SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

I don't understand what they would gain from lying about it at this point?
Social order.

If the domestic population believes the lockdown is working well, they're more likely to be compliant even if it's actually working badly in reality.
Those countries have a relative lack of testing:

Tests PerformedTests per Million People
South Korea
Hong Kong
Mar. 3: 4,000 source
Mar 9: 3,541 OFFICIAL source
Mar. 8: 8,278 OFFICIAL PARTIAL source source
Mar. 8: 1,771 source
Mar. 5: 6,610 OFFICIAL source
Mar. 2: 200 source
As of Mar 3: 940 OFFICIAL source

Thanks, that seems to be it.
I wonder if the Chinese statistics have been deemed reliable by Western experts? I guess we'd have heard by now if they weren't.
They have been deemed as very reliable.

People like that should be shamed. What is the need for fighting over bog roll whilst you've already got a full trolley of bog roll. fecking moron.
Herd immunity isn't being discussed here.

Gowers said: "What really matters is to introduce, as quickly as possible, changes to our ways of interacting that will reduce the average number of people each infected person infects to well below 1".

What do you think those "ways of interacting" are?

The poster you were responding to cited Gower who was specifically commenting on the herd immunity strategy so I'm surprised that's not what's being discussed. Anyhow you attempted to rebut the poster by showing what you felt to be the same chap being supportive of the tangentially related policy of not shutting down mass gatherings. Quite how you thought the sentence "the UK is likely to ban large gatherings soon...My current instinct is that it is a sensible thing to do" translates into an endorsement of a policy of not shutting down mass gatherings continues to elude me.

Evidently to reduce R0 below 1 will require severe disruption and an at least partial lockdown of the economy along with associated sanitary planning, work from home schemes, school closures, individual self discipline etc - an enormous sacrifice through which plenty will suffer. Gower's position and that of plenty of others is that this should be done "as quickly as possible". I'm not sure I agree with him, but his position remains opposed to that of the government and certainly not particularly supportive - as you had claimed.

People like that should be shamed. What is the need for fighting over bog roll whilst you've already got a full trolley of bog roll. fecking moron.

The toilet paper thingy is surreal. Like a bad joke. Imagine making a movie or writing a book about the worst pandemic in a hundred years, and mentioning that people are hoarding toilet paper and fighting about it, with supermarkets selling only one to a person.

Everyone would have been ‘WTF, this makes no sense’.
To lighten the load a bit.
The toilet paper thingy is surreal. Like a bad joke. Imagine making a movie or writing a book about the worst pandemic in a hundred years, and mentioning that people are hoarding toilet paper and fighting about it, with supermarkets selling only one to a person.

Everyone would have been ‘WTF, this makes no sense’.

There'll be a chapter about this on wikipedia.
How would people have money to do anything then? Where would money be generated for the country to run?

We bailed out the banks with at least 500billion in 2008. Spend that amount today and give each man, woman and child in this country £8000.

I'm not saying that's what should be done, just pointing out that where there is a will, huge actions can be taken.
The toilet paper thingy is surreal. Like a bad joke. Imagine making a movie or writing a book about the worst pandemic in a hundred years, and mentioning that people are hoarding toilet paper and fighting about it, with supermarkets selling only one to a person.

Everyone would have been ‘WTF, this makes no sense’.

It doesn’t bode well for further social unrest. We’re in an initial phase, with relatively few cases and deaths and limited lock down and yet people have already begun to lose their minds and act entirely irrationally. You’ve got to wonder what on earth they will be like when actual stock shortages arrive.
We bailed out the banks with at least 500billion in 2008. Spend that amount today and give each man, woman and child in this country £8000.

I'm not saying that's what should be done, just pointing out that where there is a will, huge actions can be taken.
If companies can be given that sort of money, so can we.

I'm struggling to see how UK will be any different. Majority will show solidarity.
We bailed out the banks with at least 500billion in 2008. Spend that amount today and give each man, woman and child in this country £8000.

I'm not saying that's what should be done, just pointing out that where there is a will, huge actions can be taken.
I think temporary UBI will have to be done.
Contrast, Tel Aviv tonight:

Dublin tonight:

It doesn’t bode well for further social unrest. We’re in an initial phase, with relatively few cases and deaths and limited lock down and yet people have already begun to lose their minds and act entirely irrationally. You’ve got to wonder what on earth they will be like when actual stock shortages arrive.

Indeed. I actually have can foods only for a week, and only a few dollars in cash. Thinking that the society will be rational.

A part of me is tempted to withdraw all the money I have and buy food for a month. The other part is saying that is a very selfish thing to do. But if people are losing their mind cause of fecking toilet paper, imagine what will happen if we actually have a real shortage of food.

In this type of scenario, it seems that autocratic systems are much better suited to deal with. Unfortunate as it is.
The toilet paper thingy is surreal. Like a bad joke. Imagine making a movie or writing a book about the worst pandemic in a hundred years, and mentioning that people are hoarding toilet paper and fighting about it, with supermarkets selling only one to a person.

