Southport knife attack - 3 children dead, 8 children and 2 adults injured

Death penalty is too good for them. A bit of fear and then peace.

I'd tie people like this up in a shit-infested windowless room alone. Each day cutting off a different body part bit by bit until they only have left what they need to be alive. Cut out their eyes, cut off their nose and cut out their tongue. Keep their ears just so they can hear the footsteps coming each day for a new torture. Keeping them alive by feeding them cat shit. And let them go crazy though solitary confinement before eventually letting them starve to death after years of hell
That is a no from me. No need for society to be worse than the perpetrator. I'm still against the death penalty on philosophical grounds anyway. Just saying people like this do make compelling cases.
My comment infers we need stronger policing to stop things like this happening.
Yeah some psycho who wants to murder children will think twice if it means he gets a boot to the head afterwards.
My comment infers we need stronger policing to stop things like this happening.
So you believe summary corporal punishment would have deterred this event? (i.e. more cops kicking perps in the head will make people think twice?)
That is a no from me. No need for society to be worse than the perpetrator. I'm still against the death penalty on philosophical grounds anyway. Just saying people like this do make compelling cases.
I wasn't offering. Just what I would like to see happen to people like that. If it was my family involved I'd do worse than that if I could sort capturing them.
Horrific. When it involves children it hits so much harder but these rising knife crimes are almost imbedded now across most counties in Europe for the past decade or so, with such little coverage unless it tragically involves children. Another cry for help/mental health excuse incoming, no doubt.
What the feck is wrong with people. As a dad of young children, this stuff terrifies me. Prison isn’t enough.
Death penalty is too good for them. A bit of fear and then peace.

I'd tie people like this up in a shit-infested windowless room alone. Each day cutting off a different body part bit by bit until they only have left what they need to be alive. Cut out their eyes, cut off their nose and cut out their tongue. Keep their ears just so they can hear the footsteps coming each day for a new torture. Keeping them alive by feeding them cat shit. And let them go crazy though solitary confinement before eventually letting them starve to death after years of hell
I mean yeah, but steady on, Jigsaw.
Death penalty is too good for them. A bit of fear and then peace.

I'd tie people like this up in a shit-infested windowless room alone. Each day cutting off a different body part bit by bit until they only have left what they need to be alive. Cut out their eyes, cut off their nose and cut out their tongue. Keep their ears just so they can hear the footsteps coming each day for a new torture. Keeping them alive by feeding them cat shit. And let them go crazy though solitary confinement before eventually letting them starve to death after years of hell


Awful attack and awful salivating response from some of the usual suspects just willing it to be certain groups.

You can't feel anything but utter distress for any of the parents of kids there.
Only thing you can say is it's a bigger deterrent than what currently is there.

I think these kind of punishments deter people when they're wildly out of proportion to the crime being committed.

If you're killing someone (or multiple people), you're either doing so in a fit of rage and no longer thinking logically or a psychopath who probably doesn't care about the consequences either way.
Christ, I don't know what is happening to this country..
because people didnt go on deadly rampages every before? . honestly you hear his trope a lot, and for many cases its camaflouge for a yearning towards a country without immigration, where there was no crime. neither of which has ever actually happened.
Social media seems to be awash with the usual "certainty" about the suspects ethnic / religious background. Is this just the usual hateful stuff or is there any substance to it? On more balanced platforms I'm not seeing any consistent info on the perpetrator.
My comment infers we need stronger policing to stop things like this happening.
Unfortunately correlation doesn't equal causation. Most places with more draconian law enforcement and/or the death penalty usually have higher rates or crime and violent crime.
because people didnt go on deadly rampages every before? . honestly you hear his trope a lot, and for many cases its camaflouge for a yearning towards a country without immigration, where there was no crime. neither of which has ever actually happened.
Agree, I also think the relentless news cycle on social media doesn't help.
because people didnt go on deadly rampages every before? . honestly you hear his trope a lot, and for many cases its camaflouge for a yearning towards a country without immigration, where there was no crime. neither of which has ever actually happened.

These types of incidents are becoming far too frequent, I never mentioned immigration either so I'm not sure why that's being brought up?
My comment infers we need stronger policing to stop things like this happening.
Some crazy person has stabbed children in a nursery - how is this down to policing? What police reform is required to stop this sort of horrific unthinkable thing happening?
I have no words for this. It is deeply shocking and sad. I hope every child survives.
These types of incidents are becoming far too frequent, I never mentioned immigration either so I'm not sure why that's being brought up?
Because, even if 1 is actually 1 too many, there aren't a a lot of these events at all. What's changed is the reporting of them, with the emphasis on the perpetrators race. A quick look on social media now will evidence that. Lots of grift going on with the far right (mainly) and events like these are goldmines for them, especially with social media engagement creating dosh.
Just read about how neighbours stepped in and rescued kids into their houses.

And how people local wanted to “get” the offender before the police arrived…. Hope they did.
Southport Stabbings suspect from GBNEWS, "Ali-Al-Shakati, was on MI6 watch list and was known to Liverpool mental health services. He was an asylum seeker who came to UK by boat last year".
Southport Stabbings suspect from GBNEWS, "Ali-Al-Shakati, was on MI6 watch list and was known to Liverpool mental health services. He was an asylum seeker who came to UK by boat last year".
Why are GBNEWS releasing the name of a 17 year old suspect? Or have they got someone else wrong?
Southport Stabbings suspect from GBNEWS, "Ali-Al-Shakati, was on MI6 watch list and was known to Liverpool mental health services. He was an asylum seeker who came to UK by boat last year".
Well if that's true then there will probably be some sort of riots somewhere tonight.

This has been whipped up all day and news breaking at this time of evening will be quite explosive I fear.
Unfortunately correlation doesn't equal causation. Most places with more draconian law enforcement and/or the death penalty usually have higher rates or crime and violent crime.
That's certainly not the case in Asia. Singapore, Japan and South Korea all have capital punishment but very low murder rates. Crime generally is much lower out East.
Always funny to see people get all butthurty about a small minority of dickheads on twitter speculating on the race/religion of the attacker. There's dickheads everywhere online. If your first reaction to a bloke going on a child stabbing spree is to either start speculating about the guy's religion or mouthing off about the people who do then you should give your head a wobble.
If your first reaction to a bloke going on a child stabbing spree is to either start speculating about the guy's religion or mouthing off about the people who do then you should give your head a wobble.

I don't know, I feel like one of those is worse than the other.

Also, what about people who mouth off about people mouthing off about people speculating about the guy's religion, i. e. you? And people who mouth off about people who mouth off about people mouthing off about people speculating about the guy's religion, i. e. me?