Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Wonder what the reaction on pro-Russia social media is to this?
Is this the biggest Russian loss so far not including the initial blitzkrieg's failure? Reputationaly at least.
The only oblast' centre that they have been able to capture throughout the war is lost now.
Unless the majority of the Russian troops and equipment are already on the other side of the river, announcing the retreat could be a massive mistake. Panic might spread among the remaining troops as no one want's to be the last men holding the line and everyone could start fleeing and leaving the equipment behind.
Wonder what the reaction on pro-Russia social media is to this?
Calling for punishment of the responsible ones. Explicitly excluding the current military leadership who inherited this mess and seem to get some respect for the decision not to send wave after wave of mobilized to hold an impossible to hold area.
Unless the majority of the Russian troops and equipment are already on the other side of the river, announcing the retreat could be a massive mistake. Panic might spread among the remaining troops as no one want's to be the last men holding the line and everyone could start fleeing and leaving the equipment behind.
That happened during every Russian retreat and it is happening now as well. Russia simply isn't able to inform all their troops in time, so some will be left behind.
Is this the biggest Russian loss so far not including the initial blitzkrieg's failure? Reputationaly at least.
The only oblast' centre that they have been able to capture throughout the war is lost now.
I think so, and as you say so much destruction, almost whole professional army and equipment wiped out, sanctions, mobilization, international isolation and you don’t have even one regional center to show for this whole mess.
I am not sure about that, but is this the first time that Russian officials just talk about defence and not make silly excuses for it? I believe I remember around Kharkiv they talked about straightening the front and such stuff?
I am not sure about that, but is this the first time that Russian officials just talk about defence and not make silly excuses for it? I believe I remember around Kharkiv they talked about straightening the front and such stuff?
Them saying that they care about the lives of Russian soldiers is even sillier that all of those strategical regroupments & gestures of good will.
So what exactly are they retreating from? The whole Kherson city? I'm confused by left bank, west bank of the river etc.
So what exactly are they retreating from? The whole Kherson city? I'm confused by left bank, west bank of the river etc.

So the "west bank" in this case is the right bank of the river, I believe, which is the side that Kherson sits on. So yeah they're retreating from the city.
So what exactly are they retreating from? The whole Kherson city? I'm confused by left bank, west bank of the river etc.

It’s confusing because the river flows north to south (generally speaking). So the right bank = the west bank.
So what exactly are they retreating from? The whole Kherson city? I'm confused by left bank, west bank of the river etc.

It means the Ukrainians recliam Kherson City and surrounding area on the same side of the river. Here's another map.

Fantastic news on the face of it. God that
pantomime statement seems to be so false though. Why telegraph the retreat before it happens?
Makes no sense to me.
He does exude a certain Vader without the helmet vibe.
I was going to say that Vader apparently recovered after Luke helped him take off the helmet. Probably another Disney retcon.
Didn't the senior generals leave weeks ago and isn't there the idea that Russia might have left some of its army in the city, hidden as civilians, to engage in brutal gorilla warfare?

Or were they just rumours?

Obvious trap too obvious?
Didn't the senior generals leave weeks ago and isn't there the idea that Russia might have left some of its army in the city, hidden as civilians, to engage in brutal gorilla warfare?

Or were they just rumours?

Obvious trap too obvious?
Who would those suicidal guerrilla fighters be exactly? Imagine how high your morale has to be to willingly get left behind to fight the overwhelming opposing force for… what exactly?
Fantastic news on the face of it. God that
pantomime statement seems to be so false though. Why telegraph the retreat before it happens?
Makes no sense to me.
On one hand, the retreat obviously was already happening during the last days, and on the other hand Ukraine broke through their lines last night. This was the last chance to call it a retreat before it becomes a lost battle.
Fantastic news on the face of it. God that
pantomime statement seems to be so false though. Why telegraph the retreat before it happens?
Makes no sense to me.

The retreat has been going on for weeks to be fair to um, they’ve been steadily withdrawing people, equipment and looting anything of worth. Just in final stages now.
Who would those suicidal guerrilla fighters be exactly? Imagine how high your morale has to be to willingly get left behind to fight the overwhelming opposing force for… what exactly?

I'm not saying it will work, or that it is a sensible tactic.

But those things don't preclude it from potentially being Russia's plan.