Solskjaer's legacy and his future

It has caught up with Ole this season. He surrounded himself with alot of inexperienced staff which was probably his biggest error considering he is lacking elite club experience himself. He failed to implement a playing style which after 3 years is inexcusable.

Up until this season he had done fairly well, the Uefa cup final defeat was huge though. It was a chance to install a winner's mentality in the team and the performance was awful.

He has failed to get the team motivated for the first half throughout his tenure. The comebacks he has enjoyed in previous seasons have not happened this year.

Wish him all the best but I would prefer he is not employed by Utd in the future unless as a club ambassador.
His first two or three months were great, but its been shite since. Thanking him now is like getting divorced and thanking your now ex-wife for the wonderful honeymoon.
The end wasn't too great, but he did right by the club after the Mourinho debacle. Thank you.
For what though ? We bought the most expensive RB/CB and a RW for 72 mil. We won no trophies and didn’t do any better that under Jose. The squad is better but he spend nearly 500m so it’s expected
Good debate now to be had. Who did the better job? Jose or Ole?
Jose. I'm not a big fan of his time here at all but he finished both his full seasons with more points in each season, won two trophies, reached an FA cup final and I believe his overall spend was lower than Ole's. Only thing you might say in Ole's favour is the successive top 4 finishes but his first season was a 3rd place finish with 66 points. Jose finished 6th place in his first season with 69 points.

Both have fairly similar win ratios I believe; I think Jose is ahead
Both had a pretty dire brand of football
Both had some mixed signings
Both left some serious holes in the squad and yet more fecking rebuilding to do (this might need a review depending on the new manager)
Both were rightly sacked.
Feck that. Ole as manager was a complete waste of time. Arguably the worst manager we've ever had.
Thank you for what? :lol:
We're in a worse state since SAF's departure.
Good debate now to be had. Who did the better job? Jose or Ole?

There is no debate to be had.

Ole landing Bruno when he did papered over all the cracks and that piece of business was the highlight of his management. Recruitment generally was poor under both but it has been under every manager which makes you ask if there isn’t a more systematic issues there.

Jose’s first season was genuinely very enjoyable. It all fell apart around the Alexis signing and the dressing room seemed to fracture at that point. There’s more to thay story that we haven’t heard. Up to that point everything felt positive and we were competing for trophies.

Ole would have stretches of games where things would look to turn but could never maintain it and when they got bad they got brutal.

It was far better under Jose for the most part, probably because he’s a far better manager. It also can’t be stated enough how well Jose’s desire to purge Pogba and Martial when their stock was high has aged.

I remember United fans being disgusted with the idea of Martial going and Perisic arriving. That would have improved the team drastically and gotten rid of a poisonous character. Now we couldn’t get rid of him if we tried with his 250,000 per week and Pogba is gonna leave on a free. Great business all round.
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Ultimately he bought some good players. Almost won us a trophy and got some good league positions.

But, the football wasn't consistent, the way of playing relied on individuals, we underachieved with the players he had and he was unable to sell players in the squad that were surplus. Whilst he always picked his favourites and was unable to get the best out of our squad.

He's a legend as a player, but I hope this is the end of the nepotism throughout the club. Hire people who can do the job, not those with United connections. Maybe then we can reach our full potential.
When he came into this club as a caretaker manager. The team was in complete disarray. The fans were depressed watching drab football year after year and the players were stuck in a rut. But when he came in, he lifted the players up and never stopped trying to be better. That PSG game was incredible. Watching that smug ratface prick and Neymar cry was One of the most satisfying victories I've seen in years. He gave us so much entertainment we've been crying out for at the start with fast attacking football. The players and fans were enjoying themselves again. He never threw any blame at the players. Not once, even when it was. He gave a shit about the club. Also managed to Get rid of most of the deadwood and rebuilt the disaster LVG and Jose left behind. The 2nd season he beat city 3 times in one season and got us top 4 again. There was hope for a bright future. Each season was an improvement, but unfortunately Ole was unlucky in not Winning any silverware. He came close so many times and sadly it ends in failure. Despite that, there was still a bit of hope that he'd get a great squad together and finally get us back to the top. Had one of the best summer's ever imo, in getting a world class defender, a Right Winger we've needed since Nani left and one of the best player ever play the game. This was the season that for the first time I fully believed we could win some trophies. Sadly after a flying start, everything fell apart after the lost to West Ham. It's clear He's taking us as far as he could. He's been extremely lucky everytime he got backed into a corner and now the luck has run out. The board was indecisive which has probably cost us top 4 this season. In saying a that, given how ugly it's gotten recently, he's left the next manager with a much better squad that's hungry for success. Every single United fan wanted him so badly to succeed. Thanks for the memories Ole. Best of luck to him in the future.

RAWK, Bluemoon and all other rival fans will be in hysterics reading this.
We've wasted a good few years on Ole and all we have to show for it is two top four finishes, which mean nothing really.

  • No trophies (it's why we actually compete)
  • No style of play
  • Lack of organization
  • Signings that throw up tactical challenges : Maguire- high line, AWB - any attacking football, Ronaldo - high pressure
He has done well sign some good players and the fact that we have a squad of high quality is a testament to that. But on the football pitch, the lack of progress in nearly four years is a collossal disappointment.
His legacy will be determined by whether the next manager can turn Maguire, AWB, and Sancho into good players. If that person does not, every player has literally regressed/stayed the same under him. He won nothing and left us after arguably our worst run of games in modern history. So basically, like while he was manager, Ole will rely on the brilliance of someone else to see if his entire time here was a waste.
Thanks for psg game and signing bruno. The rest is debatable.
Was that the PSG game where we got played off the park and then got the type of penalty that would only be given at the end of a shitty straight to TV movie?...So basically it’s thanks for Bruno
The years of anti-Jose and pro-Ole propaganda really did a number on people.

