Spartacus vs Game of Thrones

Which show do you think is better?

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I vote Spartacus (despite not seeing it) cause I absolutely cannot stand GoT. Tedious, mind numbingly boring crap.

I really can't understand why its so universally popular!
Ok, so we can all agree both shows feature it's sex and beautiful women in abundance. Here's one question, which of the shows has the hotter women? Spartacus or Game Of Thrones?

Spartacus for me.

Spartacus has the look of a really high budget porno film (same quality of actiing and writing as well), so it's not a suprise that some of the women are stunners, they were not cast because of their acting chops.

GOT has some stunners as well though (Brienne :drool:), they're just not completely nude and shagging in every single episode.
I love GoT but haven't seen Spartacus. The latter is on US Netflix I think, I'll give it a try.
I vote Spartacus (despite not seeing it) cause I absolutely cannot stand GoT. Tedious, mind numbingly boring crap.

I really can't understand why its so universally popular!


So because I dint like GoT I must be a troll? GoT fans are so fecking touchy/precious about anyone that isn't utterly in love with it.

Watched the first season and I had absolutely no urge to watch any more. It's just not aimed at me. I did watch Spartacus after my initial post though, it's okay but not amazing (better than GoT though, I prefer the setting) so I stand by my initial post...
Walking Dead being mentioned blows my mind. I watch it but the characters are all terrible and none of them are likable at all. In fact, they are all so stupid parodies.

I didnt think a comparison between Spartacus and GoT would create such debate.
It really isn't. It has higher production values and is on a bigger scale. That's about it.

Characters and storylines are better in Spartacus.

I reckon a lot of the GOT votes are for those who have never watched all of the Spartacus series

Yeah, I must say I'm surprised its not closer. I voted for Spartacus, and I enjoy both. Spartacus just seems more direct and to the point than GoT. You also know who to root for. No surprise there, considering the (GoT TV series spoilers here)
Starks, the closest thing to a protagonist in the series, are pretty much all dead or in the wilderness.

If I had to compare the two, I'd say Spartacus is a more like a story driven on rails game like The Last of Us or something similar, while GoT is an emergent sandbox game like, I dunno, The Sims?
I think the people talking about TWD in here is a bit silly. You only have to look in the thread for it on here to see people actively root for the death of characters due to their bad acting and people threaten to quit watching the show due to it's terrible acting and story development.

So because I dint like GoT I must be a troll? GoT fans are so fecking touchy/precious about anyone that isn't utterly in love with it.

Watched the first season and I had absolutely no urge to watch any more. It's just not aimed at me. I did watch Spartacus after my initial post though, it's okay but not amazing (better than GoT though, I prefer the setting) so I stand by my initial post...

It was a joke.

Why are you getting so touchy? If you like Spartacus more you like Spartacus more. I think your opinion and your reasons for having it are totally backward and wrong, but it's your opinion, you don't need to get so defensive over it.
What is 'backward' about calling GoT boring? Loads of episodes are 45 minutes of absolutely nothing going on and Tyrion being cool, and a huge event at the end which will create buzz on the internet and keep its ratings up. At times it's very formulaic, so it's not surprising people could find it boring.

It also has a gallery of about 50 characters, with about 80% of them being really shit, and 2 or 3 of them actually being interesting.
Walking Dead being mentioned blows my mind. I watch it but the characters are all terrible and none of them are likable at all. In fact, they are all so stupid parodies.

I didnt think a comparison between Spartacus and GoT would create such debate.
I will be honest but I prefer Walking Dead to GoT as well.

Walking Dead would be a show I would have to watch right away. Got I can leave it build up for a few weeks and then watch a few episodes together
It uses pretty cheap tricks that many people confuse as "great writing".

4 seasons in and we've yet to see a single scene featuring the Dragon lady that wasn't completely dull.
It uses pretty cheap tricks that many people confuse as "great writing".

4 seasons in and we've yet to see a single scene featuring the Dragon lady that wasn't completely dull.
Exactly. All her storyline is badly written, and there's a lot of her. A lot.
GoT is incredibly overrated, primarily due to its popularity and how easy it is for the masses to watch. People calling it the best show ever is just absurd. I mean I felt the same when Breaking Bad was hyped up as the best show ever, but at least Breaking Bad was incredibly entertaining throughout.

