So here’s my contribution. And it’s not so much embarrassing as pathetic and cringe worthy.
So, a couple of years ago me and some of my mates went out to this pub (if Pogue’s/Irishmen are reading it was Pogue or Pugg Mahone’s

). Now me, I’m pathetic at spotting the signs, and when I do I’m usually too chicken shit to do anything – or I wait too long and the opportunity passes – Melbourne Red can attest to this.
Anyway, this bird was eyeing me up across the dance floor. Me being me I was totally oblivious to it until one of my mates literally dragged me across to talk to her. She was there with her mate (who was extremely hot too – who apparently had a boyfriend), so I’m battling along being awkward as usual, but in my defence I was rather drunk. Anyway after 10 minutes or so of pathetic chit-chat I look across to see my mate snogging the feck out of her mate, so I figure feck this if he’s hooked in when all he was doing was dragging me along to talk to the bird then I better act fast. So I did.
Anyway as the night goes on she’s like let’s go to this other club and kick it off there, and I’m driving… At first I was like naaah, we should head home, I’ve got no money… But then after a right kick up my arse I said yeah. So she drove us three (me, my mate and her mate) to this other club. Anyway we continue on here ‘til the early in the morning when she offers to give us lifts home. She first dropped her friend off (took half an hour to get there), and then was on her way to drop us off, when I’m like ‘Well I’m on the way first so you can drop me and then drop my mate off……………..’ Having not yet read the signs…. She tells me she’ll drop me off home last…. And so we get out the front of my house, in her car, and she’s asks (and I remember this vividly):
‘So can I stay at yours tonight? I’ve got to drive all the way back to Dandenong and I’m tired (which is a good 30 minutes from my house, which makes implications of dropping me off even more blatant – she’d driven halfway around the city to drop us all off)…’
To which I panicked… ‘ooh aaaaah naaaah you shouldn’t my parents will get angry…’
So I kissed her on the cheek and fecked off inside…. A dead certainty for a root, even if I just shagged her in the car and told her to sod off after!!!! feck I was a softcock back then.
But wait, this isn’t even the end of the story…. It gets fecking worse.
So I message her the next week and we arrange to go out, we decide to go to the city and have a coffee. She comes to pick me up from my house (having just come from getting a tattoo earlier that day), we drive for 30 minutes to get into the city.
We spend 20 minutes driving around trying to decide what we’ll do/finding a carpark. We park.
We go to Starbucks, which we could’ve done (gone to similar places) anywhere around my house.
We talk there for a while, and have a drink. We go back to her car to find she’s got a $150 parking fine. At this stage I was going to leave her, as I had a meeting to go to somewhere else in the City – my mates, in all their infinite wisdom, had decided to start up a night at a club, and I said I’d promote for them so we were all having a meeting at the actual venue – anyway, she says she’ll take me there and even wait for me whilst I’m inside... I agreed.
But unfortunately I didn’t know where abouts the venue actually was, so we spend another 30 minutes driving around trying to find this place (me looking up the directory), in which time she gets a phone call from work, asking why she didn’t come in today…… She got fired (though apparently she didn’t care because she wanted to quit anyway).
Anyway, after another 10 minutes, and some illegal street-moves we find the club. She waits in the car dutifully as I’m inside for half an hour talking to my mates. I come out and say I can catch the train home/get a lift with my mates. She tells me she’ll take me home… I say it’s out of your way, she says it’s fine. I agree.
On the way home we were stopping at some lights, about 2 minutes from my house, when her car gets sideswiped.
I get dropped off, sat down, thought about the whole day and realized I just didn’t have the bollocks to call her again.
So in short, she drove half an hour to get to mine, another half an hour + 20 minutes to get into the city/find a parking spot and decide what to do. She gets a $150 fine. Gets fired. Waits half an hour in the car whilst I’m talking to mates. And then proceeds to get her car side-swiped on the way to dropping me home.
That’s her back then, on the right.