Sam Kerr | Found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment

It does seem like the sensible thing to do would have been for him to pull over and try and explain to them what was happening. Whether that would have got through to them is a different matter, but they couldn't really claim "we thought he was kidnapping us" if he's just sat in the front of the cab waiting for the police to arrive.

He wasn’t doing just that. The doors were locked and he started driving in the direction of the nearest police station, of which Kerr and her partner had no idea. I don’t have a hard time believing they genuinely believed they were in a scary situation. Was what she said racist? I believe so. Was what she said racially aggravated harassment? Well the judgement here is that it wasn’t.
He wasn’t doing just that. The doors were locked and he started driving in the direction of the nearest police station, of which Kerr and her partner had no idea. I don’t have a hard time believing they genuinely believed they were in a scary situation. Was what she said racist? I believe so. Was what she said racially aggravated harassment? Well the judgement here is that it wasn’t.

I said it would have been the sensible thing for him to do, not that it's what he did.

I can absolutely believe they were scared. That feeling was probably also amplified a bit by their drunkeness.

My point is that they couldn't really argue "we thought he was kidnapping us" if he'd simply pulled over and stayed in the front of the cab (or stood outside) while he waited for the police to arrive. Apparently the police advised him to drive to the station, so that's on them.
No surprise. One rule for one, one for the rest. White straight male captain of Chelsea it would be a lot, lot different. See John Terry in fact.
I said it would have been the sensible thing for him to do, not that it's what he did.

I can absolutely believe they were scared. That feeling was probably also amplified a bit by their drunkeness.

My point is that they couldn't really argue "we thought he was kidnapping us" if he'd simply pulled over and stayed in the front of the cab (or stood outside) while he waited for the police to arrive. Apparently the police advised him to drive to the station, so that's on them.

Ah gotcha. Yeah I agree. But even then, locking the doors and not letting them out whilst he’s stood outside the taxi is also a potentially scary situation. In the end, they were drunk and behaved irresponsibly. The police officer could have handled the situation much better.

Additionally, for this to be racially aggravated harassment, the actual distress part is really important and the policeman had to be pushed several times in court to describe the level of distress caused to him by Kerr’s comment and all he could muster up, after being asked up to 5 times, was ‘I was upset I guess’. Unable to establish the presence of actual distress, it’s not a surprise the verdict ended being not guilty.
Ah gotcha. Yeah I agree. But even then, locking the doors and not letting them out whilst he’s stood outside the taxi is also a potentially scary situation. In the end, they were drunk and behaved irresponsibly. The police officer could have handled the situation much better.

Additionally, for this to be racially aggravated harassment, the actual distress part is really important and the policeman had to be pushed several times in court to describe the level of distress caused to him by Kerr’s comment and all he could muster up, after being asked up to 5 times, was ‘I was upset I guess’. Unable to establish the presence actual distress, it’s not a surprise the verdict ended being not guilty.

It seems a bit of a joke it went to court for that. If they couldn't nail her for anything to do with being "drunk and disorderly" or for damaging the taxi, then I'm assuming at worst it's a civil matter to sort out the cost of cleaning/repairing the cab.
No surprise. One rule for one, one for the rest. White straight male captain of Chelsea it would be a lot, lot different. See John Terry in fact.
Whilst it would be considerably more funny I'm not sure why John Terry calling the police stupid and white would lead to a different outcome.
Do people still use that word?
Apologies, genuinely didn't know the where the word came so had a quick google once I realized it was filtered. Usually see it used interchangeably with terms for assholes but I guess it makes sense what it stands for. Consider it a lesson learned. In fact after googling was probably the worst possible word I could have chosen to refer to Kerr.
Wait what? Dude those aren't even remotely comparable.
That's true. Terry wasn't caught saying anything nor did he smash up taxis after being sick. The media outrage against him before it going to any kind of trial too...

If people think it wouldn't be any different had say this be Bruno replicating Kerr's actions of him then fair enough.
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Apologies, genuinely didn't know the where the word came so had a quick google once I realized it was filtered. Usually see it used interchangeably with terms for assholes but I guess it makes sense what it stands for. Consider it a lesson learned. In fact after googling was probably the worst possible word I could have chosen to refer to Kerr.

Ah no offence taken. I was just surprised as I hadn't heard in years. Although not as surprised as I was when l recently learned about the origins of the bizarre autocorrect :lol:
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It's so weird how cool people are with racism these days. It wasn't too long ago that we were trying not to focus on the colour of people's skin, and now it's all that we seem to be able to focus on.

Racism is racism. If she said something racist then it's probably because she's racist.
Well said.

As a black man who has experienced racism that has left me with both physical and mental scars.. I despise all forms of racism.
She is part Australian Aboriginal.
No African heritage that I am aware of

So what you said is not really correct

I mean she's not aboriginal at all, but interested to know what part I said wasn't really correct?

For me, think it's clear you thought she was black and went straight to what aboutism, targeting black people, who have nothing to do with this...
The idea that that was racially aggravated harassment of a police officer is utter nonsense. It wasn't even raised as such until a year later when the cop either wanted his 5 mins of fame or was annoyed that a famous person wasn't charged for a nothing event (or was pushed to do so maybe?).
Personally I found it easy to believe that they were scared when the driver drove them away from their intended destination and kept the doors locked.

