Spartacus vs Game of Thrones

Which show do you think is better?

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Aug 30, 2009
This is mostly for people who have watched both shows of course. I like Game of thrones, but having just started watching Spartacus recently I really appreciate how entertaining it is. Im up to the final season, and the show doesn't have one filler episode. Spartacus had a smaller budget of course, coming from the Starz network, but it delivers blood, action and boobage in abundance. I have to say it delivers more consistently than GoT if you're looking for straight up action. Both shows are really good though.
I loved Spartacus, still got the last couple of eps recorded on my box from when it finished couple of years ago. The dialogue was fecking brilliant, perfectly executed and hilariously insulting. Good acting, hot babes, lots of action.. definitely Starz best show to date that deserved more exposure but we all knew how it would go in the end. Game Of Thrones is a level above though, but I'm going to vote equally as good because GOT hasn't finished yet.
Game Of Thrones, by a distance.

Spartacus is still great though. So quotable, if you don't mind using bad language.
Game Of Thrones, by a distance.

Spartacus is still great though. So quotable, if you don't mind using bad language.

I like how the F bombs appear randomly and in weird places. Like 'Remove yourself from fecking path'...or something like that :lol:

Spartacus is enjoyable, but Game of Thrones is on another level in terms of story, writing, acting, production and so on. I just don't feel they are very comparable. Game of Thrones is up there with the best shows I've ever watched like Rome, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sopranos etc. I don't mind Spartacus, but I lost interest after the second season.
Very different kinds of shows really. Game of Thrones is better as an overall quality drama series. Spartacus is just unashamedly entertaining, testosterone driven hilarity. Although with that said the finale was truly remarkable and moving.
Spartacus is excellent, but GoT is the better show IMO.
Spartacus is enjoyable, but Game of Thrones is on another level in terms of story, writing, acting, production and so on. I just don't feel they are very comparable. Game of Thrones is up there with the best shows I've ever watched like Rome, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sopranos etc. I don't mind Spartacus, but I lost interest after the second season.

I feel the writing on Spartacus is very good. The pacing is just right, and it is after all based on true events with of course creative license to change things. GoT is a great show but it has had a few straight pure filler episodes like season four's 'Breaker of chains' and 'Oathkeeper' for instance. Im not saying there's anything wrong with solid filler episodes because sometimes a show needs to breath or stretch a story out a little. However Spartacus is just straight relentless from start to finish (season by season), so you can say it delivered what most of the fans wanted more consistently.
I don't think you can compare them, they're apples and oranges

I'd prefer Spartacus for pure boobery and Lucy Fecking childhood jerk material #1 Lawless naked! Oh Yeah! It's a sinful pleasure, GOT was just a very good miniseries (they're good don't get me wrong), but Spartacus is like porn, and you can't compare porn with mainstream movies.

Although the last seasons seems draggy and lacking interest, it's as guilty pleasure as it goes

EDIT: you should put "can't compare them" as an options, cause that's where my vote goes
There is absolutely no contest whatsoever. GoT is one of the best TV shows ever made, if only because of the achievement of adapting those books for TV. That is one hell of a task and in my opinion it's done brilliantly. The characters are portrayed excellently, the story is gripping and shocking (look at the reactions people give regarding some of the major events that take place) and the nudity is necessary.

Spartacus on the other hand is (in my opinion) pure shit. From the terrible acting - awful accents and false grunts when fighting - to the detracting CGI that makes up the background. The nudity serves no purpose other than to shock/please - I think when peoples main positive about a show is the amount of nudity in it, then it's a pretty shit show. It's just altogether not a show for me and not fit at all to be compared to GoT.
There is absolutely no contest whatsoever. GoT is one of the best TV shows ever made, if only because of the achievement of adapting those books for TV. That is one hell of a task and in my opinion it's done brilliantly. The characters are portrayed excellently, the story is gripping and shocking (look at the reactions people give regarding some of the major events that take place) and the nudity is necessary.

Spartacus on the other hand is (in my opinion) pure shit. From the terrible acting - awful accents and false grunts when fighting - to the detracting CGI that makes up the background. The nudity serves no purpose other than to shock/please - I think when peoples main positive about a show is the amount of nudity in it, then it's a pretty shit show. It's just altogether not a show for me and not fit at all to be compared to GoT.

What makes the accents so awful? In GoT they just speak in English accents but I guess they can get away with that because its fantasy fiction. What accent do you expect ancient Romans and Gladiators to have?
There is absolutely no contest whatsoever. GoT is one of the best TV shows ever made, if only because of the achievement of adapting those books for TV. That is one hell of a task and in my opinion it's done brilliantly. The characters are portrayed excellently, the story is gripping and shocking (look at the reactions people give regarding some of the major events that take place) and the nudity is necessary.