It's funny to see people rave about GoT so much when in the thread itself I'd say around 60-70% of content is people moaning about episodes being really slow and there being little plot progress to speak of at all. I don't think anyone moaned in the Spartacus thread, at least it knew what it was and was consistently entertaining throughout. Not to say it's as good as GoT, but I think if you take away the massive budget GoT has in comparison, it's really not as clear cut as people seem to think it is.

Oh and Season One of GoT had a far more prolonged and pointless sex/nudity scene than Spartacus has ever had, so it's a bit rich to hear people claim Spartacus is just nudity and violence when GoT uses the exact same tactics to reel people in.
I will be honest but I prefer Walking Dead to GoT as well.

Walking Dead would be a show I would have to watch right away. Got I can leave it build up for a few weeks and then watch a few episodes together


Its amazing though and pretty much goes with "to each his own". TWD I can find myself playing on my phone for most of the episode as I know all the characters are dull and most of them should die. For GoT i watch each scene intently making sure I dont miss a single word.

With regards to this comparison, Spartacus had an element of coolness about the deaths and the characters. Hated the second naevia for a long time pretty much until the finale! lol
I see the predictable bunch have arrived. Nilson, Cina & RiD, your posts are always so bloody nauseating to read. The fact that people love Game of Thrones and it irks you three in particular gives me pleasure.
You did the exact same thing in the top 20 TV shows thread. Someone would but GoT at one and you and Cina would get your panties in a bunch, more so Cina. Then you had nilson drive by shit posting the season four thread.

It's tiresome, you three don't like it or think it's overrated, we get it.
You did the exact same thing in the top 20 TV shows thread. Someone would but GoT at one and you and Cina would get your panties in a bunch, more so Cina. Then you had nilson drive by shit posting the season four thread.

It's tiresome, you three don't like it or think it's overrated, we get it.
I get the feeling you're the one that's irked more than anything else, to be perfectly honest!
To be fair, it isn't creating that much. The poll results show as much.

Well poll results are one sided but in terms of comments, especially in last few pages, im seeing more of GOT as being stated as Overrated and Spartacus as better (and obviously counters). For me thats a shock
GoT is incredibly overrated, primarily due to its popularity and how easy it is for the masses to watch. People calling it the best show ever is just absurd. I mean I felt the same when Breaking Bad was hyped up as the best show ever, but at least Breaking Bad was incredibly entertaining throughout.

It's funny to see people rave about GoT so much when in the thread itself I'd say around 60-70% of content is people moaning about episodes being really slow and there being little plot progress to speak of at all. I don't think anyone moaned in the Spartacus thread, at least it knew what it was and was consistently entertaining throughout. Not to say it's as good as GoT, but I think if you take away the massive budget GoT has in comparison, it's really not as clear cut as people seem to think it is.

Oh and Season One of GoT had a far more prolonged and pointless sex/nudity scene than Spartacus has ever had, so it's a bit rich to hear people claim Spartacus is just nudity and violence when GoT uses the exact same tactics to reel people in.

I agree with you about GoT being overrated but you lost all that credibility when you start talking about Spartacus. Spartacus is just gratuitous. Everything in it is just so over the top. GoT sometimes lapses into shit but at least it attempts to be better. Spartacus is at home in shit.
I agree with you about GoT being overrated but you lost all that credibility when you start talking about Spartacus. Spartacus is just gratuitous. Everything in it is just so over the top. GoT sometimes lapses into shit but at least it attempts to be better. Spartacus is at home in shit.
I don't claim Spartacus isn't gratuitous though, it obviously is. It doesn't mean it's not extemely entertaining.

Obviously GoT is the better show but it's not some high almighty show that shits on everything else like some would have you believe.
GoT is incredibly overrated, primarily due to its popularity and how easy it is for the masses to watch. People calling it the best show ever is just absurd. I mean I felt the same when Breaking Bad was hyped up as the best show ever, but at least Breaking Bad was incredibly entertaining throughout.

Breaking Bad has a lot of dull episodes too. I liked it though.

Although I agree there are some VERY slow episodes in GoT, this shouldn't be a contest. The acting in Spartacus is some of the worst shit I've ever seen. And before anyone asks, I've seen all available seasons of both series.
The whole thing, using fast forward for scenes that annoyed me.