We are no better off now than we were then. We probably have more talent but the squad may actually be more unbalanced. In fact it most certainly is. A failure on both Ole and Jose’s part was getting rid of the dead wood and the prima donnas. Joses wanted to get rid of the latter group but was buried for it. We’ve paid dearly - figuratively and literally - for persisting with such trash.

Ole’s greatest accomplishment was completely reducing the standards at the club, to the point where it took signing Ronaldo for their to be expectations to win something. He was a disaster and we’ve missed out on several great options just so we could carry on this farce. It took way too long and the damage is likely done.
I feel genuinely sad for Ole. He did well, finished third, and second. Expectations were high, signed top classed players. Yet, it is totally unexplainable how things collapsed this season. Just no words. Ole has to take some.of the blame, but I am afraid without tackling the root of the problems the same issues will surface.
I think hes built a squad filled with excellent players who have good chemistry and theres real harmony amongst the players. We badly needed a repair job after mourinho and hes done that. 3 years is far far too long for that but should we be successful in the next year or two, ole will have had an important part to play
Yes thank you Ole for steadying the ship. The fault is of the Board. Why Ole gets blamed is for the incompetent coaches he has. When Watford outplays us it says a lot.
We must differentiate between Ole the player and the manager.
Ha ha no. We are in a similar shit situation like post Jose. Only difference being that Jose and Ole operate differently. So one looks nastier than other.
:lol: Thanks Ole for somehow leaving the club in a bigger mess than when he first came in.
Should have realized his limits. I totally adore him for what he has done for the club as a player but as a manger he never could make the step up from being a caretaker.

The job was too much for him, especially when we improved the squad with better players. He was able to get results with an underdog team punching above their weight but when the time came to change tactics and dominate games, he failed completely.

He won't be getting another top 6 job in the PL ever again. That tells us all we need to know.
Oleee at the wheel,
Tell me how bad did it feel.
We had Slabhead as captain in red,
Van de Beek had been benched for McFred.
Half a billion spent overaaaall,
He messed it up and won fook all.
Du, du, du du, du, du, du du du ... (Repeated...)
I hope when all done and dusted, after some time, but in the near future. We as fans can find it within us to forget the shambles that was his time as the manager of Manchester United. And can rather live with the memories of what made him a legend of the club.

I hate the comparisons that are being made with LVG & Mourinho.

Yes Ole was always inept for the job, a complete miss fit and shouldn't have been kept on post the first 6 odd months.

But he still has a stature within and history with the club that LVG or Mourinho never can. Feel that earns some level of respect.

He's also taking 100% of the blame, when the likes of the Board who actually hired him in the first place or renewed his contract (What was Ole supposed to do, reject the job?) as well as the players should shoulder atleast some of the blame.

Happy to see him finally go, but unlike a lot of posters here can't bring myself to hate him.
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It's clear He's taking us as far as he could
I almost navigated away before reading a single line, but this caught my eye.

When I noticed the OP refer to Ole as He with an uppercase mid-sentence, I was worried he perceived Ole as some sort of divine being, but after eyeballing the rest of the post, it's just random capitalization, so now I can navigate away in peace.

Oh, tldr.
He tried his best and can remember him as a player again now, be a relief to see him put out of his misery.

Embarking on a rebuild with Ole was lunacy, comparing him to Klopp/Ferguson laughable and and expecting/hoping he’s win the league was comical.

Throughout his entire spell as permanent manager it’s been clear he was out of his depth and there was no substance to anything he was doing.

Hopefully he gets another job in Norway if he wants it.
Yes thank you Ole for steadying the ship. The fault is of the Board. Why Ole gets blamed is for the incompetent coach he is. When Watford outplays us it says a lot.
We must differentiate between Ole the player and the manager.

The board dederves criticism for believing in Ole.

Ole deserves criticism for proving to not be good enough. His coaches are a reflection of him I.e not up to the standard.
Ole is a club legend for what he did as a player, but he's nearly ruined that by being an abject failure as manager.

This thread is a cringe as you can get.

Sort yourself out, OP.
With the amount of money that he has spent, I think any average manager can achieve what he has done which is close to nothing. He bought Maguire, AWB, Varane, Bruno, VDB, Cavani, Ronaldo, Sancho and Amad. Did he developed anyone? I don't see any, giving games to Greenwood is not Development, Greenwood is just good. Who else? Ole is just a bad appointment by the board trying to please the fan so fans don't turn on them. Ole should not have gotten the new contract. Ed should have been sacked to renewing his contract. Seriously how blind can the board and Glazer be? Eye test of the crap we were playing should tell you that Ole is out of his depth just like Lampard. This organisation is a joke for top to bottom ever since Glazer bought Utd. As long as they are here, our football will be dire.
Despite the current form and position in the table, he's left the squad and the club in a better position than he found it. It's not his fault the guys above him didn't see his limitations. Thanks for all your hard work Ole, but sadly it was always going to end this way.
Ole the player....yes, thank you.

Ole the manager....hell no unless he resigned and forego the compensation.
Look I will admit I have put the boot into him since getting the job permanently, however still going to say thanks for steadying things after Jose. He needs to get away from the game for a bit now for his own good.