The fact that they tried calling the police themselves and that they ran towards the police when they got to the station confirmed they weren't thinking about a cleaning fee or criminal damage, they were thinking about their fear and their safety.

Kerr didn't feel listened to. Now, I can see that it's hard to listen to a drunk and harder still to see why they would be scared when the taxi driver had simply followed instructions to go to the police station. Trouble is I can also see why Kerr would think he's not listening to her.

Decent summary of the story at:
Another summary I saw recently, from a failry right wing commentator.

We were leaked bits of the story... the whole context is crucial. I have done the best I can to reconstruct the events from the court statements and the full video. Also, watch the whole video. Ask yourself if any strong person would have acted differently. I suspect that the tall-poppy syndrome is even harsher is the person is a star, a female, brown and a lesbian. Bear in mind too that Sam is not a habit or problem drinker and that this was a celebration.
1. Sam and Kirsty have been out together celebrating Kirsty being in England. They get drunk and call a cab back to Sam's place.
2. Sam is sick long before they get home. She throws up out the window, but some inevitably falls inside. The cab driver locks the doors and windows and tells them he wants cleaning costs and their cab fare then, before they are delivered home. He could have delivered them to the address requested in the verbal contract and then asked for the fare and extra costs. He did not.
3. They refuse to pay upfront mid-journey, and instead say that they will pay when they are taken home. The taxi driver refuses and then takes them off to a different part of London, driving erratically to scare them. They are both aware of the recent abduction and death of a woman in similar circumstances. They are afraid and ask to be let out.
4. The cab driver refuses to let them out. Sam starts videoing the event. Both women try ringing emergency/police. Kirsty rings the wrong number, being used to the American number. Sam gets through but is hung up on as the call center worker can't hear her clearly.
5. They start kicking the car windows.
6. The taxi driver then rings the police saying that he has two drunk girls, one who has vomited, and they are trying to break his windows and refuse to pay the fare (which was requested before arrival at their requested destination and with arbitrary extra costs added).
7. They arrive at the police station. The driver it seems, is not required to give a full description of sequence of events. One policeman asks the officer on the case if he intends to charge the driver as well as the women, the reply is no. This indicates that the second policeman saw a prima facie reason to question both parties but that the charging officer had made up his mind apriori.
8, The women are held. Sam tries to explain that they had been abducted. The charging officer refuses several times to look at her video of the event. She gets more and more frustrated. She assumes that she has been racially profiled and makes a point of saying so.
9. Sam cannot understand why the burden of proof has fallen solely on them and the driver is simply uncritically believed.
10. When the charging officer claims that Sam did not try ringing the police, she asks him to look into her eyes and to check her phone records. He does not. At this stage, the police officer pushes the point that she had refused to pay the driver. She says that she would have paid at the end of the route, but that they were abducted. She shows him that money is not an issue for her by opening her bank balance on her phone. The officer claims that this is intimidation when in fact it was the only way she could make her case.
11. He refuses to understand how serious the situation was. She gets mad and calls him white and stupid. She repeats this several times. He still will not examine her side of the story, so she erupts, out of frustration, into expletives.
Right decision in the end for me when looking at the whole time line. Though Kerr does still come across as a right twat, but that isn't to much of a surprise considering her brother.

It really is laughable that so much time was even spent on this case by the police/courts though. I'm betting that those same police officers get abused multitudes more, and worse nearly every week, yet we don't see the courts clogged with week long cases dealing with those situations. It seems it was only when they realised who she was that they tried to make an example out of her.
Jesus people in here need to lay off the political kool aid.

Sam Kerr and her friend were both pricks in this incident, the taxi driver was stupid not to inform them he was ringing the police. If he wanted to lock the doors, he should have done that, and not driven with the women in the back. Park the car, lock the door.

Kerr was drunk and being an arrogant cnut, she deserved to be charged with drunk and disorderly or whatever but not racial harassment despite her comment clearly having racial connotations. The cop has likely hear worse insults and it does feel a bit like it was "I'll show her".

Clusterfeck on both sides but Kerr still comes off as an absolute arrogant clown.

Agree with this.

She apparently makes around €50 000 a month but can’t be arsed to pay for getting sick in a cab? How’s that for priviledged?
I don’t give a damn where she got sick, just pay the guy and get on with your lives.

The rest is as you say, a clusterfeck, and I
can’t blame her for how she reacted to the things that transpired afterward.
It's funny that the Policeman was offended after a year, the BBC article mentions that the CPS prosecuted a year after the incident.
Ms Kerr's lawyer Grace Forbes said the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had violated its own guidance, adding that a "loophole" in the victims' right of review scheme was used to justify prosecution proceedings a year after the alleged offence.

During the trial, it was put to PC Lovell that he only provided a statement alleging that Ms Kerr's comments had caused "alarm or harassment" after that decision.

In his first statement to the CPS, the officer made no mention of the "stupid and white" comment having an impact on him, the jury was told.