What did you think of the prequel and what did you think of Liam McIntyre's performance as Spartacus after Andy Whitfields demise
I think the people talking about TWD in here is a bit silly. You only have to look in the thread for it on here to see people actively root for the death of characters due to their bad acting and people threaten to quit watching the show due to it's terrible acting and story development.

TWD is one of the highest watched tv shows today, are you telling me most of those viewers are rooting for the characters to die? You surely can't base your argument on things written in this thread when millions of people on social media break the internet whenever one of their beloved characters dies, and this is coming from a person who's not even into the Walking dead that much.
Wrestling is better than both tbf.
TWD is one of the highest watched tv shows today, are you telling me most of those viewers are rooting for the characters to die? You surely can't base your argument on things written in this thread when millions of people on social media break the internet whenever one of their beloved characters dies, and this is coming from a person who's not even into the Walking dead that much.

Beloved characters dying? You're really going into histrionics here. And your persistence in bringing up TWD really undermines any credibility in your other arguments you're making in this thread.

Who are these beloved characters who died?

T-Dog? Lori? Herschel? Dale? Andrea?

Where was the social media outbreak when they died? Was I living under a rock? As I said, it's pure histrionics. Beloved characters are the likes of Jack Bauer. Or Tyrion. Or Walter White. Because they're iconic. There's nothing iconic about TWD or its cast.

TWD is badly acted and badly written. The dialogue is amateurish and cliche. The story line is stagnant and repetitive, with the same old circular journeys every season bar the climatic mid and end of season finales. The character progression is non existant for the majority of them. The allure to TWD isn't the cast. It's because it's a post apocalyptic world. And it has zombies. And guns. I watch every TWD episode, if I'm streaming I often flick through my phone or absent mindedly surf the net with the sound playing in the background. It isn't great TV and it shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Spartacus or GoT. If 3/4 of the current cast died, I wouldln't care. The only two characters that actually matter anymore are:

Rick and Daryl. Eugene can stay too because he's light entertainment. Little cowboy kid can feck off. As can Carol. And Maggie. And all the other minor characters who are introduced only to die inexplicably two episodes later.

Please, don't make out TWD is some work of art or that it's profound. It's bang average.
Beloved characters dying? You're really going into histrionics here. And your persistence in bringing up TWD really undermines any credibility in your other arguments you're making in this thread.

Who are these beloved characters who died?

T-Dog? Lori? Herschel? Dale? Andrea?

Where was the social media outbreak when they died? Was I living under a rock? As I said, it's pure histrionics. Beloved characters are the likes of Jack Bauer. Or Tyrion. Or Walter White. Because they're iconic. There's nothing iconic about TWD or its cast.

TWD is badly acted and badly written. The dialogue is amateurish and cliche. The story line is stagnant and repetitive, with the same old circular journeys every season bar the climatic mid and end of season finales. The character progression is non existant for the majority of them. The allure to TWD isn't the cast. It's because it's a post apocalyptic world. And it has zombies. And guns. I watch every TWD episode, if I'm streaming I often flick through my phone or absent mindedly surf the net with the sound playing in the background. It isn't great TV and it shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Spartacus or GoT. If 3/4 of the current cast died, I wouldln't care. The only two characters that actually matter anymore are:

Rick and Daryl. Eugene can stay too because he's light entertainment. Little cowboy kid can feck off. As can Carol. And Maggie. And all the other minor characters who are introduced only to die inexplicably two episodes later.

Please, don't make out TWD is some work of art or that it's profound. It's bang average.

Where did i say anything even remotely close to this shit? I've already said im not a big TWD fan. I wouldn't even consider myself a fan to be honest, haven't even watched the last 5 episodes and I dont care. My only attachment to the show is that its shot in my city/state and that I was on the set for about a week during the first season. I was strictly talking about the fans attachment to the the characters compared to GoT and you respond with a rant about the show in general. JAYSUS!
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Don't think I watched prequels. I preferred the first actor.

So you didn't really watch it, you just skimmed through it? The second season was actually the 6 episode prequel im talking about because they were waiting for Whitfield to recover from his cancer treatment. I'll chalk it down to you forgetting since its been three years since it last aired (not sure when you watched it tho). @Cina this is probably why you asked if Eboue watched the show entirely.