Spartacus vs Game of Thrones

Which show do you think is better?

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Spartacus is essentially soft-core porn. Game of Thrones also has a lot of sex, but it's just better in every department that counts.
Spartacus - once you have adjusted to its ridiculous, ripe tone. The acting can be a bit creaky and the budgetary constraints occasionally show (usually when more than 10 people are needed in a scene), but the plotting and story focus is as tight as in any of these long form dramas. The John Hannah Lucy Lawless arc is as good as anything in thrones so far. In terms of pure storytelling it's the only modern series that can match the Sopranos for me.

GOT has a lot of great stuff in it but there are too many soapy longuers and the pacing and storytelling can be kind of sloppy, in my opinion.
Spartacus - once you have adjusted to its ridiculous, ripe tone. The acting can be a bit creaky and the budgetary constraints occasionally show (usually when more than 10 people are needed in a scene), but the plotting and story focus is as tight as in any of these long form dramas. The John Hannah Lucy Lawless arc is as good as anything in thrones so far. In terms of pure storytelling it's the only modern series that can match the Sopranos for me.

GOT has a lot of great stuff in it but there are too many soapy longuers and the pacing and storytelling can be kind of sloppy, in my opinion.
First season was truly awful in that regard.
I think GoT ranks higher for me with regards to story but both have some epic scenes. A testament to Liam Mcintyre for how well he did taking over A.Whitfield who was just brilliant.

Spartacus only had three seasons (and a prequel) and I think that was perfect (with 10 eps). It meant it told a good paced story without filler. GoT benefits from the lengthier seasons and requires more seasons to tell the full story given how complex it is.

Both are awesome tbh. :D
As others have said GoT is on another level to anything but I can't bring myself to vote because of how much I love Spartacus. Would be like choosing between your children even if you know one is just better!

To those who don't like the nudity in Sparticus, I think it would be weird and unrealistic without it. It adds to the rawness and brutality of what life was likely like for those people. When its the norm to own people to do with as you please, I can imagine the writers portrayed things fairly accurately.
Couldn't get into Rome myself, couldn't get into The Wire either which is probably blasphemy here on the caf.

Same here. Forced myself on both shows and still haven't completed them
Doctore would piss on their ass, A Gladiator does *not* fear death. He embraces it. Caresses it. *fecks* it. Each time he enters the arena, he slips his cock in the mouth of the beast, and prays to thrust home before the jaws snap shut.

This is true. Stannis has nothing on these guys
Gannicus is one cool mofo.

batiatus was just brilliant though (And hilarious)
On an interestingly related note, why is John Hannah not in GoT (yet)? Surely he could do any of a number of roles he's that talented. I'd probably prefer him to be a Wall watchman given the choice, lots of opportunity to use arse and feck*.

*Actually, no Dougal. That just makes him sound like Father Jack. :(
I love Spartacus amazing show and half of it is basically a porn fest. The character build up and sheer entertainment is amazing, especially in the first and last seasons. But let's be honest it doesn't touch GOT, and I doubt any show right now comes near it. GOT also has a much larger budget and can obviously do more regarding actors, script and effects.

Both amazing shows, I was really sad when Spartacus ended.
Spartacus was entertaining crap.
Im surprised it was remembered a week after it had finished. Comparing it to a genuinely good show is just weird
I am a HUGE fan of GOT and can't deny that it is a better show but weirdly, I enjoyed Spartacus more because of the ridiculous dialogue and Crixus. I still quote lines from it at work :lol:
And so this this thread will go down in history as the last free poll of these lands. It is a bad day for freedom but a good day for intellectual standards.
GoT easily, but I do love Spartacus and the third season is one of my favourite seasons in any TV show.

I loved the first season of Spartacus, so much fun. Second was ok, couldn't stand the third myself, thought the plot was all over the place..
Game of Thrones is one of my favourite shows of all time. Spartacus was good, but really it's a no-contest.