Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

A very important one is to be able to mock religion. Life of Brian, 1979, that's 43 years ago. I don't know any other places in the world that would be able to create such a great movie that mocks their predominant religion.

Putin is KGB, but since he cannot sell the "Communist Values" any more, he has been selling religion to Russians.
‘Dogma’ is also a great flick in the same vein.
Not in jest, but what are those?
Civil liberties, the separation of power and democracy.

I suppose it says something about post modernism that so many people people are no longer able to discern their own societal context. Presumably because they have never known the alternative (the way a fish doesn't know what water is either). And why in the era of moral relativism, so many are also unable to distinguish the evils of Western societies from the evils of oppressive regimes.
I could only make it through 3 minutes of that. What a load of tripe. It's interesting though that she is/they are so ideologically bankrupt that their increasing justification for war is a hatred for Western liberal values but they have nothing else to offer apart from a disgust toward the West.

You think back to communism or you think of different religious ideologies that sustain people and there is something there that unites people, but they've got nothing to offer.

Buisness as usual for totalitarian states. They are totalty dependant on some sort of external existential treath to keep the people in line. Read the other day that the propaganda had taken a more religious tone now and that its wasnt only Nazis, but now also Satan worshippers they were fighting and this was some kind of holy war.
Buisness as usual for totalitarian states. They are totalty dependant on some sort of external existential treath to keep the people in line. Read the other day that the propaganda had taken a more religious tone now and that its wasnt only Nazis, but now also Satan worshippers they were fighting and this was some kind of holy war.
Russia defending the world against satanistic gay jewish Nazis
Just seen a video of Russian soldiers giving a warm welcome to one of their mobilized in the Donetsk direction by collectively raping him. Sick sick country.

I can't wrap my head around that to be honest. I understand what the words mean, but the concept is just incomprehensible to me.
Russia defending the world against satanistic gay jewish Nazis

Yes, that's it! Exactly!

I was thinking, how extraordinary it is that so many ordinary Russians consider this to be a reasonable explanation of what is happening. But then, I realised that some Americans believe that Trump is the messenger of God, so...

Religion has been and remains the root of many problems in the world. Perhaps it is not religion per se, it is the ability of so many people to accept bullshit as truth. But it is the same thing, isn't it?
Elon Musk's pal David Sacks talks about his idea of splitting up Ukraine.

This narrative seems to have magically emerged on both their twitter feeds around the time it was revealed Musk spoke to Putin.

140 million and captured NLAW, Javelin and Stinger missiles was paid to Iran for the Shahed munitions.

All that for 160 drones/loitering munitions? That's an excellent deal for Iran :eek:
Considering the rumoured actual price of 20k for a Shahed-136 140m would buy 7,000 units...
How much difference will the outcome of the mid-terms make to the war?

Republicans look like they'll win but only a small margin
Elon Musk's pal David Sacks talks about his idea of splitting up Ukraine.

This narrative seems to have magically emerged on both their twitter feeds around the time it was revealed Musk spoke to Putin.

Go play EU IV, lads.
How much difference will the outcome of the mid-terms make to the war?

Republicans look like they'll win but only a small margin
Both are gonna be tight, but I think there would still be enough Republican bi-partisan support to get stuff done. Part of the issue is that lots of people, even on the Democrat side, will have a lot more leverage when every vote counts, so Biden will likely have to grant concessions.
Russian army is retreating from west side of the Dnipro in Kherson region leaving blown up bridges behind them as well. Unless they want to further put a dent on their logistics and cut themselves off as part of some grand master plan it’s seems like Ukraine might enter Kherson city in the upcoming days.
There seems to be some gains made by the UKR near Kherson.

Sounds like Russia has now ordered a full retreat so would expect Ukraine to be pushing forward, slowly, everywhere is going to be mined to shit.
Safe to say my relative perceptions of Ukrainian vs UK railways have changed over the last 10 years: