The worst thing is, I actually quite liked her, and knew she wasn't that sort. Prior to that, I would have been happy with a kiss on the doorstep, so feck knows why I suddenly raised my expectations to sex in a cold, dark, public park.
What a thread
I've kinda been through the above story but in reverse.. was at the entrance of a nightclub with this girl from Uni & her fellow flatmates when I'd realised I'd gone and fecking left my ID card at her flat on her bed.. in fact things weren't as bad as I had presumed.. she looked at me in the most seductive way possible and said 'well the place is empty anyway so I'll go back with you to find it and lets make our own night of it back there' .. I was basically being handed a VIP pass to feck, she was already quite drunk, coming on to me all night, and I didn't even have to impress on the dancefloor.
So how did I manage to feck this up.. I told her 'Oh it's alright, you go enjoy yourself..I'll make my own way home and come collect it in the morning'. She had the most puzzled expression on her face like she was constipated..and I proceeded to watch her reluctantly follow her mates into the club whilst I stood there like a bellend all alone waiting for a lift home.
What a thread
I've kinda been through the above story but in reverse.. was at the entrance of a nightclub with this girl from Uni & her fellow flatmates when I'd realised I'd gone and fecking left my ID card at her flat on her bed.. in fact things weren't as bad as I had presumed.. she looked at me in the most seductive way possible and said 'well the place is empty anyway so I'll go back with you to find it and lets make our own night of it back there' .. I was basically being handed a VIP pass to feck, she was already quite drunk, coming on to me all night, and I didn't even have to impress on the dancefloor.
So how did I manage to feck this up.. I told her 'Oh it's alright, you go enjoy yourself..I'll make my own way home and come collect it in the morning'. She had the most puzzled expression on her face like she was constipated..and I proceeded to watch her reluctantly follow her mates into the club whilst I stood there like a bellend all alone waiting for a lift home.
Was hanging out with this black American girl here in Virginia (she's from Missippippi originally). So we're just chatting and she invites me up to her apt. just before we were going to lunch.
I had been taking it slow with her, just trying to get to know her and all that.
Anyway, I noticed some African pictures on the wall (tribal types standing outside a mud hut, women carrying huge water urns on their head, etc) so me, in my wisdom, says "which part of Missippippi is that?".
The silence was deafening after that. She never returned my calls after either.![]()
At a works do once, I had had my eye on some girl since I started there.
I later got told I had been described as "the hot new kid" by some of the girls, which swelled my ego slightly, but I was still to nervous to talk to this one. Anyway, I was stood talking to my best mate, and she came over to me, and said
"You're quite cute aren't you?"
then came the immortal words which I will never forget.
"I wish I could say the same about you"
My mate fecked off laughing his head off, and the lass looked quite offended and went to her best mate.
Later on I had to go explain to her that I meant I didn't have the ball to tell her she was hot, but the damage was done.
What a thread
I've kinda been through the above story but in reverse.. was at the entrance of a nightclub with this girl from Uni & her fellow flatmates when I'd realised I'd gone and fecking left my ID card at her flat on her bed.. in fact things weren't as bad as I had presumed.. she looked at me in the most seductive way possible and said 'well the place is empty anyway so I'll go back with you to find it and lets make our own night of it back there' .. I was basically being handed a VIP pass to feck, she was already quite drunk, coming on to me all night, and I didn't even have to impress on the dancefloor.
So how did I manage to feck this up.. I told her 'Oh it's alright, you go enjoy yourself..I'll make my own way home and come collect it in the morning'. She had the most puzzled expression on her face like she was constipated..and I proceeded to watch her reluctantly follow her mates into the club whilst I stood there like a bellend all alone waiting for a lift home.
Was going in to a club on saturday and had already had a few shandies so was in a confident mood. At the desk to pay was a smoking hot girl who was getting people to sign up for a mailing list, as I passed her she asked me to sign up and I stood and played hard to get for a bit and things were going well, until, until she says "it's ok I won't send you a load of rubbish emails or anything" to which I should have replied with a grin and wink "no you feel free to send me any emails you want" instead I said "awww not even the penis enlargement ones"
Still hurts.
What a thread
I've kinda been through the above story but in reverse.. was at the entrance of a nightclub with this girl from Uni & her fellow flatmates when I'd realised I'd gone and fecking left my ID card at her flat on her bed.. in fact things weren't as bad as I had presumed.. she looked at me in the most seductive way possible and said 'well the place is empty anyway so I'll go back with you to find it and lets make our own night of it back there' .. I was basically being handed a VIP pass to feck, she was already quite drunk, coming on to me all night, and I didn't even have to impress on the dancefloor.
So how did I manage to feck this up.. I told her 'Oh it's alright, you go enjoy yourself..I'll make my own way home and come collect it in the morning'. She had the most puzzled expression on her face like she was constipated..and I proceeded to watch her reluctantly follow her mates into the club whilst I stood there like a bellend all alone waiting for a lift home.
that's the best anti-drugs advert ever!
Maybe I can get a job with Talk to Frank.
To be fair, I can get it up after any drug whilst watching Feltching Grandads IV if I wanted to.