Everyone would have been ‘WTF, this makes no sense’.
20 years ago:

A movie about two planes bringing the whole WTC down : Wtf, 2.5 / 10 , absolutely ridiculous

A flick about UK leaving the EU: Totally unrealistic

A film about Donald fecking Trump becoming POTUS: Haha, great play by Alec Baldwin but the Independence Day is more probable than this.
Boris Johnson becomes PM
More than 200 scientists in the UK disagreed with ‘the science’ today. And pretty much every scientist outside of UK is disagreeing with ‘the science’.

Why are you making this like ‘the science says so’ where almost every scientist is saying your are lunatics’ is beyond my understanding.

Problem can be if like this Professor, he admits he's filling in a lot of blanks if you read it and this is the narrative being voiced around. scientists and professors have chimed on the talk of herd immunity.


"Prof van Schaik noted that the UK is the only country in Europe that is following what he described as its "laissez-faire attitude to the virus".

But a Department of Health and Social care spokesperson said that Sir Patrick's comments had been misinterpreted.

"Herd immunity is not part of our action plan, but is a natural by-product of an epidemic. Our aims are to save lives, protect the most vulnerable, and relieve pressure on our NHS," he said."

It's probably calculated decisions for optimum effect.
From @Cardboard elk a norwegian newbie :


I dont have the priveligies to post here.

But I think many of you would like this information from a Norwegian newspaper.

According to prof. in communicable diseases, Bjørg Marit Andersen, at Oslo University hospital:

1. Studies suggest Covid-19 can survive in air for days.
2. Coughing in the armpit/elbow and staying 1 meter from other humans is not enough.
3. Droplets with the virus can survive for days in the armpit/elbow and then be released into the air and infect others
4. An empty room can have the virus in it after previous visitors.
5. Infected persons need to be air-isolated.

The norwegian newspaper article if you want to google translate :

(scroll a bit down if you only want to read this info I posted as there are more norwegian specific info further up)

This is not what we think it is in the west, and the chinese they isolate hard and disinfect everything and everybody uses facemasks.
While we in Europe just try to stay at an arms length. Clearly why everything blows up in ou faces now..

I'm struggling to see how UK will be any different. Majority will show solidarity.

They will.

But Madrid's authorities have spent the last couple of days complaining about groups of people having parties in the parks and public gardens (following the shutdown of restaurants). Meanwhile large numbers of Madrilenos who own seaside apartments decided to head to the coast for the weekend, so they could go to the beach and the promenade.

They're enforcing a lockdown - no travel - as of tomorrow. Some people have to have the orders spelt out and enforced by road blocks

People like that should be shamed. What is the need for fighting over bog roll whilst you've already got a full trolley of bog roll. fecking moron.

When the chips are down these civilized people ... They’ll eat each other.”
I know it. Good luck!

I am in a similar scenario. Probably I would not suffer from it when/if I get it, but my mum is 65, my brother is in wheelchair for almost 30 years so has a weaker immune, and my other brother is a smoker (the shitcnut). I don’t wanna even think about it, but all three of them are in a higher danger than the median. All we can do is to be careful and buy time.

Yeah brother, it's a weird one.

We know what we think should be done for the best, we hope it's right, but the people in charge aren't doing it meanwhile everyone around is losing their minds and hoarding and panicking and fecking us all over.

Is this not the storyline to Deus Ex? A plague wreacking havoc and rich governments trying to hide the realities...It really is like becomes a game, rather ironic for us :lol:

I'm struggling to see how UK will be any different. Majority will show solidarity.

British people voted for Brexit because they didn't like the idea of Europe 'telling them what to do'. Not only were they wrong, but it was stupid and self-defeating. And yet it happened anyway.

The UK public is almost uniquely resistant to authority figures telling them what to do, even when it's in their best interests.
Yeah brother, it's a weird one.

We know what we think should be done for the best, we hope it's right, but the people in charge aren't doing it meanwhile everyone around is losing their minds and hoarding and panicking and fecking us all over.

Is this not the storyline to Deus Ex? A plague wreacking havoc and rich governments trying to hide the realities...It really is like becomes a game, rather ironic for us :lol:

True enough. And to be fair, the toilets in the game did not have toilet paper. It is cause the other people were hoarding them :P
If he did have it, it’d be, according to him, the most beautiful and perfect Coronavirus in any human.
I wonder if Western governments have been using a few white lies here and there. I fail to understand the shocking naivety displayed at times.
There'll be a chapter about this on wikipedia.

No... in the future all Wikipedia entries will be written on toilet paper.

People, or 'herds' as they will then be known, will race through the ruined, desolate streets in battered old shopping trolleys screeching 'Happy Birthday' (twice) and hunting for old people to 'economize' from society.

Burnt out, semi-looted shopfronts will have TV sets still looping Liverpool's title celebration from an empty Anfield...

And atop a great throne in the ruins of what was Buckingham Palace will sit King Jacob Rees-Mogg, grinning psychotically, and quietly repeating 'yessss, yessss' to himself as a stack of CCTV screens in front of him flicker images of this brave, new Britain.