Spartacus on the other hand is (in my opinion) pure shit. From the terrible acting - awful accents and false grunts when fighting - to the detracting CGI that makes up the background. The nudity serves no purpose other than to shock/please - I think when peoples main positive about a show is the amount of nudity in it, then it's a pretty shit show. It's just altogether not a show for me and not fit at all to be compared to GoT.

lol, on the serious side, nobody says Spartacus is comparable to GOT, people are just saying that they're a different breed of fun, you really can't compare porn with romantic comedy, one is meant to satisfy our loins, and the other was meant to satisfy our brain.

Tldr : Words fall from your mouth as shits from ass , Ashur seeks merely what most men seek, cnut and coin!
GoT definitely even though it is a bit slow at times but overall it really grows on you. Spartacus Season 1 is enjoyable with great dialogues especially Batiatus. But everything just went flat after that.
Acting in Spartacus is quite bad. The story is worse than in GoT too. I like both shows but GoT is easily my favorite in this fantasy/historical genre (well, and Rome, probably).
Loved Spartacus, love GOT.

I am not going to tell you which of my children I love more. So equally as good is my choice! :p
What makes the accents so awful? In GoT they just speak in English accents but I guess they can get away with that because its fantasy fiction. What accent do you expect ancient Romans and Gladiators to have?

It's not that. It's the fact that even the English/Scottish accents sound so fake and put on. It just further detracts from the (already weak, imo) storyline, along with the terrible background CGI and unnecessary nudity.

lol, on the serious side, nobody says Spartacus is comparable to GOT, people are just saying that they're a different breed of fun, you really can't compare porn with romantic comedy, one is meant to satisfy our loins, and the other was meant to satisfy our brain.

Tldr : Words fall from your mouth as shits from ass , Ashur seeks merely what most men seek, cnut and coin!

I think the fact you refer to one directly as porn means it's quite a poor TV show. When tits and ass take centre stage over the plot, you know you got yourself a crap plot.

Or are you one of these people who watches porn because you're genuinely curious to see if the plumber fixes the leak in the ladies u-bend?
I saw an episode of Spartacus, the guy who played The Mountain in season one of GoT was it and I couldn't get over how bad the CGI was.
It's not that. It's the fact that even the English/Scottish accents sound so fake and put on. It just further detracts from the (already weak, imo) storyline, along with the terrible background CGI and unnecessary nudity.

I think the fact you refer to one directly as porn means it's quite a poor TV show. When tits and ass take centre stage over the plot, you know you got yourself a crap plot.

Tits and ass don't take center stage over the plot :lol:. Admitedly, most people probably got hooked to it for the sex and the violence, but as the show moves along you see that it has a lot of heart. You want to see what becomes of the characters, all of whom have a lot of depth. The show is always moving in one direction, and that direction follows the protagonists making strides towards achieving freedom and getting vengeance over the Romans. The plot always takes center stage in every episode, you never see it going sideways. Its a strong story based on true events and its paced very well throughout the course of the seasons.

Not a single character is actually putting on an English/Scottish accent. Most of the actors on the show are Australian or from New Zealand and this is what you hear. John Hanna who played Batiatus is actually Scottish.
There is absolutely no contest whatsoever. GoT is one of the best TV shows ever made, if only because of the achievement of adapting those books for TV. That is one hell of a task and in my opinion it's done brilliantly. The characters are portrayed excellently, the story is gripping and shocking (look at the reactions people give regarding some of the major events that take place) and the nudity is necessary.

Spartacus on the other hand is (in my opinion) pure shit. From the terrible acting - awful accents and false grunts when fighting - to the detracting CGI that makes up the background. The nudity serves no purpose other than to shock/please - I think when peoples main positive about a show is the amount of nudity in it, then it's a pretty shit show. It's just altogether not a show for me and not fit at all to be compared to GoT.

Guys don't listen to Waldner on anything (even if he is right). He stopped Breaking Bad after 4 episodes and said Rome was the worst show he has watched after 1 episode.
Guys don't listen to Waldner on anything (even if he is right). He stopped Breaking Bad after 4 episodes and said Rome was the worst show he has watched after 1 episode.
Wait, what? WHAT?

@Waldner you're a disgrace to humanity and I hope you get hit by a plane and fall off a cliff and then eaten by piranhas.
Guys don't listen to Waldner on anything (even if he is right). He stopped Breaking Bad after 4 episodes and said Rome was the worst show he has watched after 1 episode.

:lol: I corrected myself after, I meant that about Spartacus not Rome. I haven't seen Rome.

I've since watched more Spartacus, hence my postings here.

@Cina, we can be friends again.
There was too much sex in Spartacus for me. If I want to watch sex then I watch porn. Am I the only person that finds excessive sex in television programs tedious?

I enjoyed Spartacus but the amount of sex in it was daft.