SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

The train service in Ireland is shocking. There are literally only trains that service the east of the country. If you live on the west coast it’s roads or flying only. Annoys the feck out of me,
Ah well, so I guess it's not too dissimilar from what the ice cream shops are doing. I'm not sure that will work outside of beer gardens and parks though. If your regular pub in the middle of the street tried that, even if you don't allow customers inside they would congregate on the sidewalks around the pub. To some degree you already see that with alcoholics and kiosks.

Yeah, that definitely would not be feasible for pubs. It's quite funny cycling along the Elbe here. The beer gardens are all open serving beer, food and ice cream but as you cannot sit down people get inside to order and then congregate around them sitting on the grass.
Serious question to anyone in the UK. Have you been able to buy masks/disposable gloves in recent weeks??

I can’t find any despite looking daily. Have ordered a couple of buff bandana type things to fashion masks when out and about. Can’t find anything better online anywhere!
As long as you don't have any large gatherings with a massive spread of the virus, aggressive testing and common sense and restrictions, you guys should be relatively safe.
Yeah all large gatherings are banned until the end of August at this point. So far it seems like it's been handled well by our government.
I’ve argued this for a long time. The UK is full of people (and this isn’t their fault) that have never really left their own village. They’ve been conditioned into accepting dogshit in relation to public services.

Our public transport infrastructure is horrendous given the size of our economy. I’ve been to developing countries that have better telecommunications infrastructure. Yet in the North East of England there are several towns and villages that struggle to maintain a 3G connection. There are some smaller villages that are in complete blackness dependent on your phone network.

Spend only a little time and Europe and East Asia and you’ll really come to terms with how far we are behind in some aspects of our services.

It really is. We're basically the Donald Trump of countries - we love to blow our own trumpet and bleat on about how 'Great' we are and how we're one of the wealthiest nations on the planet but there's no substance to any of it. Drill a bit deeper and you see that we are basically blaggers. We're still blagging our way along on past 'glories' and we're just quite good at convincing other countries that its true. When I say 'we' of course, I mean those in power.

Can someone clue me up here? Who makes the fecking rules in Brazil if not the President?? How doesn't he have the authority to remove lockdown if thats what he wants?
@11101, do you have a source please for that info you posted? It's very helpful.

Being reported by Corriere Della Sera. It is only a draft so far but supposedly will be confirmed today.

Something else you might be interested in, our two regions are projected to be the last to come out of this, at the end of June :


Sounds a good plan, but struggling to see how that would be viable in London with the tube. The queues would be huge and it would be risky, as a lot of the stations are built in places that can't accommodate massive two metre spaced queues, eg on major roads etc...Would need to be a massively staggered return to work over weeks potentially, maybe with the young and healthy first, then those in their 40s, 50s, 60s etc...No quick way out of this I can see.

More details have been published about the Milan metro, viability is not such a concern. They will cap capacity at 30% of normal and simply close stations after that, and trains will have circles painted on the floor to keep people apart. They've said they're not really bothered if it means some people can't get to work on time, its up to the companies to figure out new schedules.
Can someone clue me up here? Who makes the fecking rules in Brazil if not the President?? How doesn't he have the authority to remove lockdown if thats what he wants?
it's kinda like america where they have a fascist in the presidency but regional politicians still have some powers, their minister of health also took corona seriously until he got fired
How long does it take to map someone's genetic code? And if it is indeed genetic, can one change someone's DNA? I guess not. I know this sounds silly, but I need to ask.

If you asked me that question in 2003 the answer would be 13 years and it would cost you two billion dollars. Nowadays you could get it done in a few hours, for a few hundred quid. Once they identified the gene(s) that might make someone more vulnerable you wouldn't even need to map your whole genome, just test for those specific genes. Which would be even cheaper/quicker. The tricky bit is identifying those genes in the first place. Which will take a long time and a lot of research. And changing somebody's DNA to stop them getting certain illnesses is the holy grail of modern medicine. If we can work that out, then the health benefits of that therapy would make curing COVID-19 seem like a sticking plaster in comparison.
Serious question to anyone in the UK. Have you been able to buy masks/disposable gloves in recent weeks??

I can’t find any despite looking daily. Have ordered a couple of buff bandana type things to fashion masks when out and about. Can’t find anything better online anywhere!
There’s still lots on the Chinese apps like AliExpress. Obviously don’t know about quality
You can get all of the information yourself. Loads of people are churning out content on it.

Sweden is an outlier for a few reasons that may impact approach.

- High numbers of single person dwellings
- 85% of Swedish folks live in villages of 200 people or less.
- 6 out of ten Swedes do not live in a Urban system (50,000+ people)

This is 2018 Swedish Census data. Nobody is making stuff up, but evidently some values will shift.

