I see some people on here are still twisting themselves into knots over Sam Kerr`s apprent exceptionalism because she has Indian ethnicity on her father`s side of the family, is a woman and is a lesbian.
On what planet do the police officers who put up with her arrogant shit talking and refusal to take responsibility for being a drunken arsehole, acting as if vandalising the cab of somebody who earns a basic living was fine regardless of whether she or her girlfriend did it and justifying it and boasting about her bank account while bringing their skin colour/ethnicity into it, come out of it badly?
No excuse for these excuses for Sam Kerr - the transcript is accurate, the police officers were very controlled during their videod interactions with her and her disrespect including calling the cab driver a `f.......cnt` as well as her completely unwarranted bringing of skin colour/ethnicity into it - unwarranted in the view of people who think playing race cards when you`re being a POS is just that.
The Matildas are over-hyped by an Australian sports media that has key sections pushing the notion that a multicultural team with just a few straight players - Mary Fowler and probably a couple of players who are reserves - can`t be criticised in any way and deserve a statue in their honour for coming fourth in the Women`s World Cup. Many more Australians than you think find the whole excuse making for Sam Kerr to be irrational and yet another agenda serving exercise.
Until she behaves like somebody other than a conceited, self entitled, nasty piece of work who thinks she can treat people who don`t make millions like dirt just because she can kick a ball around, those opinions won`t change.