Film Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker [Theories]

Yeah his death was so stupid. Everyone knew going into it that he was going to die at the hands of Mary Sue, and it was going to be terrible. And it was :lol:

They really fecked Palpatine over in my opinion. I guess being thrown down a pit in ROTJ wasn’t the most fitting death either, but he really did go out like a punk this time. After all he’d done in the 8 films previous...

They should’ve just adapted the thrawn books instead. The funny thing is, this is what Disney do, and it works! I’ve never seen the Marvel films but people love them, and they’re critically successful. Then Kathleen Kennedy moaned that there wasn’t any source material to adapt so they had to make it up as they went along. It’s like she wasn’t aware of all these other stories just sat there waiting. So much wasted potential :lol:
Exactly. Basically the text roll at the beginning would have made for a much better movie. I wanted to see how Palpatine came back etc. not read about it and then waste the actual movie watching planet hoppers and a random new character in an Ant-Man costume.

They should have brought Palpatine back right after killing Snoke off, not in the last movie.

Also, I disagree with people who say that they needed to wrap this up so this film was always going to be incoherent. There were million different ways to have made it better.

At least, Disney seems to have learned from this and have abandoned the 3 movie trilogy concept so this is probably the end of traditional Star Wars.

If that's even vaguely accurate then it's nuts. Surely to god it can't be?
Russians with some good taste.

And of course, it's not the case. NY Times being stupid, as usual.

967 tweets at start (after clean-up process) --> 206 with "negative sentiment" --> 61 real people, 11 bots, 33 trolls (or maybe not, can't be sure) --> of those 33 sixteen might have been Russians (or again, maybe not!)

Study worth repeating for another piece of garbage that is in theaters just now.
Finally watched it.

Palpatine was overpowered and that was good. He should not have been returned though.

Ren was okay.

Everything else was from bad to worse. The entire trilogy is more or less fan fiction at this stage, and should not be considered canon.

Second worst movie in the saga after The Last Jedi.
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Finally watched it.

Palpatine was overpowered and that was good. He should not have been returned though.

Ren was okay.

Everything else was from bad to worse. The entire trilogy is more or less fan fiction at this stage, and should not be considered canon.

Power Creep is an issue throughout this trilogy, not just in the Jedi stuff but the death star Destroyers.

Rogue One is the best of the Disney stuff for me, still flawed, but the one that was most emotionally compelling. Dirty Dozen style suicide mission with a Star Wars setting.
About to see it. Not very excited honestly. Let's see if it's better than I expect.
if you go into this movie with the attitude that it is a kids movie...which in reality it is it's much more enjoyable

in spite of plot holes, predictability I still enjoyed it. The characters are very forgettable though and it wont have the same nostalgia factor as the original 3
if you go into this movie with the attitude that it is a kids movie...which in reality it is it's much more enjoyable

in spite of plot holes, predictability I still enjoyed it. The characters are very forgettable though and it wont have the same nostalgia factor as the original 3

They will for the kids that see it - if you are old enough to have grown up with the original movies then those characters will always have that nostaligia factor. Those kids when they get to our age will be looking back full of nostalgia for Rey, Finn and Kylo in the same way we view Han, Luke and Leia.
They will for the kids that see it - if you are old enough to have grown up with the original movies then those characters will always have that nostaligia factor. Those kids when they get to our age will be looking back full of nostalgia for Rey, Finn and Kylo in the same way we view Han, Luke and Leia.
Bet they don't.
Kids can watch the originals as well. They can play the games that have all the original characters too. They’re as likely to grow liking them as they are the new ones.
Kids can watch the originals as well. They can play the games that have all the original characters too. They’re as likely to grow liking them as they are the new ones.
This is true but the unique cultural phenomenon that Star Wars was in the 70s and 80s means that I doubt the emotional connection will be as ubiquitous across a generation.
They will because that is their Star Wars.
They won't because the situations aren't equitable. The cultural phenomenon is not the same for a whole variety of reasons and, objectively, these films and characters are just not as impactful. Doubtless there are kids who will feel that connection but they will be proportionally far rarer than they were in my generation.
As a Star Wars OG fan (read the books through the 90's, oh yeah - pure nerdom) I thought it was fine after the first 30 mins or so. People wanted Star Wars to be something big and grandiose - imo Rian Johnson tried that - and everyone said it wasn't Star Wars.

So JJ made a Star-wars-ass Stars Wars movie, and people are upset. It's fast-paced, actiony, funny, silly, takes place in interesting sci-fi settings and has likeable characters. That's all it should be imo, and is all SW has ever been.
As a Star Wars OG fan (read the books through the 90's, oh yeah - pure nerdom) I thought it was fine after the first 30 mins or so. People wanted Star Wars to be something big and grandiose - imo Rian Johnson tried that - and everyone said it wasn't Star Wars.

So JJ made a Star-wars-ass Stars Wars movie, and people are upset. It's fast-paced, actiony, funny, silly, takes place in interesting sci-fi settings and has likeable characters. That's all it should be imo, and is all SW has ever been.
Yeah it's got all the right elements, but that doesn't automatically mean it's a good movie. It doesn't do anything with those pieces, and the lack of character development and any real plot mean it's just, well...boring. It's a load of characters you don't care about going from one place to another to get a thing they need. Riveting stuff. You can shove in all the action and adventure you want, but if there's nothing behind it character-wise then how is anyone supposed to care about it?
As a Star Wars OG fan (read the books through the 90's, oh yeah - pure nerdom) I thought it was fine after the first 30 mins or so. People wanted Star Wars to be something big and grandiose - imo Rian Johnson tried that - and everyone said it wasn't Star Wars.

So JJ made a Star-wars-ass Stars Wars movie, and people are upset. It's fast-paced, actiony, funny, silly, takes place in interesting sci-fi settings and has likeable characters. That's all it should be imo, and is all SW has ever been.

What was big and grandiose about TLJ?
This is true but the unique cultural phenomenon that Star Wars was in the 70s and 80s means that I doubt the emotional connection will be as ubiquitous across a generation.
No but if they like Star Wars they’re as likely to like the new characters as the old. In my limited experience of kids it’s more likely to be the old characters.
It was allright to me. Wouldnt stand up to the scdutiny of the religious fan, but good enough for me.

I enjoyed it for the most part.

I don’t have high hopes for these things though.

In a few years I won’t be able to remember any discernible difference between the three films, I’m sure. I barely can now.
I find the ease with which massive warcrimes are forgotten a bit jarring by the way. Ah come on mate, it's aight we still love you. Don't worry about the hundrends of thousands civilians you've slaughtered. Think happy thoughts.
They will for the kids that see it - if you are old enough to have grown up with the original movies then those characters will always have that nostaligia factor. Those kids when they get to our age will be looking back full of nostalgia for Rey, Finn and Kylo in the same way we view Han, Luke and Leia.
I'm not so sure

Hans, Leia and Luke were much more charismatic than the current crop.

a great comparison is Darth Vader v Kylo Ren - Ren was fantastically scary/evil with great presence in the first scene of TFA but after that hes a child compared to Vader who was superbly ominous and had fantastic presence

even someone like General Hux is a joke character compared to the likes of Tarkin
Just got back... Its a bit of a hot mess, but I still enjoyed it... Whilst also being disappointed by it, and wishing Johnson had done this one too.
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It’s generally a decent popcorn movie. And that’s the best thing you can say about it. It’s an enjoyable movie which will be watched with affection on future hungover Sunday afternoons, or over Christmas.

As a Star Wars fan, or a movie fan in general, then you can only say it’s a hot mess. A complete shambles of a movie and trilogy.
Think a lot of people in this thread are forgetting that Star Wars the first of its kind in 1977 (and as far ahead as 1983) so the nostalgia will always be stronger than it'll be for this current trilogy, which has had to compete with all sorts of other major blockbuster franchises and animated movies. Kids are far more likely to remember the Marvel superheroes (also owned by Disney), Frozen (also Disney), and the current Pixar crop (also ... erm ... Disney) alongside Star Wars. It's not on its own this time.
I went in with low expectations having seen a few reviews - and enjoyed it a lot.

Of the last 3 movies, this one was the best. Of the prequels, I liked Revenge of the Sith.

I am someone who, as a kid, read a lot of the expanded universe books - so reasonably keyed into Star Wars.

I think movies 7 and 8 were the two worst movies of all the 9 movies.
Think a lot of people in this thread are forgetting that Star Wars the first of its kind in 1977 (and as far ahead as 1983) so the nostalgia will always be stronger than it'll be for this current trilogy, which has had to compete with all sorts of other major blockbuster franchises and animated movies. Kids are far more likely to remember the Marvel superheroes (also owned by Disney), Frozen (also Disney), and the current Pixar crop (also ... erm ... Disney) alongside Star Wars. It's not on its own this time.
I had to double check your username when I saw you'd only written a single paragraph.
Go in with low expectations (not difficult with the previous films) and you'll enjoy this. Can we start discussing it or do we have to use spoilers?
Why do people act that The Last Jedi is hated just because it was "daring" and "different" ? It was a mess full of plot holes, it fails as a standalone movie as well as a Star Wars movie.

Easily the worst SW movie out of all 9.
Go in with low expectations (not difficult with the previous films) and you'll enjoy this. Can we start discussing it or do we have to use spoilers?

The forums spoiler rule says that spoiler tags are not required at all in movie threads. If people haven't seen it and it's been released, they shouldn't be in the thread if they want to avoid them.
Why do people act that The Last Jedi is hated just because it was "daring" and "different" ? It was a mess full of plot holes, it fails as a standalone movie as well as a Star Wars movie.

Easily the worst SW movie out of all 9.

Apparently it's "big and grandiose" too...

I mean, it was same old SW just even more boring than usual. It's up there with Phantom Menace in terms of not really saying anything or going anywhere.