Edit : BBC article links to figures of over 50%

85% live in places with population higher than 200 obviously. It's not the viking age.
Serious question to anyone in the UK. Have you been able to buy masks/disposable gloves in recent weeks??

I can’t find any despite looking daily. Have ordered a couple of buff bandana type things to fashion masks when out and about. Can’t find anything better online anywhere!
Those type of masks are a bit pointless I believe, you need the 3M ones
Ugh, I'd murder a pint of Guinness right now. Hopefully they'll be allowed open in some capacity over the summer. limited numbers, beer gardens etc.
It would be suicide to even open a pub. You’d be lucky if it’s open by December. Unless there some quick testing unit the bodyguards or bouncers can use.
It would be suicide to even open a pub. You’d be lucky if it’s open by December. Unless there some quick testing unit the bodyguards or bouncers can use.
"How many cases 'a coronavirus 'av yeh had today bud?"
"uh, just .. just the one case so far"
"yeh all righ' but no trouble outta yeh and keep teh the two meetrez or yeh'll be ou'"
You can get all of the information yourself. Loads of people are churning out content on it.

Sweden is an outlier for a few reasons that may impact approach.

- High numbers of single person dwellings
- 85% of Swedish folks live in villages of 200 people or less.
- 6 out of ten Swedes do not live in a Urban system (50,000+ people)

This is 2018 Swedish Census data. Nobody is making stuff up, but evidently some values will shift.

Edit : BBC article links to figures of over 50%


These two things cannot be true at the same time.
@Dwazza Gunnar Solskjær
A small caveat is that I work with bacteria not viruses, but I think the same principles apply.

The way we do genetic changes is to target a particuar region of the genome and replace it. This could be an entire gene or a single letter at one position. Natural selection does not work like that.

During normal propogation of any species, there are random changes at random positions throughout the genome. Most of them don't stick - some are harmful, others have no fitness effect but simply disappear during random sampling to form the next generation. For this, imagine if a virus with some mutations that have no effect on its activity infected someone living totally alone. After that person fully recovers or dies that strain of the virus never gets a chance to spread, and that particular mutational strain vanishes. The same vanishing can happen for many many reasons.
Some of the mutations do stick - again, due to random sampling to form the next generation (say, a particular strain happens to infect a super-spreader), these become widespread. The rarest of mutations involve those that do impact the function of the virus in a positive way. This beneficial mutation at that same spot coud possibly be generated artificially in a lab studying the virus.

But because in natural evolution there are mutations everywhere compared to what you started with, this final extra-virulent virus will not resemble a lab strain, which will have only the mutation under study. In fact, if we study a particular mutation and accidentally create more mutations elsewhere, the study becomes invalid since we can't say for sure which mutation is doing what.

Because we know the background rate of mutations per generation and we know roughly how many generations per year, we have a rough estimate of how much the total number of mutations should be. That's how that professor was able to give an estimate of 50 years.

I hope this makes sense!

Thanks mate. Really just looking for some details as to your last paragraph, hard numbers is to speak unless they vary from pathogen to pathogen.
Serious question to anyone in the UK. Have you been able to buy masks/disposable gloves in recent weeks??

I can’t find any despite looking daily. Have ordered a couple of buff bandana type things to fashion masks when out and about. Can’t find anything better online anywhere!
@Heardy, eBay has them in the UK, I've just checked. Search for "Face Mouth Nose protection" rather than masks. There's someone selling 10 masks for £12.99.
You can get all of the information yourself. Loads of people are churning out content on it.

Sweden is an outlier for a few reasons that may impact approach.

- High numbers of single person dwellings
- 85% of Swedish folks live in villages of 200 people or cities. Large towns don’t seem to be a thing the way they are in most European spots.
- 6 out of ten Swedes do not live in a Urban system (50,000+ people)

This is 2018 Swedish Census data. Nobody is making stuff up, but evidently some values will shift.

Edit : BBC article links to figures of over 50%

Thanks. BBC links to eurostat which is a better source, so I will stop using statista. The 85% thing still doesn't make sense as others pointed. If it read 200.000 it would be close. Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö already amounts more than 15% and there are several other 100.000+ cities @Pogue Mahone seems like I was wrong.
What's the crack with masks? Is there any information that's actually good about which ones work now?
Meanwhile the scandal of the government's staggering incompetence continues...

Order is for 400 thousand gowns.
NHS is currently using approximately 150 thousands gowns a day. There is an article in the independent which quotes from a leaked email from the Independant from a military liaison officer sent to NHS saying a "sustainable" level of gown provision won't be possible till mid-June.
Disgusted doesn't even cover it.