A second statement from PC Lovell was provided in December 2023, mentioning the alleged impact.

He read a section of the statement to the court, which said the comments made him "shocked, upset, and (left) me feeling humiliated".

The charge was authorised later in December 2023, almost a year after the incident.
How much did this whole farce cost? A week long trial with KCs all round on the allegation that someone said something that might have been mildly offensive to someone else.
I'd be stunned if there was any change from 150 grand. The country is running massive deficits, public sector budgets under pressure.

Could have paid for two nurses or teachers but no, apparently this was the best use of the money. Should have just made them pay for the damage to the taxi and left it there. Entire process was a waste of time and money. A jury spent a week on this while there are people in jail on remand and can't get a court date.
How much did this whole farce cost? A week long trial with KCs all round on the allegation that someone said something that might have been mildly offensive to someone else.
I'd be stunned if there was any change from 150 grand. The country is running massive deficits, public sector budgets under pressure.

Could have paid for two nurses or teachers but no, apparently this was the best use of the money. Should have just made them pay for the damage to the taxi and left it there. Entire process was a waste of time and money. A jury spent a week on this while there are people in jail on remand and can't get a court date.

Should have been thrown out on day one, drunk people being arseholes and saying words shouldn't even get to court.

Make them pay the cost of cleaning the taxi and tell them all to grow the feck up.
Agree with this.

She apparently makes around €50 000 a month but can’t be arsed to pay for getting sick in a cab? How’s that for priviledged?
I don’t give a damn where she got sick, just pay the guy and get on with your lives.

The rest is as you say, a clusterfeck, and I
can’t blame her for how she reacted to the things that transpired afterward.
Surely the point here it wasn’t Sam Kerr that was sick it was the other occupant a critical point for me because that immediately brings in the question is the issue even relevant because Kerrs partner was never charged with anything.

If I were Kerr and partner I would now be looking to pursuing the taxi driver because his actions potentially could be viewed as unlawful in that he denied them their freedom for an offence that wasn’t indictable .The damage to the window was significantly below the threshold to elevate this level of criminal damage to an indictable offence irrespective had he taken them home that window almost certainly wouldn’t have been broken
You then have the advice given to the taxi driver and indeed the intervention of the police. Here there is an issue because did he seek advice before the damage or after ?
The matter re the fare including cleaning etc shouldn’t have been an issue until the journey ended at the passengers intended destination. That never happened nor did the passengers flee in effect the whole matter was almost certainly a civil matter and really should have been recognised as such. by the police
You then have CPS who clearly were pressured into taking the action but it’s back to the Police Officer and I do wonder with all that goes on if his pursuit was
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I find it intriguing how she has the same hairstyle both on the pitch and away from it.
"Yes I called him stupid and white but I wasn't insulting the colour of his skin"

The mind boggles. Of course you were. The bullshit idea that racist is only present in certain directions is utterly bonkers. Black people are massively racist as much as white people and every other race. Just because you have a been an oppressed minority doesn't mean you aren't being racist when you use the colour of someones skin to insult them.

I've explained why in my previous comment. The fact you are fixated on this as some sort of weird gotcha is really strange.

She is part Australian Aboriginal.
No African heritage that I am aware of

So what you said is not really correct
:lol: The feckin state of this man. You’re so transparent.
You blatantly thought Sam Kerr was part black and thought there was an opportunity to get in the fact you perceive there to be a double standard in relation to when black people are racially abused or racially abuse others. You were called out on it and now you’re trying to gaslight the posterwho called you out on it. Take the L dude. Don’t dig deeper…
Ridiculous waste of police and court time plus tax payers money - thankfully they reached the correct verdict at least

Not that Kerr has exactly covered herself in glory by drunkenly puking and smashing the taxi window - I hope she paid for the all damage at the very least
Should have been thrown out on day one, drunk people being arseholes and saying words shouldn't even get to court.

Make them pay the cost of cleaning the taxi and tell them all to grow the feck up.
Being drunk isn't a free pass for breaking the law.

Think about what you are saying for a second.
:lol: The feckin state of this man. You’re so transparent.
You blatantly thought Sam Kerr was part black and thought there was an opportunity to get in the fact you perceive there to be a double standard in relation to when black people are racially abused or racially abuse others. You were called out on it and now you’re trying to gaslight the posterwho called you out on it. Take the L dude. Don’t dig deeper…

It's actually interesting when you think about it. If I'm not mistaken, 3 out 4 of her grandparents are white british/australian, the other one is indian. But for many she is anything but white british/australian.
Being drunk isn't a free pass for breaking the law.

Think about what you are saying for a second.

Never said it was. Nobody was violently attacked or killed. It was all about some sick and some words.

She got drunk and got sick in a taxi and was taken to court for saying words? Taking a drunk person through the court for words is fecking stupid and an absolute waste of time and resources that could be used somewhere else.

Obviously the legal sides aren't going to turn down the money and will do whatever they will get paid for. But a serious judge would have thrown this out on the first day.

Absolutely ridiculous carry on from all sides, throughout this whole thing, given the amount of publicity they should all have been way too embarrassed to go through with it. Make her pay for the taxi clean up and grow the feck up.