"A further 429 people have died with coronavirus in hospitals in England, latest figures show.

NHS England said that 348 of these deaths were reported over the weekend, while the others took place at earlier dates.

The new figures take the total number of confirmed deaths in hospitals in England to 14,829.

In Wales, a further nine deaths have been announced, taking the total number of hospital deaths reported by Public Health Wales to 584."

Indicating another low number for UK later on today but of course it's weekend. Hopefully Tue/Wed is similar or lower.
What's the crack with masks? Is there any information that's actually good about which ones work now?

The information was always clear from the beginning:

-Surgical masks collect droplets when the user breaths out.
-Respirators, called face masks, (FFP2 and FFP3 standard in UK and N95 standard in USA) collects particles/droplets when the user breaths out and also prevents the user breathing in a % of the particles/droplets. The tests are done for nanometer sized particles.

A doctor/nurse/carer etc will want to use the respirators because they are constantly exposed to people who are breathing/coughing out droplets and some of these droplets are small enough that they remain suspended in the air for some time, provided they don't evapourate quickly.

A member of the public can use a surgical masks to prevent infecting others, if they are already infected but not showing symptoms. They may also want respirators if they are concerned of breathing in droplets which for whatever reason are suspended in the air outdoors. But it is less likely because the droplets are likely to disperse and evapourate more quickly because of air motion.

"A further 429 people have died with coronavirus in hospitals in England, latest figures show.

NHS England said that 348 of these deaths were reported over the weekend, while the others took place at earlier dates.

The new figures take the total number of confirmed deaths in hospitals in England to 14,829.

In Wales, a further nine deaths have been announced, taking the total number of hospital deaths reported by Public Health Wales to 584."

Indicating another low number for UK later on today but of course it's weekend. Hopefully Tue/Wed is similar or lower.

Yeah, so we're probably looking at -500 today, a drop from yesterday. As you said though, it's a trend for that to be the case on Monday. It'll be very encouraging if we see numbers less than 700 over the next few days, but who knows. I'd imagine it'll climb towards Friday.

Last Friday was around 100 lower than the Friday before. So a similar drop this week, or more, would be good.
The information was always clear from the beginning:

-Surgical masks collect droplets when the user breaths out.
-Respirators, called face masks, (FFP2 and FFP3 standard in UK and N95 standard in USA) collects particles when the user breaths out and also prevents the user breathing in a % of the particles. The tests are done for nanometer sized particles.

A doctor/nurse/carer etc will want to use the respirators because they are constantly exposed to people who are breathing/coughing out droplets and some of these droplets are small enough that they remain suspended in the air for some time, provided they don't evapourate quickly.

A member of the public can use a surgical masks to prevent infecting others, if they are already infected but not showing symptoms. They may also want respirators if they are concerned of breathing droplets from outdoors. But it is less likely because the droplets are likely to disperse and evapourate more quickly because of air motion.

Yes. Surgical masks are useful if you have the virus, but quite useless if you don't.

Respirators are good for both, however with the measures in place now the public don't really need them. Health workers do, and there is such a shortage many authorities are asking people not to buy them for that reason.
Thanks. BBC links to eurostat which is a better source, so I will stop using statista. The 85% thing still doesn't make sense as others pointed. If it read 200.000 it would be close. Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö already amounts more than 15% and there are several other 100.000+ cities @Pogue Mahone seems like I was wrong.

I corrected it. I’d left the end off. Wasn’t trying to suggest Sweden lived in small tribes.
Yes. Surgical masks are useful if you have the virus, but quite useless if you don't.

Respirators are good for both, however with the measures in place now the public don't really need them. Health workers do, and there is such a shortage many authorities are asking people not to buy them for that reason.

It'll be interesting when things open up because staff and business owners dealing with the public will want reasonable protections and it seems courteous to me that we should all wear one where possible for their sake.

Too much of the mask debate is "will it protect me".
It'll be interesting when things open up because staff and business owners dealing with the public will want reasonable protections and it seems courteous to me that we should all wear one where possible for their sake.

Too much of the mask debate is "will it protect me".

It is now law that everybody going outdoors in Italy must wear a surgical mask or some kind of face covering. Supply has caught up with demand finally.
It is now law that everybody going outdoors in Italy must wear a surgical mask or some kind of face covering. Supply has caught up with demand finally.

Is that with or without social distancing in place?
Christ, they are like a cult. Right-wing America really does love spitting in the face of science and logic on a regular basis.

I feel for those who say they are suffering because they can't work. I certainly get that aspect of it. But this whole "I ain't scared" noise is truly terrifying.
Yeah, they love running around screaming "I ain't gone live in fear"

No, no you're not. You're going to die in it.